
This module serves two functions: as a staging area for extensions of Hail not ready for inclusion in the main package, and as a library of lightly reviewed community submissions.

At present, the experimental module is organized into a few freestanding modules, linked immediately below, and many freestanding functions, documented on this page.


The functionality in this module may change or disappear entirely between different versions of Hail. If you critically depend on functionality in this module, please create an issue to request promotion of that functionality to non-experimental. Otherwise, that functionality may disappear!

Contribution Guidelines

Submissions from the community are welcome! The criteria for inclusion in the experimental module are loose and subject to change:

  1. Function docstrings are required. Hail uses NumPy style docstrings.

  2. Tests are not required, but are encouraged. If you do include tests, they must run in no more than a few seconds. Place tests as a class method on Tests in python/tests/experimental/test_experimental.py

  3. Code style is not strictly enforced, aside from egregious violations. We do recommend using autopep8 though!

Annotation Database



An annotation database instance.

Genetics Methods

load_dataset(name, version, reference_genome)

Load a genetic dataset from Hail's repository.

ld_score(entry_expr, locus_expr, radius[, ...])

Calculate LD scores.

ld_score_regression(weight_expr, ...[, ...])

Estimate SNP-heritability and level of confounding biases from genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statistics.

write_expression(expr, path[, overwrite])

Write an Expression.

read_expression(path[, _assert_type])

Read an Expression written with experimental.write_expression().

filtering_allele_frequency(ac, an, ci)

Computes a filtering allele frequency (described below) for ac and an with confidence ci.


Create a metadata plot for a Hail Table or MatrixTable.

plot_roc_curve(ht, scores[, tp_label, ...])

Create ROC curve from Hail Table.

phase_by_transmission(locus, alleles, ...)

Phases genotype calls in a trio based allele transmission.

phase_trio_matrix_by_transmission(tm[, ...])

Adds a phased genoype entry to a trio MatrixTable based allele transmission in the trio.

explode_trio_matrix(tm[, col_keys, ...])

Splits a trio MatrixTable back into a sample MatrixTable.

import_gtf(path[, reference_genome, ...])

Import a GTF file.

get_gene_intervals([gene_symbols, gene_ids, ...])

Get intervals of genes or transcripts.

export_entries_by_col(mt, path[, ...])

Export entries of the mt by column as separate text files.

pc_project(call_expr, loadings_expr, af_expr)

Projects genotypes onto pre-computed PCs.

dplyr-inspired Methods

gather(ht, key, value, *fields)

Collapse fields into key-value pairs.

separate(ht, field, into, delim)

Separate a field into multiple fields by splitting on a delimiter character or position.

spread(ht, field, value[, key])

Spread a key-value pair of fields across multiple fields.


hail.experimental.load_dataset(name, version, reference_genome, region='us-central1', cloud='gcp')[source]

Load a genetic dataset from Hail’s repository.


>>> # Load the gnomAD "HGDP + 1000 Genomes" dense MatrixTable with GRCh38 coordinates.
>>> mt = hl.experimental.load_dataset(name='gnomad_hgdp_1kg_subset_dense',
...                                   version='3.1.2',
...                                   reference_genome='GRCh38',
...                                   region='us-central1',
...                                   cloud='gcp')
  • name (str) – Name of the dataset to load.

  • version (str, optional) – Version of the named dataset to load (see available versions in documentation). Possibly None for some datasets.

  • reference_genome (str, optional) – Reference genome build, 'GRCh37' or 'GRCh38'. Possibly None for some datasets.

  • region (str) – Specify region for bucket, 'us', 'us-central1', or 'europe-west1', (default is 'us-central1').

  • cloud (str) – Specify if using Google Cloud Platform or Amazon Web Services, 'gcp' or 'aws' (default is 'gcp').


The 'aws' cloud platform is currently only available for the 'us' region.


Table, MatrixTable, or BlockMatrix

hail.experimental.ld_score(entry_expr, locus_expr, radius, coord_expr=None, annotation_exprs=None, block_size=None)[source]

Calculate LD scores.


>>> # Load genetic data into MatrixTable
>>> mt = hl.import_plink(bed='data/ldsc.bed',
...                      bim='data/ldsc.bim',
...                      fam='data/ldsc.fam')
>>> # Create locus-keyed Table with numeric variant annotations
>>> ht = hl.import_table('data/ldsc.annot',
...                      types={'BP': hl.tint,
...                             'binary': hl.tfloat,
...                             'continuous': hl.tfloat})
>>> ht = ht.annotate(locus=hl.locus(ht.CHR, ht.BP))
>>> ht = ht.key_by('locus')
>>> # Annotate MatrixTable with external annotations
>>> mt = mt.annotate_rows(binary_annotation=ht[mt.locus].binary,
...                       continuous_annotation=ht[mt.locus].continuous)
>>> # Calculate LD scores using centimorgan coordinates
>>> ht_scores = hl.experimental.ld_score(entry_expr=mt.GT.n_alt_alleles(),
...                                      locus_expr=mt.locus,
...                                      radius=1.0,
...                                      coord_expr=mt.cm_position,
...                                      annotation_exprs=[mt.binary_annotation,
...                                                        mt.continuous_annotation])
>>> # Show results
>>> ht_scores.show(3)
| locus         | binary_annotation | continuous_annotation |  univariate |
| locus<GRCh37> |           float64 |               float64 |     float64 |
| 20:82079      |       1.15183e+00 |           7.30145e+01 | 1.60117e+00 |
| 20:103517     |       2.04604e+00 |           2.75392e+02 | 4.69239e+00 |
| 20:108286     |       2.06585e+00 |           2.86453e+02 | 5.00124e+00 |


ld_score() will fail if entry_expr results in any missing values. The special float value nan is not considered a missing value.

Further reading

For more in-depth discussion of LD scores, see:


entry_expr, locus_expr, coord_expr (if specified), and annotation_exprs (if specified) must come from the same MatrixTable.

  • entry_expr (NumericExpression) – Expression for entries of genotype matrix (e.g. mt.GT.n_alt_alleles()).

  • locus_expr (LocusExpression) – Row-indexed locus expression.

  • radius (int or float) – Radius of window for row values (in units of coord_expr if set, otherwise in units of basepairs).

  • coord_expr (Float64Expression, optional) – Row-indexed numeric expression for the row value used to window variants. By default, the row value is given by the locus position.

  • annotation_exprs (NumericExpression or) – list of NumericExpression, optional Annotation expression(s) to partition LD scores. Univariate annotation will always be included and does not need to be specified.

  • block_size (int, optional) – Block size. Default given by BlockMatrix.default_block_size().


Table – Table keyed by locus_expr with LD scores for each variant and annotation_expr. The function will always return LD scores for the univariate (all SNPs) annotation.

hail.experimental.ld_score_regression(weight_expr, ld_score_expr, chi_sq_exprs, n_samples_exprs, n_blocks=200, two_step_threshold=30, n_reference_panel_variants=None)[source]

Estimate SNP-heritability and level of confounding biases from genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statistics.

Given a set or multiple sets of GWAS summary statistics, ld_score_regression() estimates the heritability of a trait or set of traits and the level of confounding biases present in the underlying studies by regressing chi-squared statistics on LD scores, leveraging the model:

\[\mathrm{E}[\chi_j^2] = 1 + Na + \frac{Nh_g^2}{M}l_j\]
  • \(\mathrm{E}[\chi_j^2]\) is the expected chi-squared statistic for variant \(j\) resulting from a test of association between variant \(j\) and a trait.

  • \(l_j = \sum_{k} r_{jk}^2\) is the LD score of variant \(j\), calculated as the sum of squared correlation coefficients between variant \(j\) and nearby variants. See ld_score() for further details.

  • \(a\) captures the contribution of confounding biases, such as cryptic relatedness and uncontrolled population structure, to the association test statistic.

  • \(h_g^2\) is the SNP-heritability, or the proportion of variation in the trait explained by the effects of variants included in the regression model above.

  • \(M\) is the number of variants used to estimate \(h_g^2\).

  • \(N\) is the number of samples in the underlying association study.

For more details on the method implemented in this function, see:


Run the method on a matrix table of summary statistics, where the rows are variants and the columns are different phenotypes:

>>> mt_gwas = ld_score_all_phenos_sumstats
>>> ht_results = hl.experimental.ld_score_regression(
...     weight_expr=mt_gwas['ld_score'],
...     ld_score_expr=mt_gwas['ld_score'],
...     chi_sq_exprs=mt_gwas['chi_squared'],
...     n_samples_exprs=mt_gwas['n'])

Run the method on a table with summary statistics for a single phenotype:

>>> ht_gwas = ld_score_one_pheno_sumstats
>>> ht_results = hl.experimental.ld_score_regression(
...     weight_expr=ht_gwas['ld_score'],
...     ld_score_expr=ht_gwas['ld_score'],
...     chi_sq_exprs=ht_gwas['chi_squared_50_irnt'],
...     n_samples_exprs=ht_gwas['n_50_irnt'])

Run the method on a table with summary statistics for multiple phenotypes:

>>> ht_gwas = ld_score_one_pheno_sumstats
>>> ht_results = hl.experimental.ld_score_regression(
...     weight_expr=ht_gwas['ld_score'],
...     ld_score_expr=ht_gwas['ld_score'],
...     chi_sq_exprs=[ht_gwas['chi_squared_50_irnt'],
...                        ht_gwas['chi_squared_20160']],
...     n_samples_exprs=[ht_gwas['n_50_irnt'],
...                      ht_gwas['n_20160']])


The exprs provided as arguments to ld_score_regression() must all be from the same object, either a Table or a MatrixTable.

If the arguments originate from a table:

  • The table must be keyed by fields locus of type tlocus and alleles, a tarray of tstr elements.

  • weight_expr, ld_score_expr, chi_sq_exprs, and n_samples_exprs are must be row-indexed fields.

  • The number of expressions passed to n_samples_exprs must be equal to one or the number of expressions passed to chi_sq_exprs. If just one expression is passed to n_samples_exprs, that sample size expression is assumed to apply to all sets of statistics passed to chi_sq_exprs. Otherwise, the expressions passed to chi_sq_exprs and n_samples_exprs are matched by index.

  • The phenotype field that keys the table returned by ld_score_regression() will have generic int values 0, 1, etc. corresponding to the 0th, 1st, etc. expressions passed to the chi_sq_exprs argument.

If the arguments originate from a matrix table:

  • The dimensions of the matrix table must be variants (rows) by phenotypes (columns).

  • The rows of the matrix table must be keyed by fields locus of type tlocus and alleles, a tarray of tstr elements.

  • The columns of the matrix table must be keyed by a field of type tstr that uniquely identifies phenotypes represented in the matrix table. The column key must be a single expression; compound keys are not accepted.

  • weight_expr and ld_score_expr must be row-indexed fields.

  • chi_sq_exprs must be a single entry-indexed field (not a list of fields).

  • n_samples_exprs must be a single entry-indexed field (not a list of fields).

  • The phenotype field that keys the table returned by ld_score_regression() will have values corresponding to the column keys of the input matrix table.

This function returns a Table with one row per set of summary statistics passed to the chi_sq_exprs argument. The following row-indexed fields are included in the table:

  • phenotype (tstr) – The name of the phenotype. The returned table is keyed by this field. See the notes below for details on the possible values of this field.

  • mean_chi_sq (tfloat64) – The mean chi-squared test statistic for the given phenotype.

  • intercept (Struct) – Contains fields:

    • estimate (tfloat64) – A point estimate of the intercept \(1 + Na\).

    • standard_error (tfloat64) – An estimate of the standard error of this point estimate.

  • snp_heritability (Struct) – Contains fields:

    • estimate (tfloat64) – A point estimate of the SNP-heritability \(h_g^2\).

    • standard_error (tfloat64) – An estimate of the standard error of this point estimate.


ld_score_regression() considers only the rows for which both row fields weight_expr and ld_score_expr are defined. Rows with missing values in either field are removed prior to fitting the LD score regression model.

  • weight_expr (Float64Expression) – Row-indexed expression for the LD scores used to derive variant weights in the model.

  • ld_score_expr (Float64Expression) – Row-indexed expression for the LD scores used as covariates in the model.

  • chi_sq_exprs (Float64Expression or list of) – Float64Expression One or more row-indexed (if table) or entry-indexed (if matrix table) expressions for chi-squared statistics resulting from genome-wide association studies (GWAS).

  • n_samples_exprs (NumericExpression or list of) – NumericExpression One or more row-indexed (if table) or entry-indexed (if matrix table) expressions indicating the number of samples used in the studies that generated the test statistics supplied to chi_sq_exprs.

  • n_blocks (int) – The number of blocks used in the jackknife approach to estimating standard errors.

  • two_step_threshold (int) – Variants with chi-squared statistics greater than this value are excluded in the first step of the two-step procedure used to fit the model.

  • n_reference_panel_variants (int, optional) – Number of variants used to estimate the SNP-heritability \(h_g^2\).


Table – Table keyed by phenotype with intercept and heritability estimates for each phenotype passed to the function.

hail.experimental.write_expression(expr, path, overwrite=False)[source]

Write an Expression.

In the same vein as Python’s pickle, write out an expression that does not have a source (such as one that comes from Table.aggregate with _localize=False).


>>> ht = hl.utils.range_table(100).annotate(x=hl.rand_norm())
>>> mean_norm = ht.aggregate(hl.agg.mean(ht.x), _localize=False)
>>> mean_norm
>>> hl.eval(mean_norm)
>>> hl.experimental.write_expression(mean_norm, 'output/expression.he')
  • expr (Expression) – Expression to write.

  • path (str) – Path to which to write expression. Suggested extension: .he (hail expression).

  • overwrite (bool) – If True, overwrite an existing file at the destination.



hail.experimental.read_expression(path, _assert_type=None)[source]

Read an Expression written with experimental.write_expression().


>>> hl.experimental.write_expression(hl.array([1, 2]), 'output/test_expression.he')
>>> expression = hl.experimental.read_expression('output/test_expression.he')
>>> hl.eval(expression)

path (str) – File to read.




Create a metadata plot for a Hail Table or MatrixTable.


t_path (str) – Path to the Hail Table or MatrixTable files.


bokeh.plotting.figure or bokeh.models.layouts.Column

hail.experimental.plot_roc_curve(ht, scores, tp_label='tp', fp_label='fp', colors=None, title='ROC Curve', hover_mode='mouse')[source]

Create ROC curve from Hail Table.

One or more score fields must be provided, which are assessed against tp_label and fp_label as truth data.

High scores should correspond to true positives.

  • ht (Table) – Table with required data

  • scores (str or list of str) – Top-level location of scores in ht against which to generate PR curves.

  • tp_label (str) – Top-level location of true positives in ht.

  • fp_label (str) – Top-level location of false positives in ht.

  • colors (dict of str) – Optional colors to use (score -> desired color).

  • title (str) – Title of plot.

  • hover_mode (str) – Hover mode; one of ‘mouse’ (default), ‘vline’ or ‘hline’


tuple of bokeh.plotting.figure and list of str – Figure, and list of AUCs corresponding to scores.

hail.experimental.filtering_allele_frequency(ac, an, ci)[source]

Computes a filtering allele frequency (described below) for ac and an with confidence ci.

The filtering allele frequency is the highest true population allele frequency for which the upper bound of the ci (confidence interval) of allele count under a Poisson distribution is still less than the variant’s observed ac (allele count) in the reference sample, given an an (allele number).

This function defines a “filtering AF” that represents the threshold disease-specific “maximum credible AF” at or below which the disease could not plausibly be caused by that variant. A variant with a filtering AF >= the maximum credible AF for the disease under consideration should be filtered, while a variant with a filtering AF below the maximum credible remains a candidate. This filtering AF is not disease-specific: it can be applied to any disease of interest by comparing with a user-defined disease-specific maximum credible AF.

For more details, see: Whiffin et al., 2017


Expression of type tfloat64

hail.experimental.phase_by_transmission(locus, alleles, proband_call, father_call, mother_call)[source]

Phases genotype calls in a trio based allele transmission.


In the phased calls returned, the order is as follows: - Proband: father_allele | mother_allele - Parents: transmitted_allele | untransmitted_allele

Phasing of sex chromosomes: - Sex chromosomes of male individuals should be haploid to be phased correctly. - If proband_call is diploid on non-par regions of the sex chromosomes, it is assumed to be female.

Returns NA when genotype calls cannot be phased. The following genotype calls combinations cannot be phased by transmission: 1. One of the calls in the trio is missing 2. The proband genotype cannot be obtained from the parents alleles (Mendelian violation) 3. All individuals of the trio are heterozygous for the same two alleles 4. Father is diploid on non-PAR region of X or Y 5. Proband is diploid on non-PAR region of Y

In addition, individual phased genotype calls are returned as missing in the following situations: 1. All mother genotype calls non-PAR region of Y 2. Diploid father genotype calls on non-PAR region of X for a male proband (proband and mother are still phased as father doesn’t participate in allele transmission)


phase_trio_matrix_by_transmission() provides a convenience wrapper for phasing a trio matrix.

  • locus (LocusExpression) – Expression for the locus in the trio matrix

  • alleles (ArrayExpression) – Expression for the alleles in the trio matrix

  • proband_call (CallExpression) – Expression for the proband call in the trio matrix

  • father_call (CallExpression) – Expression for the father call in the trio matrix

  • mother_call (CallExpression) – Expression for the mother call in the trio matrix


ArrayExpression – Array containing: [phased proband call, phased father call, phased mother call]

hail.experimental.phase_trio_matrix_by_transmission(tm, call_field='GT', phased_call_field='PBT_GT')[source]

Adds a phased genoype entry to a trio MatrixTable based allele transmission in the trio.


>>> # Create a trio matrix
>>> pedigree = hl.Pedigree.read('data/case_control_study.fam')
>>> trio_dataset = hl.trio_matrix(dataset, pedigree, complete_trios=True)
>>> # Phase trios by transmission
>>> phased_trio_dataset = phase_trio_matrix_by_transmission(trio_dataset)


Uses only a Call field to phase and only phases when all 3 members of the trio are present and have a call.

In the phased genotypes, the order is as follows: - Proband: father_allele | mother_allele - Parents: transmitted_allele | untransmitted_allele

Phasing of sex chromosomes: - Sex chromosomes of male individuals should be haploid to be phased correctly. - If a proband is diploid on non-par regions of the sex chromosomes, it is assumed to be female.

Genotypes that cannot be phased are set to NA. The following genotype calls combinations cannot be phased by transmission (all trio members phased calls set to missing): 1. One of the calls in the trio is missing 2. The proband genotype cannot be obtained from the parents alleles (Mendelian violation) 3. All individuals of the trio are heterozygous for the same two alleles 4. Father is diploid on non-PAR region of X or Y 5. Proband is diploid on non-PAR region of Y

In addition, individual phased genotype calls are returned as missing in the following situations: 1. All mother genotype calls non-PAR region of Y 2. Diploid father genotype calls on non-PAR region of X for a male proband (proband and mother are still phased as father doesn’t participate in allele transmission)

  • tm (MatrixTable) – Trio MatrixTable (entries have to be a Struct with proband_entry, mother_entry and father_entry present)

  • call_field (str) – genotype field name in the matrix entries to use for phasing

  • phased_call_field (str) – name for the phased genotype field in the matrix entries


MatrixTable – Trio MatrixTable entry with additional phased genotype field for each individual

hail.experimental.explode_trio_matrix(tm, col_keys=['s'], keep_trio_cols=True, keep_trio_entries=False)[source]

Splits a trio MatrixTable back into a sample MatrixTable.


>>> # Create a trio matrix from a sample matrix
>>> pedigree = hl.Pedigree.read('data/case_control_study.fam')
>>> trio_dataset = hl.trio_matrix(dataset, pedigree, complete_trios=True)
>>> # Explode trio matrix back into a sample matrix
>>> exploded_trio_dataset = explode_trio_matrix(trio_dataset)


The resulting MatrixTable column schema is the same as the proband/father/mother schema, and the resulting entry schema is the same as the proband_entry/father_entry/mother_entry schema. If the keep_trio_cols option is set, then an additional source_trio column is added with the trio column data. If the keep_trio_entries option is set, then an additional source_trio_entry column is added with the trio entry data.


This assumes that the input MatrixTable is a trio MatrixTable (similar to the result of trio_matrix()) Its entry schema has to contain ‘proband_entry`, father_entry and mother_entry all with the same type. Its column schema has to contain ‘proband`, father and mother all with the same type.

  • tm (MatrixTable) – Trio MatrixTable (entries have to be a Struct with proband_entry, mother_entry and father_entry present)

  • col_keys (list of str) – Column key(s) for the resulting sample MatrixTable

  • keep_trio_cols (bool) – Whether to add a source_trio column with the trio column data (default True)

  • keep_trio_entries (bool) – Whether to add a source_trio_entries column with the trio entry data (default False)


MatrixTable – Sample MatrixTable

hail.experimental.import_gtf(path, reference_genome=None, skip_invalid_contigs=False, min_partitions=None, force_bgz=False, force=False)[source]

Import a GTF file.

The GTF file format is identical to the GFF version 2 file format, and so this function can be used to import GFF version 2 files as well.

See https://www.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/gff.html for more details on the GTF/GFF2 file format.

The Table returned by this function will be keyed by the interval row field and will include the following row fields:

'source': str
'feature': str
'score': float64
'strand': str
'frame': int32
'interval': interval<>

There will also be corresponding fields for every tag found in the attribute field of the GTF file.


This function will return an interval field of type tinterval constructed from the seqname, start, and end fields in the GTF file. This interval is inclusive of both the start and end positions in the GTF file.

If the reference_genome parameter is specified, the start and end points of the interval field will be of type tlocus. Otherwise, the start and end points of the interval field will be of type tstruct with fields seqname (type str) and position (type tint32).

Furthermore, if the reference_genome parameter is specified and skip_invalid_contigs is True, this import function will skip lines in the GTF where seqname is not consistent with the reference genome specified.


>>> ht = hl.experimental.import_gtf('data/test.gtf',
...                                 reference_genome='GRCh37',
...                                 skip_invalid_contigs=True)
>>> ht.describe()  
Global fields:
Row fields:
    'source': str
    'feature': str
    'score': float64
    'strand': str
    'frame': int32
    'gene_type': str
    'exon_id': str
    'havana_transcript': str
    'level': str
    'transcript_name': str
    'gene_status': str
    'gene_id': str
    'transcript_type': str
    'tag': str
    'transcript_status': str
    'gene_name': str
    'transcript_id': str
    'exon_number': str
    'havana_gene': str
    'interval': interval<locus<GRCh37>>
Key: ['interval']
  • path (str) – File to import.

  • reference_genome (str or ReferenceGenome, optional) – Reference genome to use.

  • skip_invalid_contigs (bool) – If True and reference_genome is not None, skip lines where seqname is not consistent with the reference genome.

  • min_partitions (int or None) – Minimum number of partitions (passed to import_table).

  • force_bgz (bool) – If True, load files as blocked gzip files, assuming that they were actually compressed using the BGZ codec. This option is useful when the file extension is not '.bgz', but the file is blocked gzip, so that the file can be read in parallel and not on a single node.

  • force (bool) – If True, load gzipped files serially on one core. This should be used only when absolutely necessary, as processing time will be increased due to lack of parallelism.



hail.experimental.get_gene_intervals(gene_symbols=None, gene_ids=None, transcript_ids=None, verbose=True, reference_genome=None, gtf_file=None)[source]

Get intervals of genes or transcripts.

Get the boundaries of genes or transcripts from a GTF file, for quick filtering of a Table or MatrixTable.

On Google Cloud platform: Gencode v19 (GRCh37) GTF available at: gs://hail-common/references/gencode/gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.bgz Gencode v29 (GRCh38) GTF available at: gs://hail-common/references/gencode/gencode.v29.annotation.gtf.bgz


>>> hl.filter_intervals(ht, get_gene_intervals(gene_symbols=['PCSK9'], reference_genome='GRCh37'))  
  • gene_symbols (list of str, optional) – Gene symbols (e.g. PCSK9).

  • gene_ids (list of str, optional) – Gene IDs (e.g. ENSG00000223972).

  • transcript_ids (list of str, optional) – Transcript IDs (e.g. ENSG00000223972).

  • verbose (bool) – If True, print which genes and transcripts were matched in the GTF file.

  • reference_genome (str or ReferenceGenome, optional) – Reference genome to use (passed along to import_gtf).

  • gtf_file (str) – GTF file to load. If none is provided, but reference_genome is one of GRCh37 or GRCh38, a default will be used (on Google Cloud Platform).


list of Interval

hail.experimental.export_entries_by_col(mt, path, batch_size=256, bgzip=True, header_json_in_file=True, use_string_key_as_file_name=False)[source]

Export entries of the mt by column as separate text files.


>>> range_mt = hl.utils.range_matrix_table(10, 10)
>>> range_mt = range_mt.annotate_entries(x = hl.rand_unif(0, 1))
>>> hl.experimental.export_entries_by_col(range_mt, 'output/cols_files')


This function writes a directory with one file per column in mt. The files contain one tab-separated field (with header) for each row field and entry field in mt. The column fields of mt are written as JSON in the first line of each file, prefixed with a #.

The above will produce a directory at output/cols_files with the following files:

$ ls -l output/cols_files
total 80
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 index.tsv
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 part-00.tsv.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 part-01.tsv.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 part-02.tsv.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 part-03.tsv.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 part-04.tsv.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 part-05.tsv.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 part-06.tsv.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 part-07.tsv.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 part-08.tsv.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 hail-dev  wheel  712 Jan 25 17:19 part-09.tsv.bgz

$ zcat output/cols_files/part-00.tsv.bgz
row_idx  x
0        6.2501e-02
1        7.0083e-01
2        3.6452e-01
3        4.4170e-01
4        7.9177e-02
5        6.2392e-01
6        5.9920e-01
7        9.7540e-01
8        8.4848e-01
9        3.7423e-01

Due to overhead and file system limits related to having large numbers of open files, this function will iteratively export groups of columns. The batch_size parameter can control the size of these groups.

  • mt (MatrixTable)

  • path (int) – Path (directory to write to.

  • batch_size (int) – Number of columns to write per iteration.

  • bgzip (bool) – BGZip output files.

  • header_json_in_file (bool) – Include JSON header in each component file (if False, only written to index.tsv)

hail.experimental.gather(ht, key, value, *fields)[source]

Collapse fields into key-value pairs.

gather() mimics the functionality of the gather() function found in R’s tidyr package. This is a way to turn “wide” format data into “long” format data.

  • ht (Table) – A Hail table.

  • key (str) – The name of the key field in the gathered table.

  • value (str) – The name of the value field in the gathered table.

  • fields (variable-length args of obj:str) – Names of fields to gather in ht.


Table – Table with original fields gathered into key and value fields.

hail.experimental.separate(ht, field, into, delim)[source]

Separate a field into multiple fields by splitting on a delimiter character or position.

separate() mimics the functionality of the separate() function in R’s tidyr package.

This function will create a new table where field has been split into multiple new fields, whose names are given by into.

If delim is a str (including regular expression strings), field will be separated into columns by that string. In this case, the length of into must match the number of resulting fields.

If delim is an int, field will be separated into two row fields, where the first field contains the first delim characters of field and the second field contains the remaining characters.

  • ht (Table) – A Hail table.

  • field (str) – The name of the field to separate in ht.

  • into (list of str) – The names of the fields to create by separating field.

  • delimiter (str or int) – The character or position by which to separate field.


Table – Table with original field split into fields whose names are defined by into.

hail.experimental.spread(ht, field, value, key=None)[source]

Spread a key-value pair of fields across multiple fields.

spread() mimics the functionality of the spread() function in R’s tidyr package. This is a way to turn “long” format data into “wide” format data.

Given a field, spread() will create a new table by grouping ht by its row key and, optionally, any additional fields passed to the key argument.

After collapsing ht by these keys, spread() creates a new row field for each unique value of field, where the row field values are given by the corresponding value in the original ht.

  • ht (Table) – A Hail table.

  • field (str) – The name of the factor field in ht.

  • value (str) – The name of the value field in ht.

  • key (optional, obj:str or list of str) – The name of any fields to group by, in addition to the row key fields of ht.


Table – Table with original key and value fields spread across multiple columns.

hail.experimental.full_outer_join_mt(left, right)[source]

Performs a full outer join on left and right.

Replaces row, column, and entry fields with the following:

  • left_row / right_row: structs of row fields from left and right.

  • left_col / right_col: structs of column fields from left and right.

  • left_entry / right_entry: structs of entry fields from left and right.


The following creates and joins two random datasets with disjoint sample ids but non-disjoint variant sets. We use or_else() to attempt to find a non-missing genotype. If neither genotype is non-missing, then the genotype is set to missing. In particular, note that Samples 2 and 3 have missing genotypes for loci 1:1 and 1:2 because those loci are not present in mt2 and these samples are not present in mt1

>>> hl.reset_global_randomness()
>>> mt1 = hl.balding_nichols_model(1, 2, 3)
>>> mt2 = hl.balding_nichols_model(1, 2, 3)
>>> mt2 = mt2.key_rows_by(locus=hl.locus(mt2.locus.contig,
...                                      mt2.locus.position+2),
...                       alleles=mt2.alleles)
>>> mt2 = mt2.key_cols_by(sample_idx=mt2.sample_idx+2)
>>> mt1.show()
| locus         | alleles    | 0.GT | 1.GT |
| locus<GRCh37> | array<str> | call | call |
| 1:1           | ["A","C"]  | 0/0  | 0/0  |
| 1:2           | ["A","C"]  | 0/1  | 0/1  |
| 1:3           | ["A","C"]  | 0/0  | 0/1  |

>>> mt2.show()
| locus         | alleles    | 2.GT | 3.GT |
| locus<GRCh37> | array<str> | call | call |
| 1:3           | ["A","C"]  | 0/1  | 1/1  |
| 1:4           | ["A","C"]  | 1/1  | 0/1  |
| 1:5           | ["A","C"]  | 0/0  | 0/0  |

>>> mt3 = hl.experimental.full_outer_join_mt(mt1, mt2)
>>> mt3 = mt3.select_entries(GT=hl.or_else(mt3.left_entry.GT, mt3.right_entry.GT))
>>> mt3.show()
| locus         | alleles    | 0.GT | 1.GT | 2.GT | 3.GT |
| locus<GRCh37> | array<str> | call | call | call | call |
| 1:1           | ["A","C"]  | 0/0  | 0/0  | NA   | NA   |
| 1:2           | ["A","C"]  | 0/1  | 0/1  | NA   | NA   |
| 1:3           | ["A","C"]  | 0/0  | 0/1  | 0/1  | 1/1  |
| 1:4           | ["A","C"]  | NA   | NA   | 1/1  | 0/1  |
| 1:5           | ["A","C"]  | NA   | NA   | 0/0  | 0/0  |


hail.experimental.strftime(format, time, zone_id)[source]

Convert Unix timestamp to a formatted datetime string.


>>> hl.eval(hl.experimental.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %z", 1562569201, "America/New_York"))
'2019.07.08 03:00:01 -04:00'
>>> hl.eval(hl.experimental.strftime("%A, %B %e, %Y. %r", 876541523, "GMT+2"))
'Saturday, October 11, 1997. 05:45:23 AM'
>>> hl.eval(hl.experimental.strftime("%A, %B %e, %Y. %r", 876541523, "+08:00"))
'Saturday, October 11, 1997. 11:45:23 AM'


The following formatting characters are supported in format strings: A a B b D d e F H I j k l M m n p R r S s T t U u V v W Y y z See documentation here: https://linux.die.net/man/3/strftime

A zone id can take one of three forms. It can be an explicit offset, like “+01:00”, a relative offset, like “GMT+2”, or a IANA timezone database (TZDB) identifier, like “America/New_York”. Wikipedia maintains a list of TZDB identifiers here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones

Currently, the formatter implicitly uses the “en_US” locale.

  • format (str or Expression of type tstr) – The format string describing how to render the time.

  • time (int of Expression of type tint64) – A long representing the time as a Unix timestamp.

  • zone_id (str or Expression of type tstr) – An id representing the timezone. See notes above.


StringExpression – A string of the specified format based on the requested time.

hail.experimental.strptime(time, format, zone_id)[source]

Interpret a formatted datetime string as a Unix timestamp (number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00Z (ISO)).


>>> hl.eval(hl.experimental.strptime("07/08/19  3:00:01 AM", "%D %l:%M:%S %p", "America/New_York"))
>>> hl.eval(hl.experimental.strptime("Saturday, October 11, 1997. 05:45:23 AM", "%A, %B %e, %Y. %r", "GMT+2"))


The following formatting characters are supported in format strings: A a B b D d e F H I j k l M m n p R r S s T t U u V v W Y y z See documentation here: https://linux.die.net/man/3/strftime

A zone id can take one of three forms. It can be an explicit offset, like “+01:00”, a relative offset, like “GMT+2”, or a IANA timezone database (TZDB) identifier, like “America/New_York”. Wikipedia maintains a list of TZDB identifiers here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones

Currently, the parser implicitly uses the “en_US” locale.

This function will fail if there is not enough information in the string to determine a particular timestamp. For example, if you have the string “07/08/09” and the format string “%Y.%m.%d”, this method will fail, since that’s not specific enough to determine seconds from. You can fix this by adding “00:00:00” to your date string and “%H:%M:%S” to your format string.

  • time (str or Expression of type tstr) – The string from which to parse the time.

  • format (str or Expression of type tstr) – The format string describing how to parse the time.

  • zone_id (str or Expression of type tstr) – An id representing the timezone. See notes above.


Int64Expression – The Unix timestamp associated with the given time string.

hail.experimental.pc_project(call_expr, loadings_expr, af_expr)[source]

Projects genotypes onto pre-computed PCs. Requires loadings and allele-frequency from a reference dataset (see example). Note that loadings_expr must have no missing data and reflect the rows from the original PCA run for this method to be accurate.


>>> # Compute loadings and allele frequency for reference dataset
>>> _, _, loadings_ht = hl.hwe_normalized_pca(mt.GT, k=10, compute_loadings=True)   
>>> mt = mt.annotate_rows(af=hl.agg.mean(mt.GT.n_alt_alleles()) / 2)                
>>> loadings_ht = loadings_ht.annotate(af=mt.rows()[loadings_ht.key].af)            
>>> # Project new genotypes onto loadings
>>> ht = pc_project(mt_to_project.GT, loadings_ht.loadings, loadings_ht.af)         

Table – Table with scores calculated from loadings in column scores

hail.experimental.loop(f, typ, *args)[source]

Define and call a tail-recursive function with given arguments.


The argument f must be a function where the first argument defines the recursive call, and the remaining arguments are the arguments to the recursive function, e.g. to define the recursive function

\[f(x, y) = \begin{cases} y & \textrm{if } x \equiv 0 \\ f(x - 1, y + x) & \textrm{otherwise} \end{cases}\]

we would write: >>> f = lambda recur, x, y: hl.if_else(x == 0, y, recur(x - 1, y + x))

Full recursion is not supported, and any non-tail-recursive methods will throw an error when called.

This means that the result of any recursive call within the function must also be the result of the entire function, without modification. Let’s consider two different recursive definitions for the triangle function \(f(x) = 0 + 1 + \dots + x\):

>>> def triangle1(x):
...     if x == 1:
...         return x
...     return x + triangle1(x - 1)
>>> def triangle2(x, total):
...     if x == 0:
...         return total
...     return triangle2(x - 1, total + x)

The first function definition, triangle1, will call itself and then add x. This is an example of a non-tail recursive function, since triangle1(9) needs to modify the result of the inner recursive call to triangle1(8) by adding 9 to the result.

The second function is tail recursive: the result of triangle2(9, 0) is the same as the result of the inner recursive call, triangle2(8, 9).


To find the sum of all the numbers from n=1…10: >>> triangle_f = lambda f, x, total: hl.if_else(x == 0, total, f(x - 1, total + x)) >>> x = hl.experimental.loop(triangle_f, hl.tint32, 10, 0) >>> hl.eval(x) 55

Let’s say we want to find the root of a polynomial equation: >>> def polynomial(x): … return 5 * x**3 - 2 * x - 1

We’ll use Newton’s method<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_method> to find it, so we’ll also define the derivative:

>>> def derivative(x):
...     return 15 * x**2 - 2

and starting at \(x_0 = 0\), we’ll compute the next step \(x_{i+1} = x_i - \frac{f(x_i)}{f'(x_i)}\) until the difference between \(x_{i}\) and \(x_{i+1}\) falls below our convergence threshold:

>>> threshold = 0.005
>>> def find_root(f, guess, error):
...     converged = hl.is_defined(error) & (error < threshold)
...     new_guess = guess - (polynomial(guess) / derivative(guess))
...     new_error = hl.abs(new_guess - guess)
...     return hl.if_else(converged, guess, f(new_guess, new_error))
>>> x = hl.experimental.loop(find_root, hl.tfloat, 0.0, hl.missing(hl.tfloat))
>>> hl.eval(x)


Using arguments of a type other than numeric types and booleans can cause memory issues if if you expect the recursive call to happen many times.

  • f (function ( (marker, *args) -> Expression) – Function of one callable marker, denoting where the recursive call (or calls) is located, and many args, the loop variables.

  • typ (str or HailType) – Type the loop returns.

  • args (variable-length args of Expression) – Expressions to initialize the loop values.


Expression – Result of the loop with args as initial loop values.