Experimental ============ This module serves two functions: as a staging area for extensions of Hail not ready for inclusion in the main package, and as a library of lightly reviewed community submissions. At present, the experimental module is organized into a few freestanding modules, linked immediately below, and many freestanding functions, documented on this page. .. warning:: The functionality in this module may change or disappear entirely between different versions of Hail. If you critically depend on functionality in this module, please create an issue to request promotion of that functionality to non-experimental. Otherwise, that functionality may disappear! .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 ldscsim Contribution Guidelines ----------------------- Submissions from the community are welcome! The criteria for inclusion in the experimental module are loose and subject to change: 1. Function docstrings are required. Hail uses `NumPy style docstrings `__. 2. Tests are not required, but are encouraged. If you do include tests, they must run in no more than a few seconds. Place tests as a class method on ``Tests`` in ``python/tests/experimental/test_experimental.py`` 3. Code style is not strictly enforced, aside from egregious violations. We do recommend using `autopep8 `__ though! .. currentmodule:: hail.experimental Annotation Database ------------------- .. rubric:: Classes .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: ./ :template: class.rst hail.experimental.DB Genetics Methods ---------------- .. autosummary:: load_dataset ld_score ld_score_regression write_expression read_expression filtering_allele_frequency hail_metadata plot_roc_curve phase_by_transmission phase_trio_matrix_by_transmission explode_trio_matrix import_gtf get_gene_intervals export_entries_by_col pc_project `dplyr`-inspired Methods ------------------------ .. autosummary:: gather separate spread Functions --------- .. autofunction:: load_dataset .. autofunction:: ld_score .. autofunction:: ld_score_regression .. autofunction:: write_expression .. autofunction:: read_expression .. autofunction:: hail_metadata .. autofunction:: plot_roc_curve .. autofunction:: filtering_allele_frequency .. autofunction:: phase_by_transmission .. autofunction:: phase_trio_matrix_by_transmission .. autofunction:: explode_trio_matrix .. autofunction:: import_gtf .. autofunction:: get_gene_intervals .. autofunction:: export_entries_by_col .. autofunction:: gather .. autofunction:: separate .. autofunction:: spread .. autofunction:: full_outer_join_mt .. autofunction:: strftime .. autofunction:: strptime .. autofunction:: pc_project .. autofunction:: loop