Install Hail on Mac OS X

  • Install Java 11. We recommend using a packaged installation from Azul (make sure the OS version and architecture match your system) or using Homebrew:

    brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
    brew install --cask temurin8

    You must pick a Java installation with a compatible architecture. If you have an Apple M1 or M2 you must use an “arm64” Java, otherwise you must use an “x86_64” Java. You can check if you have an M1 or M2 either in the “Apple Menu > About This Mac” or by running uname -m

  • Install Python 3.9 or later. We recommend Miniconda.

  • Open and execute pip install hail. If this command fails with a message about “Rust”, please try this instead: pip install hail --only-binary=:all:.

  • Run your first Hail query!

hailctl Autocompletion (Optional)

  • Install autocompletion with hailctl --install-completion zsh

  • Ensure this line is in your zsh config file (~/.zshrc) and then reload your terminal.

    autoload -Uz compinit && compinit