Use Hail on Google Dataproc

First, install Hail on your Mac OS X or Linux laptop or desktop. The Hail pip package includes a tool called hailctl dataproc which starts, stops, and manipulates Hail-enabled Dataproc clusters.

Start a dataproc cluster named “my-first-cluster”. Cluster names may only contain a mix lowercase letters and dashes. Starting a cluster can take as long as two minutes.

hailctl dataproc start my-first-cluster

Create a file called “” and place the following analysis of a randomly generated dataset with five-hundred samples and half-a-million variants.

import hail as hl
mt = hl.balding_nichols_model(n_populations=3,
mt = mt.annotate_cols(drinks_coffee = hl.rand_bool(0.33))
gwas = hl.linear_regression_rows(y=mt.drinks_coffee,

Submit the analysis to the cluster and wait for the results. You should not have to wait more than a minute.

hailctl dataproc submit my-first-cluster

When the script is done running you’ll see 25 rows of variant association results.

You can also start a Jupyter Notebook running on the cluster:

hailctl dataproc connect my-first-cluster notebook

When you are finished with the cluster stop it:

hailctl dataproc stop my-first-cluster

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