from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Tuple, overload
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import hail
import hail as hl
from hail import ir
from hail.expr import expressions
from hail.expr.types import (
from hail.typecheck import anyfunc, linked_list, nullable, typecheck_method
from import Env
from hail.utils.linkedlist import LinkedList
from .indices import Aggregation, Indices
class Summary(object):
def __init__(self, type, count, summ_fields, nested, header=None):
self.count = count
self.summ_fields = summ_fields
self.nested = nested
self.type = type
self.header = header
def pct(x):
return f'{x*100:.2f}%'
def format(x):
if isinstance(x, float):
return f'{x:.2f}'
return str(x)
def __str__(self):
return self._ascii_string(depth=0, prefix=None)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def _repr_html_(self):
return self._html_string(prefix=None)
def _ascii_string(self, depth, prefix):
spacing = ' ' * depth
summary = ''
if self.header:
summary += f'\n{spacing}{self.header}'
if prefix is not None:
summary += f'\n\n{spacing}- {prefix} ({summary_type(self.type)}):'
if len(self.summ_fields) > 0:
max_n_len = max(len(n) for n in self.summ_fields.keys())
for name, v in self.summ_fields.items():
summary += f'\n{spacing} {name.rjust(max_n_len)}: {self.format(v)}'
for name, field in self.nested.items():
_name = name
if prefix is not None:
_name = f'{prefix}{name}'
summary += field._ascii_string(depth + 1, prefix=_name)
return summary
def _html_string(self, prefix):
import html
summary = ''
if self.header:
summary += f'<p>{self.header}</p>'
if prefix is not None:
summary += f'<b>{html.escape(prefix)}</b> (<i>{html.escape(summary_type(self.type))}</i>):'
summary += '<ul>'
if len(self.summ_fields) > 0:
summary += '<table><tbody>'
for name, v in self.summ_fields.items():
summary += f'<tr><td>{html.escape(name)}</td><td>{html.escape(self.format(v))}</td></tr>'
summary += '</tbody></table>'
for name, field in self.nested.items():
_name = name
if prefix is not None:
_name = f'{prefix}{name}'
summary += '<li>' + field._html_string(prefix=_name) + '</li>'
summary += '</ul>'
return summary
class NamedSummary(object):
def __init__(self, summary, name, header):
self.header = header = name
self.summary = summary
def __str__(self):
s = self.summary._ascii_string(depth=0,
if self.header:
s = f'{self.header}\n======' + s
return s
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def _repr_html_(self):
import html
s = self.summary._html_string(
if self.header:
s = f'<h3>{html.escape(self.header)}</h3>' + s
return s
class ExpressionException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg=''):
self.msg = msg
super(ExpressionException, self).__init__(msg)
class ExpressionWarning(Warning):
def __init__(self, msg=''):
self.msg = msg
super(ExpressionWarning, self).__init__(msg)
def impute_type(x, partial_type=None):
t = _impute_type(x, partial_type=partial_type)
return t
def _impute_type(x, partial_type):
from hail.genetics import Call, Locus
from hail.utils import Interval, Struct
def refine(t, refined):
if t is None:
return refined
if not isinstance(t, type(refined)):
raise ExpressionException("Incompatible partial_type, {}, for value {}".format(partial_type, x))
return t
if isinstance(x, Expression):
return x.dtype
elif isinstance(x, bool):
return tbool
elif isinstance(x, int):
if hl.tint32.min_value <= x <= hl.tint32.max_value:
return tint32
elif hl.tint64.min_value <= x <= hl.tint64.max_value:
return tint64
raise ValueError("Hail has no integer data type large enough to store {}".format(x))
elif isinstance(x, float):
return tfloat64
elif isinstance(x, str):
return tstr
elif isinstance(x, Locus):
return tlocus(x.reference_genome)
elif isinstance(x, Interval):
return tinterval(x.point_type)
elif isinstance(x, Call):
return tcall
elif isinstance(x, Struct) or isinstance(x, dict) and isinstance(partial_type, tstruct):
partial_type = refine(partial_type, hl.tstruct())
t = tstruct(**{k: _impute_type(x[k], partial_type.get(k)) for k in x})
return t
elif isinstance(x, tuple):
partial_type = refine(partial_type, hl.ttuple())
return ttuple(*[
_impute_type(element, partial_type[index] if index < len(partial_type) else None)
for index, element in enumerate(x)
elif isinstance(x, list):
partial_type = refine(partial_type, hl.tarray(None))
if len(x) == 0:
return partial_type
ts = {_impute_type(element, partial_type.element_type) for element in x}
unified_type = super_unify_types(*ts)
if unified_type is None:
raise ExpressionException(
"Hail does not support heterogeneous arrays: " "found list with elements of types {} ".format(list(ts))
return tarray(unified_type)
elif is_setlike(x):
partial_type = refine(partial_type, hl.tset(None))
if len(x) == 0:
return partial_type
ts = {_impute_type(element, partial_type.element_type) for element in x}
unified_type = super_unify_types(*ts)
if not unified_type:
raise ExpressionException(
"Hail does not support heterogeneous sets: " "found set with elements of types {} ".format(list(ts))
return tset(unified_type)
elif isinstance(x, Mapping):
user_partial_type = partial_type
partial_type = refine(partial_type, hl.tdict(None, None))
if len(x) == 0:
return partial_type
kts = {_impute_type(element, partial_type.key_type) for element in x.keys()}
vts = {_impute_type(element, partial_type.value_type) for element in x.values()}
unified_key_type = super_unify_types(*kts)
unified_value_type = super_unify_types(*vts)
if unified_key_type is None:
raise ExpressionException(
"Hail does not support heterogeneous dicts: " "found dict with keys {} of types {} ".format(
list(x.keys()), list(kts)
if not unified_value_type:
if unified_key_type == hl.tstr and user_partial_type is None:
return tstruct(**{k: _impute_type(x[k], None) for k in x})
raise ExpressionException(
"Hail does not support heterogeneous dicts: " "found dict with values of types {} ".format(list(vts))
return tdict(unified_key_type, unified_value_type)
elif isinstance(x, np.generic):
return from_numpy(x.dtype)
elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
element_type = from_numpy(x.dtype)
return tndarray(element_type, x.ndim)
elif x is None or pd.isna(x):
return partial_type
elif isinstance(x, (,
raise ExpressionException(
"'switch' and 'case' expressions must end with a call to either" "'default' or 'or_missing'"
raise ExpressionException("Hail cannot automatically impute type of {}: {}".format(type(x), x))
def raise_for_holes(t):
if t is None:
raise ExpressionException("Hail cannot impute type")
if t in (tbool, tint32, tint64, tfloat32, tfloat64, tstr, tcall):
if isinstance(t, (tlocus, tinterval)):
if isinstance(t, tstruct):
for k, vt in t.items():
except ExpressionException as exc:
raise ExpressionException(f'cannot impute field {k}') from exc
if isinstance(t, ttuple):
for k, vt in enumerate(t):
except ExpressionException as exc:
raise ExpressionException(f'cannot impute {k}th element') from exc
if isinstance(t, (tarray, tset)):
except ExpressionException as exc:
raise ExpressionException('cannot impute array elements') from exc
if isinstance(t, tdict):
except ExpressionException as exc:
raise ExpressionException('cannot impute dict keys') from exc
except ExpressionException as exc:
raise ExpressionException('cannot impute dict values') from exc
def to_expr(e, dtype=None, partial_type=None) -> 'Expression':
assert dtype is None or partial_type is None
if isinstance(e, Expression):
if dtype and not dtype == e.dtype:
raise TypeError("expected expression of type '{}', found expression of type '{}'".format(dtype, e.dtype))
return e
return cast_expr(e, dtype, partial_type)
def cast_expr(e, dtype=None, partial_type=None) -> 'Expression':
assert dtype is None or partial_type is None
if not dtype:
dtype = impute_type(e, partial_type)
x = _to_expr(e, dtype)
if isinstance(x, Expression):
return x
return hl.literal(x, dtype)
def _to_expr(e, dtype):
if e is None:
return None
elif isinstance(e, Expression):
if e.dtype != dtype:
assert is_numeric(dtype), 'expected {}, got {}'.format(dtype, e.dtype)
if dtype == tfloat64:
return hl.float64(e)
elif dtype == tfloat32:
return hl.float32(e)
elif dtype == tint64:
return hl.int64(e)
assert dtype == tint32
return hl.int32(e)
return e
elif not is_compound(dtype):
# these are not container types and cannot contain expressions if we got here
return e
elif isinstance(dtype, tstruct):
new_fields = []
found_expr = False
for f, t in dtype.items():
value = _to_expr(e[f], t)
found_expr = found_expr or isinstance(value, Expression)
if not found_expr:
return e
exprs = [
new_fields[i] if isinstance(new_fields[i], Expression) else hl.literal(new_fields[i], dtype[i])
for i in range(len(new_fields))
fields = {name: expr for name, expr in zip(dtype.keys(), exprs)}
from .typed_expressions import StructExpression
return StructExpression._from_fields(fields)
elif isinstance(dtype, tarray):
elements = []
found_expr = False
for element in e:
value = _to_expr(element, dtype.element_type)
found_expr = found_expr or isinstance(value, Expression)
if not found_expr:
return e
assert len(elements) > 0
exprs = [
element if isinstance(element, Expression) else hl.literal(element, dtype.element_type)
for element in elements
indices, aggregations = unify_all(*exprs)
x = ir.MakeArray([e._ir for e in exprs], None)
return expressions.construct_expr(x, dtype, indices, aggregations)
elif isinstance(dtype, tset):
elements = []
found_expr = False
for element in e:
value = _to_expr(element, dtype.element_type)
found_expr = found_expr or isinstance(value, Expression)
if not found_expr:
return e
assert len(elements) > 0
exprs = [
element if isinstance(element, Expression) else hl.literal(element, dtype.element_type)
for element in elements
indices, aggregations = unify_all(*exprs)
x = ir.ToSet(ir.toStream(ir.MakeArray([e._ir for e in exprs], None)))
return expressions.construct_expr(x, dtype, indices, aggregations)
elif isinstance(dtype, ttuple):
elements = []
found_expr = False
assert len(e) == len(dtype.types)
for i in range(len(e)):
value = _to_expr(e[i], dtype.types[i])
found_expr = found_expr or isinstance(value, Expression)
if not found_expr:
return e
exprs = [
elements[i] if isinstance(elements[i], Expression) else hl.literal(elements[i], dtype.types[i])
for i in range(len(elements))
indices, aggregations = unify_all(*exprs)
x = ir.MakeTuple([expr._ir for expr in exprs])
return expressions.construct_expr(x, dtype, indices, aggregations)
elif isinstance(dtype, tdict):
keys = []
values = []
found_expr = False
for k, v in e.items():
k_ = _to_expr(k, dtype.key_type)
v_ = _to_expr(v, dtype.value_type)
found_expr = found_expr or isinstance(k_, Expression)
found_expr = found_expr or isinstance(v_, Expression)
if not found_expr:
return e
assert len(keys) > 0
# Here I use `to_expr` to call `lit` the keys and values separately.
# I anticipate a common mode is statically-known keys and Expression
# values.
key_array = to_expr(keys, tarray(dtype.key_type))
value_array = to_expr(values, tarray(dtype.value_type))
return hl.dict(, value_array))
elif isinstance(dtype, hl.tndarray):
return hl.nd.array(e)
raise NotImplementedError(dtype)
def unify_all(*exprs) -> Tuple[Indices, LinkedList]:
if len(exprs) == 0:
return Indices(), LinkedList(Aggregation)
new_indices = Indices.unify(*[e._indices for e in exprs])
except ExpressionException:
# source mismatch
from collections import defaultdict
sources = defaultdict(lambda: [])
for e in exprs:
from .expression_utils import get_refs
for name, inds in get_refs(e, *[e for a in e._aggregations for e in a.exprs]).items():
raise ExpressionException(
"Cannot combine expressions from different source objects."
"\n Found fields from {n} objects:{fields}".format(
n=len(sources), fields=''.join("\n {}: {}".format(src, fds) for src, fds in sources.items())
) from None
first, rest = exprs[0], exprs[1:]
aggregations = first._aggregations
for e in rest:
aggregations = aggregations.push(*e._aggregations)
return new_indices, aggregations
def unify_types_limited(*ts):
type_set = set(ts)
if len(type_set) == 1:
# only one distinct class
return next(iter(type_set))
elif all(is_numeric(t) for t in ts):
# assert there are at least 2 numeric types
assert len(type_set) > 1
if tfloat64 in type_set:
return tfloat64
elif tfloat32 in type_set:
return tfloat32
elif tint64 in type_set:
return tint64
assert type_set == {tint32, tbool}
return tint32
return None
def unify_types(*ts):
limited_unify = unify_types_limited(*ts)
if limited_unify is not None:
return limited_unify
elif all(isinstance(t, tarray) for t in ts):
et = unify_types_limited(*(t.element_type for t in ts))
if et is not None:
return tarray(et)
return None
return None
def super_unify_types(*ts):
ts = [t for t in ts if t is not None]
if len(ts) == 0:
return None
t0 = ts[0]
if all(is_numeric(t) for t in ts):
return unify_types_limited(*ts)
if any(not isinstance(t, type(t0)) for t in ts):
return None
if isinstance(t0, tarray):
et = super_unify_types(*[t.element_type for t in ts])
return tarray(et)
if isinstance(t0, tset):
et = super_unify_types(*[t.element_type for t in ts])
return tset(et)
if isinstance(t0, tdict):
kt = super_unify_types(*[t.key_type for t in ts])
vt = super_unify_types(*[t.value_type for t in ts])
return tdict(kt, vt)
if isinstance(t0, tstruct):
keys = [k for t in ts for k in t.fields]
kvs = {k: super_unify_types(*[t.get(k, None) for t in ts]) for k in keys}
return tstruct(**kvs)
if all(t0 == t for t in ts):
return t0
return None
def unify_exprs(*exprs: 'Expression') -> Tuple:
assert len(exprs) > 0
types = {e.dtype for e in exprs}
# all types are the same
if len(types) == 1:
return (*exprs, True)
for t in types:
c = expressions.coercer_from_dtype(t)
if all(c.can_coerce(e.dtype) for e in exprs):
return (*tuple([c.coerce(e) for e in exprs]), True)
# cannot coerce all types to the same type
return (*exprs, False)
[docs]class Expression(object):
"""Base class for Hail expressions."""
__array_ufunc__ = None # disable NumPy coercions, so Hail coercions take priority
@typecheck_method(x=ir.IR, type=nullable(HailType), indices=Indices, aggregations=linked_list(Aggregation))
def __init__(
self, x: ir.IR, type: HailType, indices: Indices = Indices(), aggregations: LinkedList = LinkedList(Aggregation)
self._ir: ir.IR = x
self._type = type
self._indices = indices
self._aggregations = aggregations
self._summary = None
[docs] def describe(self, handler=print):
"""Print information about type, index, and dependencies."""
if self._aggregations:
agg_indices = set()
for a in self._aggregations:
agg_indices = agg_indices.union(a.indices.axes)
agg_tag = ' (aggregated)'
agg_str = (
f'Includes aggregation with index {list(agg_indices)}\n'
f' (Aggregation index may be promoted based on context)'
agg_tag = ''
agg_str = ''
bar = '--------------------------------------------------------'
s = (
' {t}\n'
' {src}\n'
' {inds}{agg_tag}{maybe_bar}{agg}\n'
maybe_bar='\n' + bar + '\n' if agg_str else '',
[docs] def __lt__(self, other):
return self._compare_op("<", other)
[docs] def __le__(self, other):
return self._compare_op("<=", other)
[docs] def __gt__(self, other):
return self._compare_op(">", other)
[docs] def __ge__(self, other):
return self._compare_op(">=", other)
def __nonzero__(self):
raise ExpressionException(
"The truth value of an expression is undefined\n"
" Hint: instead of 'if x', use 'hl.if_else(x, ...)'\n"
" Hint: instead of 'x and y' or 'x or y', use 'x & y' or 'x | y'\n"
" Hint: instead of 'not x', use '~x'"
def __iter__(self):
raise ExpressionException(f"{self!r} object is not iterable")
def _compare_op(self, op, other):
other = to_expr(other)
left, right, success = unify_exprs(self, other)
if not success:
raise TypeError(
f"Invalid '{op}' comparison, cannot compare expressions " f"of type '{self.dtype}' and '{other.dtype}'"
res = left._bin_op(op, right, hl.tbool)
return res
def _is_scalar(self):
return self._indices.source is None
def _promote_scalar(self, typ):
if typ == tint32:
return hail.int32(self)
elif typ == tint64:
return hail.int64(self)
elif typ == tfloat32:
return hail.float32(self)
assert typ == tfloat64
return hail.float64(self)
def _promote_numeric(self, typ):
coercer = expressions.coercer_from_dtype(typ)
if isinstance(typ, tarray) and not isinstance(self.dtype, tarray):
elif isinstance(typ, tndarray) and not isinstance(self.dtype, tndarray):
return coercer.coerce(self)
def _div_ret_type_f(t):
assert is_numeric(t)
if t in {tint32, tint64}:
return tfloat64
# Float64 or Float32
return t
def _bin_op_numeric_unify_types(self, name, other):
def numeric_proxy(t):
if t == tbool:
return tint32
return t
def scalar_type(t):
if isinstance(t, tarray):
return numeric_proxy(t.element_type)
elif isinstance(t, tndarray):
return numeric_proxy(t.element_type)
return numeric_proxy(t)
t = unify_types(scalar_type(self.dtype), scalar_type(other.dtype))
if t is None:
raise NotImplementedError("'{}' {} '{}'".format(self.dtype, name, other.dtype))
if isinstance(self.dtype, tarray) or isinstance(other.dtype, tarray):
return tarray(t)
elif isinstance(self.dtype, tndarray):
return tndarray(t, self.ndim)
elif isinstance(other.dtype, tndarray):
return tndarray(t, other.ndim)
return t
def _bin_op_numeric(self, name, other, ret_type_f=None):
other = to_expr(other)
unified_type = self._bin_op_numeric_unify_types(name, other)
me = self._promote_numeric(unified_type)
other = other._promote_numeric(unified_type)
if ret_type_f:
if isinstance(unified_type, tarray):
ret_type = tarray(ret_type_f(unified_type.element_type))
elif isinstance(unified_type, tndarray):
ret_type = tndarray(ret_type_f(unified_type.element_type), unified_type.ndim)
ret_type = ret_type_f(unified_type)
ret_type = unified_type
return me._bin_op(name, other, ret_type)
def _bin_op_numeric_reverse(self, name, other, ret_type_f=None):
return to_expr(other)._bin_op_numeric(name, self, ret_type_f)
def _unary_op(self, name):
return expressions.construct_expr(
ir.ApplyUnaryPrimOp(name, self._ir), self._type, self._indices, self._aggregations
def _bin_op(self, name, other, ret_type):
other = to_expr(other)
indices, aggregations = unify_all(self, other)
if (name in {'+', '-', '*', '/', '//'}) and (ret_type in {tint32, tint64, tfloat32, tfloat64}):
op = ir.ApplyBinaryPrimOp(name, self._ir, other._ir)
elif name in {"==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">="}:
op = ir.ApplyComparisonOp(name, self._ir, other._ir)
d = {'+': 'add', '-': 'sub', '*': 'mul', '/': 'div', '//': 'floordiv', '%': 'mod', '**': 'pow'}
op = ir.Apply(d.get(name, name), ret_type, self._ir, other._ir)
return expressions.construct_expr(op, ret_type, indices, aggregations)
def _bin_op_reverse(self, name, other, ret_type):
return to_expr(other)._bin_op(name, self, ret_type)
def _method(self, name, ret_type, *args):
args = tuple(to_expr(arg) for arg in args)
indices, aggregations = unify_all(self, *args)
x = ir.Apply(name, ret_type, self._ir, *(a._ir for a in args))
return expressions.construct_expr(x, ret_type, indices, aggregations)
def _index(self, ret_type, key):
key = to_expr(key)
return self._method("index", ret_type, key)
def _ir_lambda_method(self, irf, f, input_type, ret_type_f, *args):
args = (to_expr(arg)._ir for arg in args)
new_id = Env.get_uid()
lambda_result = to_expr(
f(expressions.construct_variable(new_id, input_type, self._indices, self._aggregations))
indices, aggregations = unify_all(self, lambda_result)
x = irf(self._ir, new_id, lambda_result._ir, *args)
return expressions.construct_expr(x, ret_type_f(lambda_result._type), indices, aggregations)
def _ir_lambda_method2(self, other, irf, f, input_type1, input_type2, ret_type_f, *args):
args = (to_expr(arg)._ir for arg in args)
new_id1 = Env.get_uid()
new_id2 = Env.get_uid()
lambda_result = to_expr(
expressions.construct_variable(new_id1, input_type1, self._indices, self._aggregations),
expressions.construct_variable(new_id2, input_type2, other._indices, other._aggregations),
indices, aggregations = unify_all(self, other, lambda_result)
x = irf(self._ir, other._ir, new_id1, new_id2, lambda_result._ir, *args)
return expressions.construct_expr(x, ret_type_f(lambda_result._type), indices, aggregations)
def dtype(self) -> HailType:
"""The data type of the expression.
return self._type
def __bool__(self):
raise TypeError(
"'Expression' objects cannot be converted to a 'bool'. Use 'hl.if_else' instead of Python if statements."
def __len__(self):
raise TypeError("'Expression' objects have no static length: use 'hl.len' for the length of collections")
def __contains__(self, item):
class_name = type(self).__name__
raise TypeError(f"`{class_name}` objects don't support the `in` operator.")
def __hash__(self):
return super(Expression, self).__hash__()
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} of type {self.dtype}>'
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
"""Returns ``True`` if the two expressions are equal.
>>> x = hl.literal(5)
>>> y = hl.literal(5)
>>> z = hl.literal(1)
>>> hl.eval(x == y)
>>> hl.eval(x == z)
This method will fail with an error if the two expressions are not
of comparable types.
other : :class:`.Expression`
Expression for equality comparison.
``True`` if the two expressions are equal.
return self._compare_op("==", other)
[docs] def __ne__(self, other):
"""Returns ``True`` if the two expressions are not equal.
>>> x = hl.literal(5)
>>> y = hl.literal(5)
>>> z = hl.literal(1)
>>> hl.eval(x != y)
>>> hl.eval(x != z)
This method will fail with an error if the two expressions are not
of comparable types.
other : :class:`.Expression`
Expression for inequality comparison.
``True`` if the two expressions are not equal.
return self._compare_op("!=", other)
def _to_table(self, name):
name, ds = self._to_relational(name)
if isinstance(ds, hail.MatrixTable):
entries = ds.key_cols_by().entries()
entries = entries.order_by(*ds.row_key)
return name,
if len(ds.key) != 0:
ds = ds.order_by(*ds.key)
return name,
def _to_relational(self, fallback_name):
source = self._indices.source
axes = self._indices.axes
if not self._aggregations.empty():
raise NotImplementedError('cannot convert aggregated expression to table')
if source is None:
return fallback_name, hl.Table.parallelize([hl.struct(**{fallback_name: self})], n_partitions=1)
name = source._fields_inverse.get(self)
top_level = name is not None
if not top_level:
name = fallback_name
named_self = {name: self}
if len(axes) == 0:
x = source.select_globals(**named_self)
ds = hl.Table.parallelize([x.index_globals()], n_partitions=1)
elif isinstance(source, hail.Table):
if top_level and name in source.key:
named_self = {}
ds =**named_self).select_globals()
elif isinstance(source, hail.MatrixTable):
if self._indices == source._row_indices:
if top_level and name in source.row_key:
named_self = {}
ds = source.select_rows(**named_self).select_globals().rows()
elif self._indices == source._col_indices:
if top_level and name in source.col_key:
named_self = {}
ds = source.select_cols(**named_self).select_globals().key_cols_by().cols()
assert self._indices == source._entry_indices
ds = source.select_entries(**named_self).select_globals().select_cols().select_rows()
return name, ds
[docs] @typecheck_method(
def show(self, n=None, width=None, truncate=None, types=True, handler=None, n_rows=None, n_cols=None):
"""Print the first few records of the expression to the console.
If the expression refers to a value on a keyed axis of a table or matrix
table, then the accompanying keys will be shown along with the records.
| ID | SEX |
| int32 | str |
| 1 | "M" |
| 2 | "M" |
| 3 | "F" |
| 4 | "F" |
>>> hl.literal(123).show()
| <expr> |
| int32 |
| 123 |
The output can be passed piped to another output source using the `handler` argument:
>>> x: # doctest: +SKIP
n : :obj:`int`
Maximum number of rows to show.
width : :obj:`int`
Horizontal width at which to break columns.
truncate : :obj:`int`, optional
Truncate each field to the given number of characters. If
``None``, truncate fields to the given `width`.
types : :obj:`bool`
Print an extra header line with the type of each field.
kwargs = {
'n': n,
'width': width,
'truncate': truncate,
'types': types,
'handler': handler,
'n_rows': n_rows,
'n_cols': n_cols,
if kwargs.get('n_rows') is None:
kwargs['n_rows'] = kwargs['n']
del kwargs['n']
_, ds = self._to_relational_preserving_rows_and_cols('<expr>')
return**{k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None})
def _to_relational_preserving_rows_and_cols(self, fallback_name):
source = self._indices.source
if isinstance(source, hl.Table):
if self is source.row:
return None, source
if self is source.key:
return None,
if isinstance(source, hl.MatrixTable):
if self is source.row:
return None, source.rows()
if self is source.row_key:
return None, source.rows().select()
if self is source.col:
return None, source.key_cols_by().cols()
if self is source.col_key:
return None, source.select_cols().key_cols_by().cols()
if self is source.entry:
return None, source.select_rows().select_cols()
return self._to_relational(fallback_name)
[docs] @typecheck_method(path=str, delimiter=str, missing=str, header=bool)
def export(self, path, delimiter='\t', missing='NA', header=True):
"""Export a field to a text file.
>>> small_mt.GT.export('output/gt.tsv')
>>> with open('output/gt.tsv', 'r') as f:
... for line in f:
... print(line, end='')
locus alleles 0 1 2 3
1:1 ["A","C"] 0/1 0/0 0/1 0/0
1:2 ["A","C"] 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
1:3 ["A","C"] 0/0 0/1 0/0 0/0
1:4 ["A","C"] 0/1 1/1 0/1 0/1
>>> small_mt.GT.export('output/gt-no-header.tsv', header=False)
>>> with open('output/gt-no-header.tsv', 'r') as f:
... for line in f:
... print(line, end='')
1:1 ["A","C"] 0/1 0/0 0/1 0/0
1:2 ["A","C"] 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
1:3 ["A","C"] 0/0 0/1 0/0 0/0
1:4 ["A","C"] 0/1 1/1 0/1 0/1
>>> small_mt.pop.export('output/pops.tsv')
>>> with open('output/pops.tsv', 'r') as f:
... for line in f:
... print(line, end='')
sample_idx pop
0 1
1 2
2 2
3 2
>>> small_mt.ancestral_af.export('output/ancestral_af.tsv')
>>> with open('output/ancestral_af.tsv', 'r') as f:
... for line in f:
... print(line, end='')
locus alleles ancestral_af
1:1 ["A","C"] 3.8152e-01
1:2 ["A","C"] 7.0588e-01
1:3 ["A","C"] 4.9991e-01
1:4 ["A","C"] 3.9616e-01
>>> with open('output/bn.tsv', 'r') as f:
... for line in f:
... print(line, end='')
For entry-indexed expressions, if there is one column key field, the
result of calling :func:`~hail.expr.functions.str` on that field is used as
the column header. Otherwise, each compound column key is converted to
JSON and used as a column header. For example:
>>> small_mt = small_mt.key_cols_by(s=small_mt.sample_idx, family='fam1')
>>> small_mt.GT.export('output/gt-no-header.tsv')
>>> with open('output/gt-no-header.tsv', 'r') as f:
... for line in f:
... print(line, end='')
locus alleles {"s":0,"family":"fam1"} {"s":1,"family":"fam1"} {"s":2,"family":"fam1"} {"s":3,"family":"fam1"}
1:1 ["A","C"] 0/1 0/0 0/1 0/0
1:2 ["A","C"] 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
1:3 ["A","C"] 0/0 0/1 0/0 0/0
1:4 ["A","C"] 0/1 1/1 0/1 0/1
path : :class:`str`
The path to which to export.
delimiter : :class:`str`
The string for delimiting columns.
missing : :class:`str`
The string to output for missing values.
header : :obj:`bool`
When ``True`` include a header line.
uid = Env.get_uid()
self_name, ds = self._to_relational_preserving_rows_and_cols(uid)
if isinstance(ds, hl.Table):
ds.export(output=path, delimiter=delimiter, header=header)
assert len(self._indices.axes) == 2
entries, cols = Env.get_uid(), Env.get_uid()
t = ds.select_cols().localize_entries(entries, cols)
t = t.order_by(*t.key)
output_col_name = Env.get_uid()
entry_array = t[entries]
if self_name:
entry_array = x: x[self_name], entry_array)
entry_array = x: hl.if_else(hl.is_missing(x), missing, hl.str(x)), entry_array)
file_contents =
**{k: hl.str(t[k]) for k in ds.row_key}, **{output_col_name: hl.delimit(entry_array, delimiter)}
if header:
col_key = t[cols]
if len(ds.col_key) == 1:
col_key = x: x[0], col_key)
column_names =, col_key).collect(_localize=False)[0]
header_table = (
.select(**{k: k for k in ds.row_key}, **{output_col_name: hl.delimit(column_names, delimiter)})
file_contents = header_table.union(file_contents)
file_contents.export(path, delimiter=delimiter, header=False)
[docs] @typecheck_method(n=int, _localize=bool)
def take(self, n, _localize=True):
"""Collect the first `n` records of an expression.
Take the first three rows:
>>> table1.X.take(3)
[5, 6, 7]
Extremely experimental.
n : int
Number of records to take.
uid = Env.get_uid()
name, t = self._to_table(uid)
e = t.take(n, _localize=False).map(lambda r: r[name])
if _localize:
return hl.eval(e)
return e
def collect(self) -> List[Any]: ...
def collect(self, _localize=False) -> 'Expression': ...
[docs] @typecheck_method(_localize=bool)
def collect(self, _localize=True):
"""Collect all records of an expression into a local list.
Collect all the values from `C1`:
>>> table1.C1.collect()
[2, 2, 10, 11]
Extremely experimental.
The list of records may be very large.
uid = Env.get_uid()
name, t = self._to_table(uid)
e = t.collect(_localize=False).map(lambda r: r[name])
if _localize:
return hl.eval(e)
return e
def _extra_summary_fields(self, agg_result):
return {}
def _summary_fields(self, agg_result, top):
if top:
return {}, self._nested_summary(agg_result[2], top)
n_missing = agg_result[0]
n_defined = agg_result[1]
tot = n_missing + n_defined
missing_value_str = str(n_missing) if n_missing == 0 else f'{n_missing} ({(n_missing / tot) * 100:.2f}%)'
defined_value_str = str(n_defined) if n_defined == 0 else f'{n_defined} ({(n_defined / tot) * 100:.2f}%)'
if n_defined == 0:
return {'Non-missing': defined_value_str, 'Missing': missing_value_str}, {}
return {
'Non-missing': defined_value_str,
'Missing': missing_value_str,
}, self._nested_summary(agg_result[2], top)
def _nested_summary(self, agg_result, top):
return {}
def _summary_aggs(self):
return hl.missing(hl.tint32)
def _all_summary_aggs(self):
return hl.tuple((
hl.agg.filter(hl.is_missing(self), hl.agg.count()),
hl.agg.filter(hl.is_defined(self), hl.agg.count()),
def _summarize(self, agg_res=None, *, name=None, header=None, top=False):
src = self._indices.source
summary_header = None
if src is None or len(self._indices.axes) == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot summarize a scalar expression")
if agg_res is None:
count, agg_res = self._aggregation_method()(hl.tuple((hl.agg.count(), self._all_summary_aggs())))
summary_header = f'{count} records.'
sum_fields, nested = self._summary_fields(agg_res, top)
summary = Summary(self._type, agg_res[0], sum_fields, nested, header=summary_header)
if name is None and header is None:
return summary
return NamedSummary(summary, name, header)
[docs] def summarize(self, handler=None):
"""Compute and print summary information about the expression.
.. include:: _templates/experimental.rst
src = self._indices.source
if self in src._fields:
field_name = src._fields_inverse[self]
prefix = field_name
elif self._ir.is_nested_field:
prefix =
prefix = '<expr>'
if handler is None:
handler = hl.utils.default_handler()
def _selector_and_agg_method(self):
src = self._indices.source
assert src is not None
assert len(self._indices.axes) > 0
if isinstance(src, hl.MatrixTable):
if self._indices == src._row_indices:
return src.select_rows, lambda t: t.aggregate_rows
elif self._indices == src._col_indices:
return src.select_cols, lambda t: t.aggregate_cols
return src.select_entries, lambda t: t.aggregate_entries
return, lambda t: t.aggregate
def _aggregation_method(self):
return self._selector_and_agg_method()[1](self._indices.source)
def _persist(self):
src = self._indices.source
if src is not None:
raise ValueError("Can only persist a scalar (no Table/MatrixTable source)")
expr = Env.backend().persist_expression(self)
assert expr.dtype == self.dtype
return expr