Source code for hail.context

import os
import sys
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from random import Random
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse

import pkg_resources
from pyspark import SparkContext

import hail
from hail.backend import Backend
from hail.genetics.reference_genome import ReferenceGenome, reference_genome_type
from hail.typecheck import dictof, enumeration, nullable, oneof, sequenceof, sized_tupleof, typecheck, typecheck_method
from hail.utils import get_env_or_default
from import Env, choose_backend, warning
from hailtop.aiocloud.aiogoogle import GCSRequesterPaysConfiguration, get_gcs_requester_pays_configuration
from hailtop.fs.fs import FS
from hailtop.hail_event_loop import hail_event_loop
from hailtop.utils import secret_alnum_string

from .backend.backend import local_jar_information
from .builtin_references import BUILTIN_REFERENCES

def _get_tmpdir(tmpdir):
    if tmpdir is None:
        tmpdir = '/tmp'
    return tmpdir

def _get_local_tmpdir(local_tmpdir):
    local_tmpdir = get_env_or_default(local_tmpdir, 'TMPDIR', 'file:///tmp')
    r = urlparse(local_tmpdir)
    if not r.scheme:
        r = r._replace(scheme='file')
    elif r.scheme != 'file':
        raise ValueError('invalid local_tmpfile: must use scheme file, got scheme {r.scheme}')
    return urlunparse(r)

def _get_log(log):
    if log is None:
        py_version = version()
        log_dir = os.environ.get('HAIL_LOG_DIR')
        if log_dir is None:
            log_dir = os.getcwd()
        log = hail.utils.timestamp_path(os.path.join(log_dir, 'hail'), suffix=f'-{py_version}.log')
    return log

def convert_gcs_requester_pays_configuration_to_hadoop_conf_style(
    x: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, List[str]]]],
) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
    if isinstance(x, str):
        return x, None
    if isinstance(x, tuple):
        return x[0], ",".join(x[1])
    return None, None

class HailContext(object):
    def create(
        log: str,
        quiet: bool,
        append: bool,
        tmpdir: str,
        local_tmpdir: str,
        default_reference: str,
        global_seed: Optional[int],
        backend: Backend,
        hc = HailContext(
        return hc

        log=str, quiet=bool, append=bool, tmpdir=str, local_tmpdir=str, global_seed=nullable(int), backend=Backend
    def __init__(self, log, quiet, append, tmpdir, local_tmpdir, global_seed, backend):
        assert not Env._hc

        self._log = log

        self._tmpdir = tmpdir
        self._local_tmpdir = local_tmpdir

        self._backend = backend

        self._warn_cols_order = True
        self._warn_entries_order = True

        self._default_ref: Optional[ReferenceGenome] = None

        if not quiet:
            py_version = version()
                'Welcome to\n'
                '     __  __     <>__\n'
                '    / /_/ /__  __/ /\n'
                '   / __  / _ `/ / /\n'
                '  /_/ /_/\\_,_/_/_/   version {}\n'.format(py_version)

            if py_version.startswith('devel'):
                    'NOTE: This is a beta version. Interfaces may change\n'
                    '  during the beta period. We recommend pulling\n'
                    '  the latest changes weekly.\n'
            sys.stderr.write(f'LOGGING: writing to {log}\n')

        self._user_specified_rng_nonce = True
        if global_seed is None:
            if 'rng_nonce' not in backend.get_flags('rng_nonce'):
                backend.set_flags(rng_nonce=hex(Random().randrange(-(2**63), 2**63 - 1)))
                self._user_specified_rng_nonce = False
        Env._hc = self

    def initialize_references(self, default_reference):
        assert self._backend
        if default_reference in BUILTIN_REFERENCES:
            self._default_ref = self._backend.get_reference(default_reference)
            self._default_ref =

    def default_reference(self) -> ReferenceGenome:
        assert self._default_ref is not None, '_default_ref should have been initialized in HailContext.create'
        return self._default_ref

    def default_reference(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, ReferenceGenome):
            raise TypeError(f'{value} is {type(value)} not a ReferenceGenome')
        self._default_ref = value

    def stop(self):
        assert self._backend
        self._backend = None
        Env._hc = None
        Env._dummy_table = None
        Env._seed_generator = None

[docs]@typecheck( sc=nullable(SparkContext), app_name=nullable(str), master=nullable(str), local=str, log=nullable(str), quiet=bool, append=bool, min_block_size=int, branching_factor=int, tmp_dir=nullable(str), default_reference=nullable(enumeration(*BUILTIN_REFERENCES)), idempotent=bool, global_seed=nullable(int), spark_conf=nullable(dictof(str, str)), skip_logging_configuration=bool, local_tmpdir=nullable(str), _optimizer_iterations=nullable(int), backend=nullable(str), driver_cores=nullable(oneof(str, int)), driver_memory=nullable(str), worker_cores=nullable(oneof(str, int)), worker_memory=nullable(str), gcs_requester_pays_configuration=nullable(oneof(str, sized_tupleof(str, sequenceof(str)))), regions=nullable(sequenceof(str)), gcs_bucket_allow_list=nullable(dictof(str, sequenceof(str))), copy_spark_log_on_error=nullable(bool), ) def init( sc=None, app_name=None, master=None, local='local[*]', log=None, quiet=False, append=False, min_block_size=0, branching_factor=50, tmp_dir=None, default_reference=None, idempotent=False, global_seed=None, spark_conf=None, skip_logging_configuration=False, local_tmpdir=None, _optimizer_iterations=None, *, backend=None, driver_cores=None, driver_memory=None, worker_cores=None, worker_memory=None, gcs_requester_pays_configuration: Optional[GCSRequesterPaysConfiguration] = None, regions: Optional[List[str]] = None, gcs_bucket_allow_list: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, copy_spark_log_on_error: bool = False, ): """Initialize and configure Hail. This function will be called with default arguments if any Hail functionality is used. If you need custom configuration, you must explicitly call this function before using Hail. For example, to set the global random seed to 0, import Hail and immediately call :func:`.init`: >>> import hail as hl >>> hl.init(global_seed=0) # doctest: +SKIP Hail has two backends, ``spark`` and ``batch``. Hail selects a backend by consulting, in order, these configuration locations: 1. The ``backend`` parameter of this function. 2. The ``HAIL_QUERY_BACKEND`` environment variable. 3. The value of ``hailctl config get query/backend``. If no configuration is found, Hail will select the Spark backend. Examples -------- Configure Hail to use the Batch backend: >>> import hail as hl >>> hl.init(backend='batch') # doctest: +SKIP If a :class:`pyspark.SparkContext` is already running, then Hail must be initialized with it as an argument: >>> hl.init(sc=sc) # doctest: +SKIP Configure Hail to bill to `my_project` when accessing any Google Cloud Storage bucket that has requester pays enabled: >>> hl.init(gcs_requester_pays_configuration='my-project') # doctest: +SKIP Configure Hail to bill to `my_project` when accessing the Google Cloud Storage buckets named `bucket_of_fish` and `bucket_of_eels`: >>> hl.init( ... gcs_requester_pays_configuration=('my-project', ['bucket_of_fish', 'bucket_of_eels']) ... ) # doctest: +SKIP You may also use `hailctl config set gcs_requester_pays/project` and `hailctl config set gcs_requester_pays/buckets` to achieve the same effect. See Also -------- :func:`.stop` Parameters ---------- sc : pyspark.SparkContext, optional Spark Backend only. Spark context. If not specified, the Spark backend will create a new Spark context. app_name : :class:`str` A name for this pipeline. In the Spark backend, this becomes the Spark application name. In the Batch backend, this is a prefix for the name of every Batch. master : :class:`str`, optional Spark Backend only. URL identifying the Spark leader (master) node or `local[N]` for local clusters. local : :class:`str` Spark Backend only. Local-mode core limit indicator. Must either be `local[N]` where N is a positive integer or `local[*]`. The latter indicates Spark should use all cores available. `local[*]` does not respect most containerization CPU limits. This option is only used if `master` is unset and `spark.master` is not set in the Spark configuration. log : :class:`str` Local path for Hail log file. Does not currently support distributed file systems like Google Storage, S3, or HDFS. quiet : :obj:`bool` Print fewer log messages. append : :obj:`bool` Append to the end of the log file. min_block_size : :obj:`int` Minimum file block size in MB. branching_factor : :obj:`int` Branching factor for tree aggregation. tmp_dir : :class:`str`, optional Networked temporary directory. Must be a network-visible file path. Defaults to /tmp in the default scheme. default_reference : :class:`str` *Deprecated*. Please use :func:`.default_reference` to set the default reference genome Default reference genome. Either ``'GRCh37'``, ``'GRCh38'``, ``'GRCm38'``, or ``'CanFam3'``. idempotent : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, calling this function is a no-op if Hail has already been initialized. global_seed : :obj:`int`, optional Global random seed. spark_conf : :obj:`dict` of :class:`str` to :class`str`, optional Spark backend only. Spark configuration parameters. skip_logging_configuration : :obj:`bool` Spark Backend only. Skip logging configuration in java and python. local_tmpdir : :class:`str`, optional Local temporary directory. Used on driver and executor nodes. Must use the file scheme. Defaults to TMPDIR, or /tmp. driver_cores : :class:`str` or :class:`int`, optional Batch backend only. Number of cores to use for the driver process. May be 1, 2, 4, or 8. Default is 1. driver_memory : :class:`str`, optional Batch backend only. Memory tier to use for the driver process. May be standard or highmem. Default is standard. worker_cores : :class:`str` or :class:`int`, optional Batch backend only. Number of cores to use for the worker processes. May be 1, 2, 4, or 8. Default is 1. worker_memory : :class:`str`, optional Batch backend only. Memory tier to use for the worker processes. May be standard or highmem. Default is standard. gcs_requester_pays_configuration : either :class:`str` or :class:`tuple` of :class:`str` and :class:`list` of :class:`str`, optional If a string is provided, configure the Google Cloud Storage file system to bill usage to the project identified by that string. If a tuple is provided, configure the Google Cloud Storage file system to bill usage to the specified project for buckets specified in the list. See examples above. regions : :obj:`list` of :class:`str`, optional List of regions to run jobs in when using the Batch backend. Use :data:`.ANY_REGION` to specify any region is allowed or use `None` to use the underlying default regions from the hailctl environment configuration. For example, use `hailctl config set batch/regions region1,region2` to set the default regions to use. gcs_bucket_allow_list: A list of buckets that Hail should be permitted to read from or write to, even if their default policy is to use "cold" storage. Should look like ``["bucket1", "bucket2"]``. copy_spark_log_on_error: :class:`bool`, optional Spark backend only. If `True`, copy the log from the spark driver node to `tmp_dir` on error. """ if Env._hc: if idempotent: return else: warning( 'Hail has already been initialized. If this call was intended to change configuration,' ' close the session with hl.stop() first.' ) if default_reference is not None: warnings.warn( 'Using hl.init with a default_reference argument is deprecated. ' 'To set a default reference genome after initializing hail, ' 'call `hl.default_reference` with an argument to set the ' 'default reference genome.' ) else: default_reference = 'GRCh37' backend = choose_backend(backend) if backend == 'service': warnings.warn( 'The "service" backend is now called the "batch" backend. Support for "service" will be removed in a ' 'future release.' ) backend = 'batch' if backend == 'batch': return hail_event_loop().run_until_complete( init_batch( log=log, quiet=quiet, append=append, tmpdir=tmp_dir, local_tmpdir=local_tmpdir, default_reference=default_reference, global_seed=global_seed, driver_cores=driver_cores, driver_memory=driver_memory, worker_cores=worker_cores, worker_memory=worker_memory, name_prefix=app_name, gcs_requester_pays_configuration=gcs_requester_pays_configuration, regions=regions, gcs_bucket_allow_list=gcs_bucket_allow_list, ) ) if backend == 'spark': return init_spark( sc=sc, app_name=app_name, master=master, local=local, min_block_size=min_block_size, branching_factor=branching_factor, spark_conf=spark_conf, _optimizer_iterations=_optimizer_iterations, log=log, quiet=quiet, append=append, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, local_tmpdir=local_tmpdir, default_reference=default_reference, global_seed=global_seed, skip_logging_configuration=skip_logging_configuration, gcs_requester_pays_configuration=gcs_requester_pays_configuration, copy_log_on_error=copy_spark_log_on_error, ) if backend == 'local': return init_local( log=log, quiet=quiet, append=append, tmpdir=tmp_dir, default_reference=default_reference, global_seed=global_seed, skip_logging_configuration=skip_logging_configuration, gcs_requester_pays_configuration=gcs_requester_pays_configuration, ) raise ValueError(f'unknown Hail Query backend: {backend}')
@typecheck( sc=nullable(SparkContext), app_name=nullable(str), master=nullable(str), local=str, log=nullable(str), quiet=bool, append=bool, min_block_size=int, branching_factor=int, tmp_dir=nullable(str), default_reference=enumeration(*BUILTIN_REFERENCES), idempotent=bool, global_seed=nullable(int), spark_conf=nullable(dictof(str, str)), skip_logging_configuration=bool, local_tmpdir=nullable(str), _optimizer_iterations=nullable(int), gcs_requester_pays_configuration=nullable(oneof(str, sized_tupleof(str, sequenceof(str)))), copy_log_on_error=nullable(bool), ) def init_spark( sc=None, app_name=None, master=None, local='local[*]', log=None, quiet=False, append=False, min_block_size=0, branching_factor=50, tmp_dir=None, default_reference='GRCh37', idempotent=False, global_seed=None, spark_conf=None, skip_logging_configuration=False, local_tmpdir=None, _optimizer_iterations=None, gcs_requester_pays_configuration: Optional[GCSRequesterPaysConfiguration] = None, copy_log_on_error: bool = False, ): from hail.backend.py4j_backend import connect_logger from hail.backend.spark_backend import SparkBackend log = _get_log(log) tmpdir = _get_tmpdir(tmp_dir) local_tmpdir = _get_local_tmpdir(local_tmpdir) optimizer_iterations = get_env_or_default(_optimizer_iterations, 'HAIL_OPTIMIZER_ITERATIONS', 3) app_name = app_name or 'Hail' ( gcs_requester_pays_project, gcs_requester_pays_buckets, ) = convert_gcs_requester_pays_configuration_to_hadoop_conf_style( get_gcs_requester_pays_configuration( gcs_requester_pays_configuration=gcs_requester_pays_configuration, ) ) backend = SparkBackend( idempotent, sc, spark_conf, app_name, master, local, log, quiet, append, min_block_size, branching_factor, tmpdir, local_tmpdir, skip_logging_configuration, optimizer_iterations, gcs_requester_pays_project=gcs_requester_pays_project, gcs_requester_pays_buckets=gcs_requester_pays_buckets, copy_log_on_error=copy_log_on_error, ) if not backend.fs.exists(tmpdir): backend.fs.mkdir(tmpdir) HailContext.create(log, quiet, append, tmpdir, local_tmpdir, default_reference, global_seed, backend) if not quiet: connect_logger(backend._utils_package_object, 'localhost', 12888) @typecheck( billing_project=nullable(str), remote_tmpdir=nullable(str), jar_url=nullable(str), log=nullable(str), quiet=bool, append=bool, tmpdir=nullable(str), local_tmpdir=nullable(str), default_reference=enumeration(*BUILTIN_REFERENCES), global_seed=nullable(int), disable_progress_bar=nullable(bool), driver_cores=nullable(oneof(str, int)), driver_memory=nullable(str), worker_cores=nullable(oneof(str, int)), worker_memory=nullable(str), name_prefix=nullable(str), token=nullable(str), gcs_requester_pays_configuration=nullable(oneof(str, sized_tupleof(str, sequenceof(str)))), regions=nullable(sequenceof(str)), gcs_bucket_allow_list=nullable(sequenceof(str)), ) async def init_batch( *, billing_project: Optional[str] = None, remote_tmpdir: Optional[str] = None, jar_url: Optional[str] = None, log: Optional[str] = None, quiet: bool = False, append: bool = False, tmpdir: Optional[str] = None, local_tmpdir: Optional[str] = None, default_reference: str = 'GRCh37', global_seed: Optional[int] = None, disable_progress_bar: Optional[bool] = None, driver_cores: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, driver_memory: Optional[str] = None, worker_cores: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, worker_memory: Optional[str] = None, name_prefix: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, gcs_requester_pays_configuration: Optional[GCSRequesterPaysConfiguration] = None, regions: Optional[List[str]] = None, gcs_bucket_allow_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): from hail.backend.service_backend import ServiceBackend # FIXME: pass local_tmpdir and use on worker and driver backend = await ServiceBackend.create( billing_project=billing_project, remote_tmpdir=remote_tmpdir, disable_progress_bar=disable_progress_bar, jar_url=jar_url, driver_cores=driver_cores, driver_memory=driver_memory, worker_cores=worker_cores, worker_memory=worker_memory, name_prefix=name_prefix, credentials_token=token, regions=regions, gcs_requester_pays_configuration=gcs_requester_pays_configuration, gcs_bucket_allow_list=gcs_bucket_allow_list, ) log = _get_log(log) if tmpdir is None: tmpdir = backend.remote_tmpdir + 'tmp/hail/' + secret_alnum_string() local_tmpdir = _get_local_tmpdir(local_tmpdir) HailContext.create(log, quiet, append, tmpdir, local_tmpdir, default_reference, global_seed, backend) @typecheck( log=nullable(str), quiet=bool, append=bool, branching_factor=int, tmpdir=nullable(str), default_reference=enumeration(*BUILTIN_REFERENCES), global_seed=nullable(int), skip_logging_configuration=bool, jvm_heap_size=nullable(str), _optimizer_iterations=nullable(int), gcs_requester_pays_configuration=nullable(oneof(str, sized_tupleof(str, sequenceof(str)))), ) def init_local( log=None, quiet=False, append=False, branching_factor=50, tmpdir=None, default_reference='GRCh37', global_seed=None, skip_logging_configuration=False, jvm_heap_size=None, _optimizer_iterations=None, gcs_requester_pays_configuration: Optional[GCSRequesterPaysConfiguration] = None, ): from hail.backend.local_backend import LocalBackend from hail.backend.py4j_backend import connect_logger log = _get_log(log) tmpdir = _get_tmpdir(tmpdir) optimizer_iterations = get_env_or_default(_optimizer_iterations, 'HAIL_OPTIMIZER_ITERATIONS', 3) jvm_heap_size = get_env_or_default(jvm_heap_size, 'HAIL_LOCAL_BACKEND_HEAP_SIZE', None) ( gcs_requester_pays_project, gcs_requester_pays_buckets, ) = convert_gcs_requester_pays_configuration_to_hadoop_conf_style( get_gcs_requester_pays_configuration( gcs_requester_pays_configuration=gcs_requester_pays_configuration, ) ) backend = LocalBackend( tmpdir, log, quiet, append, branching_factor, skip_logging_configuration, optimizer_iterations, jvm_heap_size, gcs_requester_pays_project=gcs_requester_pays_project, gcs_requester_pays_buckets=gcs_requester_pays_buckets, ) if not backend.fs.exists(tmpdir): backend.fs.mkdir(tmpdir) HailContext.create(log, quiet, append, tmpdir, tmpdir, default_reference, global_seed, backend) if not quiet: connect_logger(backend._utils_package_object, 'localhost', 12888)
[docs]def version() -> str: """Get the installed Hail version. Returns ------- str """ if hail.__version__ is None: # hail.__version__ = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, 'hail_version').decode().strip() return hail.__version__
def revision() -> str: """Get the installed Hail git revision. Returns ------- str """ if hail.__revision__ is None: # hail.__revision__ = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, 'hail_revision').decode().strip() return hail.__revision__ def _hail_cite_url(): v = version() [tag, sha_prefix] = v.split("-") if not local_jar_information().development_mode: # pip installed return f"{tag}" return f"{sha_prefix}"
[docs]def citation(*, bibtex=False): """Generate a Hail citation. Parameters ---------- bibtex : bool Generate a citation in BibTeX form. Returns ------- str """ if bibtex: return ( f"@misc{{Hail," f" author = {{Hail Team}}," f" title = {{Hail}}," f" howpublished = {{\\url{{{_hail_cite_url()}}}}}" f"}}" ) return f"Hail Team. Hail {version()}. {_hail_cite_url()}."
def cite_hail(): return citation(bibtex=False) def cite_hail_bibtex(): return citation(bibtex=True)
[docs]def stop(): """Stop the currently running Hail session.""" if Env._hc: Env.hc().stop()
[docs]def spark_context(): """Returns the active Spark context. Returns ------- :class:`pyspark.SparkContext` """ return Env.spark_backend('spark_context').sc
[docs]def tmp_dir() -> str: """Returns the Hail shared temporary directory. Returns ------- :class:`str` """ return Env.hc()._tmpdir
class _TemporaryFilenameManager: def __init__(self, fs: FS, name: str): self.fs = fs = name def __enter__(self): return def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): try: self.fs.remove( except FileNotFoundError: pass async def __aenter__(self): return async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ): try: await self.fs.aremove( except FileNotFoundError: pass def TemporaryFilename(*, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '', dir: Optional[str] = None) -> _TemporaryFilenameManager: """A context manager which produces a temporary filename that is deleted when the context manager exits. Warning ------- The filename is generated randomly and is extraordinarly unlikely to already exist, but this function does not satisfy the strict requirements of Python's :class:`.TemporaryFilename`. Examples -------- >>> with TemporaryFilename() as f: # doctest: +SKIP ... open(f, 'w').write('hello hail') ... print(open(f).read()) hello hail Returns ------- :class:`._TemporaryFilenameManager` """ if dir is None: dir = tmp_dir() if not dir.endswith('/'): dir = dir + '/' return _TemporaryFilenameManager(current_backend().fs, dir + prefix + secret_alnum_string(10) + suffix) class _TemporaryDirectoryManager: def __init__(self, fs: FS, name: str, ensure_exists: bool): self.fs = fs = name self.ensure_exists = ensure_exists def __enter__(self): if self.ensure_exists: self.fs.mkdir( return def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): try: self.fs.rmtree( except FileNotFoundError: pass async def __aenter__(self): if self.ensure_exists: await self.fs.amkdir( return async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ): try: await self.fs.armtree( except FileNotFoundError: pass def TemporaryDirectory( *, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '', dir: Optional[str] = None, ensure_exists: bool = True ) -> _TemporaryDirectoryManager: """A context manager which produces a temporary directory name that is recursively deleted when the context manager exits. If the filesystem has a notion of directories, then we ensure the directory exists. Warning ------- The directory name is generated randomly and is extraordinarly unlikely to already exist, but this function does not satisfy the strict requirements of Python's :class:`.TemporaryDirectory`. Examples -------- >>> with TemporaryDirectory() as dir: # doctest: +SKIP ... open(f'{dir}/hello', 'w').write('hello hail') ... print(open(f'{dir}/hello').read()) hello hail Returns ------- :class:`._TemporaryDirectoryManager` """ if dir is None: dir = tmp_dir() if not dir.endswith('/'): dir = dir + '/' dirname = dir + prefix + secret_alnum_string(10) + suffix fs = current_backend().fs return _TemporaryDirectoryManager(fs, dirname, ensure_exists) def current_backend() -> Backend: return Env.hc()._backend async def _async_current_backend() -> Backend: return (await Env._async_hc())._backend
[docs]@typecheck(new_default_reference=nullable(reference_genome_type)) def default_reference(new_default_reference=None) -> Optional[ReferenceGenome]: """With no argument, returns the default reference genome (``'GRCh37'`` by default). With an argument, sets the default reference genome to the argument. Returns ------- :class:`.ReferenceGenome` """ if new_default_reference is not None: Env.hc().default_reference = new_default_reference return None return Env.hc().default_reference
[docs]def get_reference(name) -> ReferenceGenome: """Returns the reference genome corresponding to `name`. Notes ----- Hail's built-in references are ``'GRCh37'``, ``GRCh38'``, ``'GRCm38'``, and ``'CanFam3'``. The contig names and lengths come from the GATK resource bundle: `human_g1k_v37.dict <>`__ and `Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dict <>`__. If ``name='default'``, the value of :func:`.default_reference` is returned. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of a previously loaded reference genome or one of Hail's built-in references: ``'GRCh37'``, ``'GRCh38'``, ``'GRCm38'``, ``'CanFam3'``, and ``'default'``. Returns ------- :class:`.ReferenceGenome` """ Env.hc() if name == 'default': return default_reference() else: return Env.backend().get_reference(name)
[docs]@typecheck(seed=int) def set_global_seed(seed): """Deprecated. Has no effect. To ensure reproducible randomness, use the `global_seed` argument to :func:`.init` and :func:`.reset_global_randomness`. See the :ref:`random functions <sec-random-functions>` reference docs for more. Parameters ---------- seed : :obj:`int` Integer used to seed Hail's random number generator """ warning( 'hl.set_global_seed has no effect. See ' ' for details on ' 'ensuring reproducibility of randomness.' ) pass
[docs]@typecheck() def reset_global_randomness(): """Restore global randomness to initial state for test reproducibility.""" Env.reset_global_randomness()
def _set_flags(**flags): Env.backend().set_flags(**flags) def _get_flags(*flags): return Env.backend().get_flags(*flags) @contextmanager def _with_flags(**flags): before = _get_flags(*flags) try: _set_flags(**flags) yield finally: _set_flags(**before) def debug_info(): from hail.backend.backend import local_jar_information from hail.backend.spark_backend import SparkBackend spark_conf = None if isinstance(Env.backend(), SparkBackend): spark_conf = spark_context()._conf.getAll() return {'spark_conf': spark_conf, 'local_jar_information': local_jar_information(), 'version': version()}