Source code for hail.vds.variant_dataset

import json
import os

import hail as hl
from hail.genetics import ReferenceGenome
from hail.matrixtable import MatrixTable
from hail.typecheck import typecheck_method
from import info, warning

extra_ref_globals_file = 'extra_reference_globals.json'

[docs]def read_vds( path, *, intervals=None, n_partitions=None, _assert_reference_type=None, _assert_variant_type=None, _warn_no_ref_block_max_length=True, _drop_end=False, ) -> 'VariantDataset': """Read in a :class:`.VariantDataset` written with :meth:`.VariantDataset.write`. Parameters ---------- path: :obj:`str` Returns ------- :class:`.VariantDataset` """ if intervals or not n_partitions: reference_data = hl.read_matrix_table(VariantDataset._reference_path(path), _intervals=intervals) variant_data = hl.read_matrix_table(VariantDataset._variants_path(path), _intervals=intervals) else: assert n_partitions is not None reference_data = hl.read_matrix_table(VariantDataset._reference_path(path)) intervals = reference_data._calculate_new_partitions(n_partitions) assert len(intervals) > 0 reference_data = hl.read_matrix_table(VariantDataset._reference_path(path), _intervals=intervals) variant_data = hl.read_matrix_table(VariantDataset._variants_path(path), _intervals=intervals) # if LEN is missing, add it, _add_len is a no-op if LEN is already present reference_data = VariantDataset._add_len(reference_data) if _drop_end: if 'END' in reference_data.entry: reference_data = reference_data.drop('END') else: # if END is missing, add it, _add_end is a no-op if END is already present reference_data = VariantDataset._add_end(reference_data) vds = VariantDataset(reference_data, variant_data) if VariantDataset.ref_block_max_length_field not in vds.reference_data.globals: fs = hl.current_backend().fs metadata_file = os.path.join(path, extra_ref_globals_file) if fs.exists(metadata_file): with, 'r') as f: metadata = json.load(f) vds.reference_data = vds.reference_data.annotate_globals(**metadata) elif _warn_no_ref_block_max_length: warning( "You are reading a VDS written with an older version of Hail." "\n Hail now supports much faster interval filters on VDS, but you'll need to run either" "\n `hl.vds.truncate_reference_blocks(vds, ...)` and write a copy (see docs) or patch the" "\n existing VDS in place with `hl.vds.store_ref_block_max_length(vds_path)`." ) return vds
[docs]def store_ref_block_max_length(vds_path): """Patches an existing VDS file to store the max reference block length for faster interval filters. This method permits :func:`.vds.filter_intervals` to remove reference data not overlapping a target interval. This method is able to patch an existing VDS file in-place, without copying all the data. However, if significant downstream interval filtering is anticipated, it may be advantageous to run :func:`.vds.truncate_reference_blocks` to truncate long reference blocks and make interval filters even faster. However, truncation requires rewriting the entire VDS. Examples -------- >>> hl.vds.store_ref_block_max_length('gs://path/to/my.vds') # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- :func:`.vds.filter_intervals`, :func:`.vds.truncate_reference_blocks`. Parameters ---------- vds_path : :obj:`str` """ vds = read_vds(vds_path, _warn_no_ref_block_max_length=False) if VariantDataset.ref_block_max_length_field in vds.reference_data.globals: warning(f"VDS at {vds_path} already contains a global annotation with the max reference block length") return rd = vds.reference_data fs = hl.current_backend().fs ref_block_max_len = rd.aggregate_entries(hl.agg.max(rd.LEN)) with, extra_ref_globals_file), 'w') as f: json.dump({VariantDataset.ref_block_max_length_field: ref_block_max_len}, f)
[docs]class VariantDataset: """Class for representing cohort-level genomic data. This class facilitates a sparse, split representation of genomic data in which reference block data and variant data are contained in separate :class:`.MatrixTable` objects. Parameters ---------- reference_data : :class:`.MatrixTable` MatrixTable containing only reference block data. variant_data : :class:`.MatrixTable` MatrixTable containing only variant data. """ #: Name of global field that indicates max reference block length. ref_block_max_length_field = 'ref_block_max_length' @staticmethod def _reference_path(base: str) -> str: return os.path.join(base, 'reference_data') @staticmethod def _variants_path(base: str) -> str: return os.path.join(base, 'variant_data')
[docs] @staticmethod def from_merged_representation( mt, *, ref_block_indicator_field='END', ref_block_fields=(), infer_ref_block_fields: bool = True, is_split=False ): """Create a VariantDataset from a sparse MatrixTable containing variant and reference data.""" if ref_block_indicator_field not in ('END', 'LEN'): raise ValueError( f'Invalid `ref_block_indicator_field` `{ref_block_indicator_field}` one of `LEN` or `END` expected' ) if ref_block_indicator_field not in mt.entry: raise ValueError( f'VariantDataset.from_merged_representation: expect field `{ref_block_indicator_field}` in matrix table entry' ) if 'LA' not in mt.entry and not is_split: raise ValueError( 'VariantDataset.from_merged_representation: expect field `LA` in matrix table entry.' '\n If this dataset is already split into biallelics, use `is_split=True` to permit a conversion' ' with no `LA` field.' ) if 'GT' not in mt.entry and 'LGT' not in mt.entry: raise ValueError( 'VariantDataset.from_merged_representation: expect field `LGT` or `GT` in matrix table entry' ) n_rows_to_use = 100 info(f"inferring reference block fields from missingness patterns in first {n_rows_to_use} rows") used_ref_block_fields = set(ref_block_fields) used_ref_block_fields.add(ref_block_indicator_field) if infer_ref_block_fields: mt_head = mt.head(n_rows=n_rows_to_use) for k, any_present in zip( list(mt_head.entry), mt_head.aggregate_entries( hl.agg.filter( hl.is_defined(mt_head[ref_block_indicator_field]), tuple(hl.agg.any(hl.is_defined(mt_head[x])) for x in mt_head.entry), ) ), ): if any_present: used_ref_block_fields.add(k) gt_field = 'LGT' if 'LGT' in mt.entry else 'GT' # remove the LA field, which is trivial for reference blocks and does not need to be represented if 'LA' in used_ref_block_fields: used_ref_block_fields.remove('LA') info( "Including the following fields in reference block table:" + "".join(f"\n {k!r}" for k in mt.entry if k in used_ref_block_fields) ) rmt = mt.filter_entries( .when(hl.is_missing(mt[ref_block_indicator_field]), False) .when(hl.is_defined(mt[ref_block_indicator_field]) & mt[gt_field].is_hom_ref(), True) .or_error( hl.str( f'cannot create VDS from merged representation - found {ref_block_indicator_field} field with non-reference genotype at ' ) + hl.str( + hl.str(' / ') + hl.str(mt.col_key[0]) ) ) rmt = rmt.select_entries(*(x for x in rmt.entry if x in used_ref_block_fields)) rmt = rmt.filter_rows(hl.agg.count() > 0) rmt = rmt.key_rows_by('locus').select_rows().select_cols() if ref_block_indicator_field == 'END': rmt = VariantDataset._add_len(rmt) else: # ref_block_indicator_field is 'LEN' rmt = VariantDataset._add_end(rmt) if is_split: rmt = rmt.distinct_by_row() vmt = ( mt.filter_entries(hl.is_missing(mt[ref_block_indicator_field])) .drop(ref_block_indicator_field) ._key_rows_by_assert_sorted('locus', 'alleles') ) vmt = vmt.filter_rows(hl.agg.count() > 0) return VariantDataset(rmt, vmt)
def __init__(self, reference_data: MatrixTable, variant_data: MatrixTable): self.reference_data: MatrixTable = reference_data self.variant_data: MatrixTable = variant_data self.validate(check_data=False)
[docs] def write(self, path, **kwargs): """Write to `path`. Any optional parameter from :meth:`.MatrixTable.write` can be passed as a keyword paramter to this method. """ # NOTE: Populate LEN and drop END from reference data to align with VCF 4.5. # Furthermore, since LEN values are smaller and more likely to be close # or the same as neighboring values, we expect that after small integer # compression and general purpose data compression that reference data should # be smaller using LEN over END rd = self.reference_data if 'LEN' not in rd.entry: rd = VariantDataset._add_len(rd) if 'END' in rd.entry: rd = rd.drop('END') rd.write(VariantDataset._reference_path(path), **kwargs) self.variant_data.write(VariantDataset._variants_path(path), **kwargs)
[docs] def checkpoint(self, path, **kwargs) -> 'VariantDataset': """Write to `path` and then read from `path`.""" self.write(path, **kwargs) return read_vds(path)
[docs] def n_samples(self) -> int: """The number of samples present.""" return self.reference_data.count_cols()
@property def reference_genome(self) -> ReferenceGenome: """Dataset reference genome. Returns ------- :class:`.ReferenceGenome` """ return
[docs] @typecheck_method(check_data=bool) def validate(self, *, check_data: bool = True): """Eagerly checks necessary representational properties of the VDS.""" rd = self.reference_data vd = self.variant_data def error(msg): raise ValueError(f'VDS.validate: {msg}') rd_row_key = rd.row_key.dtype if ( not isinstance(rd_row_key, hl.tstruct) or len(rd_row_key) != 1 or not rd_row_key.fields[0] == 'locus' or not isinstance(rd_row_key.types[0], hl.tlocus) ): error(f"expect reference data to have a single row key 'locus' of type locus, found {rd_row_key}") vd_row_key = vd.row_key.dtype if ( not isinstance(vd_row_key, hl.tstruct) or len(vd_row_key) != 2 or not vd_row_key.fields == ('locus', 'alleles') or not isinstance(vd_row_key.types[0], hl.tlocus) or vd_row_key.types[1] != hl.tarray(hl.tstr) ): error( f"expect variant data to have a row key {{'locus': locus<rg>, alleles: array<str>}}, found {vd_row_key}" ) rd_col_key = rd.col_key.dtype if not isinstance(rd_col_key, hl.tstruct) or len(rd_row_key) != 1 or rd_col_key.types[0] != hl.tstr: error(f"expect reference data to have a single col key of type string, found {rd_col_key}") vd_col_key = vd.col_key.dtype if not isinstance(vd_col_key, hl.tstruct) or len(vd_col_key) != 1 or vd_col_key.types[0] != hl.tstr: error(f"expect variant data to have a single col key of type string, found {vd_col_key}") end_exists = 'END' in rd.entry len_exists = 'LEN' in rd.entry if not (end_exists or len_exists): error("expect at least one of 'END' or 'LEN' in entry of reference data") if end_exists and rd.END.dtype != hl.tint32: error("'END' field in entry of reference data must have type tint32") if len_exists and rd.LEN.dtype != hl.tint32: error("'LEN' field in entry of reference data must have type tint32") if check_data: # check cols ref_cols = rd.col_key.collect() var_cols = vd.col_key.collect() if len(ref_cols) != len(var_cols): error( f"mismatch in number of columns: reference data has {ref_cols} columns, variant data has {var_cols} columns" ) if ref_cols != var_cols: first_mismatch = 0 while ref_cols[first_mismatch] == var_cols[first_mismatch]: first_mismatch += 1 error( f"mismatch in columns keys: ref={ref_cols[first_mismatch]}, var={var_cols[first_mismatch]} at position {first_mismatch}" ) # check locus distinctness n_rd_rows = rd.count_rows() n_distinct = rd.distinct_by_row().count_rows() if n_distinct != n_rd_rows: error(f'reference data loci are not distinct: found {n_rd_rows} rows, but {n_distinct} distinct loci') # check END field end_exprs = dict( missing_end=hl.agg.filter(hl.is_missing(rd.END), hl.agg.take((rd.row_key, rd.col_key), 5)), end_before_position=hl.agg.filter(rd.END <, hl.agg.take((rd.row_key, rd.col_key), 5)), ) if VariantDataset.ref_block_max_length_field in rd.globals: rbml = rd[VariantDataset.ref_block_max_length_field] end_exprs['blocks_too_long'] = hl.agg.filter( rd.END - + 1 > rbml, hl.agg.take((rd.row_key, rd.col_key), 5) ) res = rd.aggregate_entries(hl.struct(**end_exprs)) if res.missing_end: error( 'found records in reference data with missing END field\n ' + '\n '.join(str(x) for x in res.missing_end) ) if res.end_before_position: error( 'found records in reference data with END before locus position\n ' + '\n '.join(str(x) for x in res.end_before_position) ) blocks_too_long = res.get('blocks_too_long', []) if blocks_too_long: error( 'found records in reference data with blocks larger than `ref_block_max_length`\n ' + '\n '.join(str(x) for x in blocks_too_long) )
def _same(self, other: 'VariantDataset'): return self.reference_data._same(other.reference_data) and self.variant_data._same(other.variant_data) @staticmethod def _add_len(rd): if 'LEN' in rd.entry: return rd if 'END' in rd.entry: return rd.annotate_entries(LEN=rd.END - + 1) raise ValueError('Need `END` to compute `LEN` in reference data') @staticmethod def _add_end(rd): if 'END' in rd.entry: return rd if 'LEN' in rd.entry: return rd.annotate_entries(END=rd.LEN + - 1) raise ValueError('Need `LEN` to compute `END` in reference data')
[docs] def union_rows(*vdses): """Combine many VDSes with the same samples but disjoint variants. **Examples** If a dataset is imported as VDS in chromosome-chunks, the following will combine them into one VDS: >>> vds_paths = ['chr1.vds', 'chr2.vds'] # doctest: +SKIP ... vds_per_chrom = [hl.vds.read_vds(path) for path in vds_paths) # doctest: +SKIP ... hl.vds.VariantDataset.union_rows(*vds_per_chrom) # doctest: +SKIP """ fd = hl.vds.VariantDataset.ref_block_max_length_field mts = [vds.reference_data for vds in vdses] n_with_ref_max_len = len([mt for mt in mts if fd in mt.globals]) any_ref_max = n_with_ref_max_len > 0 all_ref_max = n_with_ref_max_len == len(mts) # if some mts have max ref len but not all, drop it if all_ref_max: new_ref_mt = hl.MatrixTable.union_rows(*mts).annotate_globals(**{ fd: hl.max([mt.index_globals()[fd] for mt in mts]) }) else: if any_ref_max: mts = [mt.drop(fd) if fd in mt.globals else mt for mt in mts] new_ref_mt = hl.MatrixTable.union_rows(*mts) new_var_mt = hl.MatrixTable.union_rows(*(vds.variant_data for vds in vdses)) return hl.vds.VariantDataset(new_ref_mt, new_var_mt)