Source code for hail.plot.plots

import collections
import math
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union

import bokeh
import bokeh.models
import bokeh.palettes
import bokeh.plotting
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from bokeh.models import (
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.transform import transform

import hail
from hail.expr import aggregators
from hail.expr.expressions import (
from hail.expr.functions import _error_from_cdf_python
from hail.matrixtable import MatrixTable
from hail.table import Table
from hail.typecheck import dictof, nullable, numeric, oneof, sequenceof, sized_tupleof, typecheck
from import warning
from hail.utils.struct import Struct

palette = ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf']

[docs]def output_notebook(): """Configure the Bokeh output state to generate output in notebook cells when :func:`` is called. Calls :func:``. """
def show(obj, interact=None): """Immediately display a Bokeh object or application. Calls :func:``. Parameters ---------- obj A Bokeh object to display. interact A handle returned by a plotting method with `interactive=True`. """ if interact is None: else: handle =, notebook_handle=True) interact(handle)
[docs]def cdf(data, k=350, legend=None, title=None, normalize=True, log=False) -> figure: """Create a cumulative density plot. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`.Struct` or :class:`.Float64Expression` Sequence of data to plot. k : int Accuracy parameter (passed to :func:`~.approx_cdf`). legend : str Label of data on the x-axis. title : str Title of the histogram. normalize: bool Whether or not the cumulative data should be normalized. log: bool Whether or not the y-axis should be of type log. Returns ------- :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` """ if isinstance(data, Expression): if data._indices is None: raise ValueError('Invalid input') agg_f = data._aggregation_method() data = agg_f(aggregators.approx_cdf(data, k)) if legend is None: legend = "" if normalize: y_axis_label = 'Quantile' else: y_axis_label = 'Rank' if log: y_axis_type = 'log' else: y_axis_type = 'linear' p = figure( title=title, x_axis_label=legend, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, y_axis_type=y_axis_type, width=600, height=400, background_fill_color='#EEEEEE', tools='xpan,xwheel_zoom,reset,save', active_scroll='xwheel_zoom', ) p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[("value", "$x"), ("rank", "@top")], mode='vline')) ranks = np.array(data.ranks) values = np.array(data['values']) if normalize: ranks = ranks / ranks[-1] # invisible, there to support tooltips p.quad(top=ranks[1:-1], bottom=ranks[1:-1], left=values[:-1], right=values[1:], fill_alpha=0, line_alpha=0) p.step(x=[*values, values[-1]], y=ranks, line_width=2, line_color='black', legend_label=legend) return p
[docs]def pdf( data, k=1000, confidence=5, legend=None, title=None, log=False, interactive=False ) -> Union[figure, Tuple[figure, Callable]]: if isinstance(data, Expression): if data._indices is None: raise ValueError('Invalid input') agg_f = data._aggregation_method() data = agg_f(aggregators.approx_cdf(data, k)) if legend is None: legend = "" y_axis_label = 'Frequency' if log: y_axis_type = 'log' else: y_axis_type = 'linear' fig = figure( title=title, x_axis_label=legend, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, y_axis_type=y_axis_type, width=600, height=400, tools='xpan,xwheel_zoom,reset,save', active_scroll='xwheel_zoom', background_fill_color='#EEEEEE', ) y = np.array(data['ranks'][1:-1]) / data['ranks'][-1] x = np.array(data['values'][1:-1]) min_x = data['values'][0] max_x = data['values'][-1] err = _error_from_cdf_python(data, 10 ** (-confidence), all_quantiles=True) new_y, keep = _max_entropy_cdf(min_x, max_x, x, y, err) slopes = np.diff([0, *new_y[keep], 1]) / np.diff([min_x, *x[keep], max_x]) if log: plot = fig.step(x=[min_x, *x[keep], max_x], y=[*slopes, slopes[-1]], mode='after') else: plot = fig.quad(left=[min_x, *x[keep]], right=[*x[keep], max_x], bottom=0, top=slopes, legend_label=legend) if interactive: def mk_interact(handle): def update(confidence=confidence): err = _error_from_cdf_python(data, 10 ** (-confidence), all_quantiles=True) / 1.8 new_y, keep = _max_entropy_cdf(min_x, max_x, x, y, err) slopes = np.diff([0, *new_y[keep], 1]) / np.diff([min_x, *x[keep], max_x]) if log: new_data = {'x': [min_x, *x[keep], max_x], 'y': [*slopes, slopes[-1]]} else: new_data = { 'left': [min_x, *x[keep]], 'right': [*x[keep], max_x], 'bottom': np.full(len(slopes), 0), 'top': slopes, } = new_data from ipywidgets import interact interact(update, confidence=(1, 10, 0.01)) return fig, mk_interact else: return fig
def _max_entropy_cdf(min_x, max_x, x, y, e): def compare(x1, y1, x2, y2): return x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 new_y = np.full_like(x, 0.0, dtype=np.float64) keep = np.full_like(x, False, dtype=np.bool_) fx = min_x # fixed x fy = 0 # fixed y li = 0 # index of lower slope ui = 0 # index of upper slope ldx = x[li] - fx udx = x[ui] - fx ldy = y[li + 1] - e - fy udy = y[ui] + e - fy j = 1 while ui < len(x) and li < len(x): if j == len(x): ub = 1 lb = 1 xj = max_x else: ub = y[j] + e lb = y[j + 1] - e xj = x[j] dx = xj - fx judy = ub - fy jldy = lb - fy if compare(ldx, ldy, dx, judy) < 0: # line must bend down at j fx = x[li] fy = y[li + 1] - e new_y[li] = fy keep[li] = True j = li + 1 if j >= len(x): break li = j ldx = x[li] - fx ldy = y[li + 1] - e - fy ui = j udx = x[ui] - fx udy = y[ui] + e - fy j += 1 continue elif compare(udx, udy, dx, jldy) > 0: # line must bend up at j fx = x[ui] fy = y[ui] + e new_y[ui] = fy keep[ui] = True j = ui + 1 if j >= len(x): break li = j ldx = x[li] - fx ldy = y[li + 1] - e - fy ui = j udx = x[ui] - fx udy = y[ui] + e - fy j += 1 continue if j >= len(x): break if compare(udx, udy, dx, judy) < 0: ui = j udx = x[ui] - fx udy = y[ui] + e - fy if compare(ldx, ldy, dx, jldy) > 0: li = j ldx = x[li] - fx ldy = y[li + 1] - e - fy j += 1 return new_y, keep
[docs]def smoothed_pdf( data, k=350, smoothing=0.5, legend=None, title=None, log=False, interactive=False, figure=None ) -> Union[figure, Tuple[figure, Callable]]: """Create a density plot. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`.Struct` or :class:`.Float64Expression` Sequence of data to plot. k : int Accuracy parameter. smoothing : float Degree of smoothing. legend : str Label of data on the x-axis. title : str Title of the histogram. log : bool Plot the log10 of the bin counts. interactive : bool If `True`, return a handle to pass to :func:``. figure : :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` If not None, add density plot to figure. Otherwise, create a new figure. Returns ------- :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` """ if isinstance(data, Expression): if data._indices is None: raise ValueError('Invalid input') agg_f = data._aggregation_method() data = agg_f(aggregators.approx_cdf(data, k)) if legend is None: legend = "" y_axis_label = 'Frequency' if log: y_axis_type = 'log' else: y_axis_type = 'linear' if figure is None: p = bokeh.plotting.figure( title=title, x_axis_label=legend, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, y_axis_type=y_axis_type, width=600, height=400, tools='xpan,xwheel_zoom,reset,save', active_scroll='xwheel_zoom', background_fill_color='#EEEEEE', ) else: p = figure n = data['ranks'][-1] weights = np.diff(data['ranks'][1:-1]) min = data['values'][0] max = data['values'][-1] values = np.array(data['values'][1:-1]) slope = 1 / (max - min) def f(x, prev, smoothing=smoothing): inv_scale = (np.sqrt(n * slope) / smoothing) * np.sqrt(prev / weights) diff = x[:, np.newaxis] - values grid = (3 / (4 * n)) * weights * np.maximum(0, inv_scale - np.power(diff, 2) * np.power(inv_scale, 3)) return np.sum(grid, axis=1) round1 = f(values, np.full(len(values), slope)) x_d = np.linspace(min, max, 1000) final = f(x_d, round1) line = p.line(x_d, final, line_width=2, line_color='black', legend_label=legend) if interactive: def mk_interact(handle): def update(smoothing=smoothing): final = f(x_d, round1, smoothing) = {'x': x_d, 'y': final} from ipywidgets import interact interact(update, smoothing=(0.02, 0.8, 0.005)) return p, mk_interact else: return p
[docs]@typecheck( data=oneof(Struct, expr_float64), range=nullable(sized_tupleof(numeric, numeric)), bins=int, legend=nullable(str), title=nullable(str), log=bool, interactive=bool, ) def histogram( data, range=None, bins=50, legend=None, title=None, log=False, interactive=False ) -> Union[figure, Tuple[figure, Callable]]: """Create a histogram. Notes ----- `data` can be a :class:`.Float64Expression`, or the result of the :func:`~.aggregators.hist` or :func:`~.aggregators.approx_cdf` aggregators. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`.Struct` or :class:`.Float64Expression` Sequence of data to plot. range : Tuple[float] Range of x values in the histogram. bins : int Number of bins in the histogram. legend : str Label of data on the x-axis. title : str Title of the histogram. log : bool Plot the log10 of the bin counts. Returns ------- :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` """ if isinstance(data, Expression): if data._indices.source is not None: if interactive: raise ValueError("'interactive' flag can only be used on data from 'approx_cdf'.") agg_f = data._aggregation_method() if range is not None: start = range[0] end = range[1] else: finite_data = hail.bind(lambda x:, x).or_missing(), data) start, end = agg_f((aggregators.min(finite_data), aggregators.max(finite_data))) if start is None and end is None: raise ValueError("'data' contains no values that are defined and finite") data = agg_f(aggregators.hist(data, start, end, bins)) else: raise ValueError('Invalid input') elif 'values' in data: cdf = data hist, edges = np.histogram(cdf['values'], bins=bins, weights=np.diff(cdf.ranks), density=True) data = Struct(bin_freq=hist, bin_edges=edges, n_larger=0, n_smaller=0) if legend is None: legend = "" if log: bin_freq = [] count_problems = 0 for x in data.bin_freq: if x == 0.0: count_problems += 1 bin_freq.append(x) else: bin_freq.append(math.log10(x)) if count_problems > 0: warning( f"There were {count_problems} bins with height 0, those cannot be log transformed and were left as 0s." ) changes = { "bin_freq": bin_freq, "n_larger": math.log10(data.n_larger) if data.n_larger > 0.0 else data.n_larger, "n_smaller": math.log10(data.n_smaller) if data.n_smaller > 0.0 else data.n_smaller, } data = data.annotate(**changes) y_axis_label = 'log10 Frequency' else: y_axis_label = 'Frequency' x_span = data.bin_edges[-1] - data.bin_edges[0] x_start = data.bin_edges[0] - 0.05 * x_span x_end = data.bin_edges[-1] + 0.05 * x_span p = figure( title=title, x_axis_label=legend, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, background_fill_color='#EEEEEE', x_range=(x_start, x_end), ) q = p.quad( bottom=0, top=data.bin_freq, left=data.bin_edges[:-1], right=data.bin_edges[1:], legend_label=legend, line_color='black', ) if data.n_larger > 0: p.quad( bottom=0, top=data.n_larger, left=data.bin_edges[-1], right=(data.bin_edges[-1] + (data.bin_edges[1] - data.bin_edges[0])), line_color='black', fill_color='green', legend_label='Outliers Above', ) if data.n_smaller > 0: p.quad( bottom=0, top=data.n_smaller, left=data.bin_edges[0] - (data.bin_edges[1] - data.bin_edges[0]), right=data.bin_edges[0], line_color='black', fill_color='red', legend_label='Outliers Below', ) if interactive: def mk_interact(handle): def update(bins=bins, phase=0): if phase > 0 and phase < 1: bins = bins + 1 delta = (cdf['values'][-1] - cdf['values'][0]) / bins edges = np.linspace(cdf['values'][0] - (1 - phase) * delta, cdf['values'][-1] + phase * delta, bins) else: edges = np.linspace(cdf['values'][0], cdf['values'][-1], bins) hist, edges = np.histogram(cdf['values'], bins=edges, weights=np.diff(cdf.ranks), density=True) new_data = {'top': hist, 'left': edges[:-1], 'right': edges[1:], 'bottom': np.full(len(hist), 0)} = new_data from ipywidgets import interact interact(update, bins=(0, 5 * bins), phase=(0, 1, 0.01)) return p, mk_interact else: return p
[docs]@typecheck( data=oneof(Struct, expr_float64), range=nullable(sized_tupleof(numeric, numeric)), bins=int, legend=nullable(str), title=nullable(str), normalize=bool, log=bool, ) def cumulative_histogram(data, range=None, bins=50, legend=None, title=None, normalize=True, log=False) -> figure: """Create a cumulative histogram. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`.Struct` or :class:`.Float64Expression` Sequence of data to plot. range : Tuple[float] Range of x values in the histogram. bins : int Number of bins in the histogram. legend : str Label of data on the x-axis. title : str Title of the histogram. normalize: bool Whether or not the cumulative data should be normalized. log: bool Whether or not the y-axis should be of type log. Returns ------- :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` """ if isinstance(data, Expression): if data._indices.source is not None: agg_f = data._aggregation_method() if range is not None: start = range[0] end = range[1] else: start, end = agg_f((aggregators.min(data), aggregators.max(data))) data = agg_f(aggregators.hist(data, start, end, bins)) else: raise ValueError('Invalid input') if legend is None: legend = "" cumulative_data = np.cumsum(data.bin_freq) + data.n_smaller np.append(cumulative_data, [cumulative_data[-1] + data.n_larger]) num_data_points = max(cumulative_data) if normalize: cumulative_data = cumulative_data / num_data_points if title is not None: title = f'{title} ({num_data_points:,} data points)' if log: p = figure( title=title, x_axis_label=legend, y_axis_label='Frequency', background_fill_color='#EEEEEE', y_axis_type='log', ) else: p = figure(title=title, x_axis_label=legend, y_axis_label='Frequency', background_fill_color='#EEEEEE') p.line(data.bin_edges[:-1], cumulative_data, line_color='#036564', line_width=3) return p
@typecheck(p=figure, font_size=str) def set_font_size(p, font_size: str = '12pt'): """Set most of the font sizes in a bokeh figure Parameters ---------- p : :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` Input figure. font_size : str String of font size in points (e.g. '12pt'). Returns ------- :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` """ p.legend.label_text_font_size = font_size p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = font_size p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = font_size p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = font_size p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = font_size if hasattr(p.title, 'text_font_size'): p.title.text_font_size = font_size if hasattr(p.xaxis, 'group_text_font_size'): p.xaxis.group_text_font_size = font_size return p
[docs]@typecheck( x=expr_numeric, y=expr_numeric, bins=oneof(int, sequenceof(int)), range=nullable(sized_tupleof(nullable(sized_tupleof(numeric, numeric)), nullable(sized_tupleof(numeric, numeric)))), title=nullable(str), width=int, height=int, colors=sequenceof(str), log=bool, ) def histogram2d( x: NumericExpression, y: NumericExpression, bins: int = 40, range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, width: int = 600, height: int = 600, colors: Sequence[str] = bokeh.palettes.all_palettes['Blues'][7][::-1], log: bool = False, ) -> figure: """Plot a two-dimensional histogram. ``x`` and ``y`` must both be a :class:`.NumericExpression` from the same :class:`.Table`. If ``x_range`` or ``y_range`` are not provided, the function will do a pass through the data to determine min and max of each variable. Examples -------- >>> ht = hail.utils.range_table(1000).annotate(x=hail.rand_norm(), y=hail.rand_norm()) >>> p_hist = hail.plot.histogram2d(ht.x, ht.y) >>> ht = hail.utils.range_table(1000).annotate(x=hail.rand_norm(), y=hail.rand_norm()) >>> p_hist = hail.plot.histogram2d(ht.x, ht.y, bins=10, range=((0, 1), None)) Parameters ---------- x : :class:`.NumericExpression` Expression for x-axis (from a Hail table). y : :class:`.NumericExpression` Expression for y-axis (from the same Hail table as ``x``). bins : int or [int, int] The bin specification: - If int, the number of bins for the two dimensions (nx = ny = bins). - If [int, int], the number of bins in each dimension (nx, ny = bins). The default value is 40. range : None or ((float, float), (float, float)) The leftmost and rightmost edges of the bins along each dimension: ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)). All values outside of this range will be considered outliers and not tallied in the histogram. If this value is None, or either of the inner lists is None, the range will be computed from the data. width : int Plot width (default 600px). height : int Plot height (default 600px). title : str Title of the plot. colors : Sequence[str] List of colors (hex codes, or strings as described `here <>`__). Compatible with one of the many built-in palettes available `here <>`__. log : bool Plot the log10 of the bin counts. Returns ------- :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` """ data = _generate_hist2d_data(x, y, bins, range).to_pandas() # Use python prettier float -> str function data['x'] = data['x'].apply(lambda e: str(float(e))) data['y'] = data['y'].apply(lambda e: str(float(e))) mapper: ColorMapper if log: mapper = LogColorMapper(palette=colors, low=data.c.min(), high=data.c.max()) else: mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=colors, low=data.c.min(), high=data.c.max()) x_axis = sorted(set(data.x), key=lambda z: float(z)) y_axis = sorted(set(data.y), key=lambda z: float(z)) p = figure( title=title, x_range=x_axis, y_range=y_axis, x_axis_location="above", width=width, height=height, tools="hover,save,pan,box_zoom,reset,wheel_zoom", toolbar_location='below', ) p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.axis_line_color = None p.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 import math p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = math.pi / 3 p.rect( x='x', y='y', width=1, height=1, source=data, fill_color={'field': 'c', 'transform': mapper}, line_color=None ) color_bar = ColorBar( color_mapper=mapper, ticker=LogTicker(desired_num_ticks=len(colors)) if log else BasicTicker(desired_num_ticks=len(colors)), label_standoff=12 if log else 6, border_line_color=None, location=(0, 0), ) p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right') hovertool = p.select_one(HoverTool) assert hovertool is not None hovertool.tooltips = [ ('x', '@x'), ( 'y', '@y', ), ('count', '@c'), ] return p
@typecheck( x=expr_numeric, y=expr_numeric, bins=oneof(int, sequenceof(int)), range=nullable(sized_tupleof(nullable(sized_tupleof(numeric, numeric)), nullable(sized_tupleof(numeric, numeric)))), ) def _generate_hist2d_data(x, y, bins, range): source = x._indices.source y_source = y._indices.source if source is None or y_source is None: raise ValueError("histogram_2d expects two expressions of 'Table', found scalar expression") if isinstance(source, hail.MatrixTable): raise ValueError("histogram_2d requires source to be Table, not MatrixTable") if source != y_source: raise ValueError(f"histogram_2d expects two expressions from the same 'Table', found {source} and {y_source}") raise_unless_row_indexed('histogram_2d', x) raise_unless_row_indexed('histogram_2d', y) if isinstance(bins, int): x_bins = y_bins = bins else: x_bins, y_bins = bins if range is None: x_range = y_range = None else: x_range, y_range = range if x_range is None or y_range is None: warning('At least one range was not defined in histogram_2d. Doing two passes...') ranges = source.aggregate(hail.struct(x_stats=hail.agg.stats(x), y_stats=hail.agg.stats(y))) if x_range is None: x_range = (ranges.x_stats.min, ranges.x_stats.max) if y_range is None: y_range = (ranges.y_stats.min, ranges.y_stats.max) else: warning( 'If x_range or y_range are specified in histogram_2d, and there are points ' 'outside of these ranges, they will not be plotted' ) x_range = list(map(float, x_range)) y_range = list(map(float, y_range)) x_spacing = (x_range[1] - x_range[0]) / x_bins y_spacing = (y_range[1] - y_range[0]) / y_bins def frange(start, stop, step): from itertools import count, takewhile return takewhile(lambda x: x <= stop, count(start, step)) x_levels = hail.literal(list(frange(x_range[0], x_range[1], x_spacing))[::-1]) y_levels = hail.literal(list(frange(y_range[0], y_range[1], y_spacing))[::-1]) grouped_ht = source.group_by( x=hail.str(x_levels.find(lambda w: x >= w)), y=hail.str(y_levels.find(lambda w: y >= w)) ).aggregate(c=hail.agg.count()) data = grouped_ht.filter( hail.is_defined(grouped_ht.x) & (grouped_ht.x != str(x_range[1])) & hail.is_defined(grouped_ht.y) & (grouped_ht.y != str(y_range[1])) ) return data def _collect_scatter_plot_data( x: Tuple[str, NumericExpression], y: Tuple[str, NumericExpression], fields: Optional[Dict[str, Expression]] = None, n_divisions: Optional[int] = None, missing_label: str = 'NA', ) -> pd.DataFrame: expressions = dict() if fields is not None: expressions.update({ k: hail.or_else(v, missing_label) if isinstance(v, StringExpression) else v for k, v in fields.items() }) if n_divisions is None: collect_expr = hail.struct(**dict((k, v) for k, v in (x, y)), **expressions) plot_data = [point for point in collect_expr.collect() if point[x[0]] is not None and point[y[0]] is not None] source_pd = pd.DataFrame(plot_data) else: # FIXME: remove the type conversion logic if/when downsample supports continuous values for labels # Save all numeric types to cast in DataFrame numeric_expr = {k: 'int32' for k, v in expressions.items() if isinstance(v, Int32Expression)} numeric_expr.update({k: 'int64' for k, v in expressions.items() if isinstance(v, Int64Expression)}) numeric_expr.update({k: 'float32' for k, v in expressions.items() if isinstance(v, Float32Expression)}) numeric_expr.update({k: 'float64' for k, v in expressions.items() if isinstance(v, Float64Expression)}) # Cast non-string types to string expressions = {k: hail.str(v) if not isinstance(v, StringExpression) else v for k, v in expressions.items()} agg_f = x[1]._aggregation_method() res = agg_f( hail.agg.downsample( x[1], y[1], label=list(expressions.values()) if expressions else None, n_divisions=n_divisions ) ) source_pd = pd.DataFrame([ dict( **{x[0]: point[0], y[0]: point[1]}, **(dict(zip(expressions, point[2])) if point[2] is not None else {}), ) for point in res ]) source_pd = source_pd.astype(numeric_expr, copy=False) return source_pd def _get_categorical_palette(factors: List[str]) -> ColorMapper: n = max(3, len(factors)) _palette: Sequence[str] if n < len(palette): _palette = palette elif n < 21: from bokeh.palettes import Category20 _palette = Category20[n] else: from bokeh.palettes import viridis _palette = viridis(n) return CategoricalColorMapper(factors=factors, palette=_palette) def _get_scatter_plot_elements( sp: Plot, source_pd: pd.DataFrame, x_col: str, y_col: str, label_cols: List[str], colors: Optional[Dict[str, ColorMapper]] = None, size: int = 4, hover_cols: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ) -> Union[ Tuple[Plot, Dict[str, List[LegendItem]], Legend, ColorBar, Dict[str, ColorMapper], List[Renderer]], Tuple[Plot, None, None, None, None, None], ]: if not source_pd.shape[0]: print("WARN: No data to plot.") return sp, None, None, None, None, None possible_tooltips = [(x_col, f'@{x_col}'), (y_col, f'@{y_col}')] + [ (c, f'@{c}') for c in source_pd.columns if c not in [x_col, y_col] ] if hover_cols is not None: possible_tooltips = [x for x in possible_tooltips if x[0] in hover_cols] cds = ColumnDataSource(source_pd) if not label_cols:, y_col, source=cds, size=size) return sp, None, None, None, None, None continuous_cols = [ col for col in label_cols if (str(source_pd.dtypes[col]).startswith('float') or str(source_pd.dtypes[col]).startswith('int')) ] factor_cols = [col for col in label_cols if col not in continuous_cols] # Assign color mappers to columns if colors is None: colors = {} color_mappers: Dict[str, ColorMapper] = {} for col in continuous_cols: low = np.nanmin(source_pd[col]) if np.isnan(low): low = 0 high = 0 else: high = np.nanmax(source_pd[col]) color_mappers[col] = colors[col] if col in colors else LinearColorMapper(palette='Magma256', low=low, high=high) for col in factor_cols: if col in colors: color_mappers[col] = colors[col] else: factors = list(set(source_pd[col])) color_mappers[col] = _get_categorical_palette(factors) # Create initial glyphs initial_col = label_cols[0] initial_mapper = color_mappers[initial_col] legend_items: Dict[str, List[LegendItem]] = {} if not factor_cols: all_renderers = [, y_col, color=transform(initial_col, initial_mapper), source=cds, size=size)] else: all_renderers = [] legend_items_by_key_by_factor = {col: collections.defaultdict(list) for col in factor_cols} for key in source_pd.groupby(factor_cols).groups.keys(): _key = key if len(factor_cols) > 1 else [key] cds_view = CDSView( filter=IntersectionFilter( operands=[ GroupFilter(column_name=factor_cols[i], group=_key[i]) for i in range(0, len(factor_cols)) ] ) ) renderer = x_col, y_col, color=transform(initial_col, initial_mapper), source=cds, view=cds_view, size=size ) all_renderers.append(renderer) for i in range(0, len(factor_cols)): legend_items_by_key_by_factor[factor_cols[i]][_key[i]].append(renderer) legend_items = { factor: [LegendItem(label=key, renderers=renderers) for key, renderers in key_renderers.items()] for factor, key_renderers in legend_items_by_key_by_factor.items() } # Add legend / color bar legend = ( Legend(visible=False, click_policy='hide', orientation='vertical') if initial_col not in factor_cols else Legend(items=legend_items[initial_col], click_policy='hide', orientation='vertical') ) color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=color_mappers[initial_col]) if initial_col not in continuous_cols: color_bar.visible = False sp.add_layout(legend, 'left') sp.add_layout(color_bar, 'left') return sp, legend_items, legend, color_bar, color_mappers, all_renderers def _downsampling_factor(fname: str, n_divisions: Optional[int], collect_all: Optional[bool]) -> Optional[int]: if collect_all is not None: warnings.warn(f'{fname}: `collect_all` has been deprecated. Use `n_divisions` instead.') if n_divisions is not None and collect_all is not None: raise ValueError('At most one of `collect_all` or `n_divisions` must be specified.') n_divisions = None if collect_all else n_divisions if n_divisions is not None and n_divisions < 1: raise ValueError('`n_divisions` must be a positive whole number or `None`') return n_divisions
[docs]@typecheck( x=oneof(expr_numeric, sized_tupleof(str, expr_numeric)), y=oneof(expr_numeric, sized_tupleof(str, expr_numeric)), label=nullable(oneof(dictof(str, expr_any), expr_any)), title=nullable(str), xlabel=nullable(str), ylabel=nullable(str), size=int, legend=bool, hover_fields=nullable(dictof(str, expr_any)), colors=nullable(oneof(bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper, dictof(str, bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper))), width=int, height=int, collect_all=nullable(bool), n_divisions=nullable(int), missing_label=str, ) def scatter( x: Union[NumericExpression, Tuple[str, NumericExpression]], y: Union[NumericExpression, Tuple[str, NumericExpression]], label: Optional[Union[Expression, Dict[str, Expression]]] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, xlabel: Optional[str] = None, ylabel: Optional[str] = None, size: int = 4, legend: bool = True, hover_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Expression]] = None, colors: Optional[Union[ColorMapper, Dict[str, ColorMapper]]] = None, width: int = 800, height: int = 800, collect_all: Optional[bool] = None, n_divisions: Optional[int] = 500, missing_label: str = 'NA', ) -> Union[Plot, Column]: """Create an interactive scatter plot. ``x`` and ``y`` must both be either: - a :class:`.NumericExpression` from the same :class:`.Table`. - a tuple (str, :class:`.NumericExpression`) from the same :class:`.Table`. If passed as a tuple the first element is used as the hover label. If no label or a single label is provided, then returns :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` Otherwise returns a :class:`bokeh.models.layouts.Column` containing: - a :class:`bokeh.models.widgets.inputs.Select` dropdown selection widget for labels - a :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` containing the interactive scatter plot Points will be colored by one of the labels defined in the ``label`` using the color scheme defined in the corresponding entry of ``colors`` if provided (otherwise a default scheme is used). To specify your color mapper, check `the bokeh documentation <>`__ for CategoricalMapper for categorical labels, and for LinearColorMapper and LogColorMapper for continuous labels. For categorical labels, clicking on one of the items in the legend will hide/show all points with the corresponding label. Note that using many different labelling schemes in the same plots, particularly if those labels contain many different classes could slow down the plot interactions. Hovering on points will display their coordinates, labels and any additional fields specified in ``hover_fields``. Parameters ---------- x : :class:`.NumericExpression` or (str, :class:`.NumericExpression`) List of x-values to be plotted. y : :class:`.NumericExpression` or (str, :class:`.NumericExpression`) List of y-values to be plotted. label : :class:`.Expression` or Dict[str, :class:`.Expression`]], optional Either a single expression (if a single label is desired), or a dictionary of label name -> label value for x and y values. Used to color each point w.r.t its label. When multiple labels are given, a dropdown will be displayed with the different options. Can be used with categorical or continuous expressions. title : str, optional Title of the scatterplot. xlabel : str, optional X-axis label. ylabel : str, optional Y-axis label. size : int Size of markers in screen space units. legend: bool Whether or not to show the legend in the resulting figure. hover_fields : Dict[str, :class:`.Expression`], optional Extra fields to be displayed when hovering over a point on the plot. colors : :class:`bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper` or Dict[str, :class:`bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper`], optional If a single label is used, then this can be a color mapper, if multiple labels are used, then this should be a Dict of label name -> color mapper. Used to set colors for the labels defined using ``label``. If not used at all, or label names not appearing in this dict will be colored using a default color scheme. width: int Plot width height: int Plot height collect_all : bool, optional Deprecated. Use `n_divisions` instead. n_divisions : int, optional Factor by which to downsample (default value = 500). A lower input results in fewer output datapoints. Use `None` to collect all points. missing_label: str Label to use when a point is missing data for a categorical label Returns ------- :class:`bokeh.models.Plot` if no label or a single label was given, otherwise :class:`bokeh.models.layouts.Column` """ hover_fields = {} if hover_fields is None else hover_fields label_by_col: Dict[str, Expression] if label is None: label_by_col = {} elif isinstance(label, Expression): label_by_col = {'label': label} else: assert isinstance(label, dict) label_by_col = label if isinstance(colors, ColorMapper): colors_by_col = {'label': colors} else: colors_by_col = colors label_cols = list(label_by_col.keys()) if isinstance(x, NumericExpression): _x = ('x', x) else: _x = x if isinstance(y, NumericExpression): _y = ('y', y) else: _y = y source_pd = _collect_scatter_plot_data( _x, _y, fields={**hover_fields, **label_by_col}, n_divisions=_downsampling_factor('scatter', n_divisions, collect_all), missing_label=missing_label, ) sp = figure(title=title, x_axis_label=xlabel, y_axis_label=ylabel, height=height, width=width) sp, sp_legend_items, sp_legend, sp_color_bar, sp_color_mappers, sp_scatter_renderers = _get_scatter_plot_elements( sp, source_pd, _x[0], _y[0], label_cols, colors_by_col, size, hover_cols={'x', 'y'} | set(hover_fields) ) if not legend: assert sp_legend is not None assert sp_color_bar is not None sp_legend.visible = False sp_color_bar.visible = False # If multiple labels, create JS call back selector if len(label_cols) > 1: callback_args: Dict[str, Any] callback_args = dict(color_mappers=sp_color_mappers, scatter_renderers=sp_scatter_renderers) callback_code = """ for (var i = 0; i < scatter_renderers.length; i++){ scatter_renderers[i].glyph.fill_color = {field: cb_obj.value, transform: color_mappers[cb_obj.value]} scatter_renderers[i].glyph.line_color = {field: cb_obj.value, transform: color_mappers[cb_obj.value]} scatter_renderers[i].visible = true } """ if legend: callback_args.update(dict(legend_items=sp_legend_items, legend=sp_legend, color_bar=sp_color_bar)) callback_code += """ if (cb_obj.value in legend_items){ legend.items=legend_items[cb_obj.value] legend.visible=true color_bar.visible=false }else{ legend.visible=false color_bar.visible=true } """ callback = CustomJS(args=callback_args, code=callback_code) select = Select(title="Color by", value=label_cols[0], options=label_cols) select.js_on_change('value', callback) return Column(children=[select, sp]) return sp
@typecheck( x=oneof(expr_numeric, sized_tupleof(str, expr_numeric)), y=oneof(expr_numeric, sized_tupleof(str, expr_numeric)), label=nullable(oneof(dictof(str, expr_any), expr_any)), title=nullable(str), xlabel=nullable(str), ylabel=nullable(str), size=int, legend=bool, hover_fields=nullable(dictof(str, expr_any)), colors=nullable(oneof(bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper, dictof(str, bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper))), width=int, height=int, collect_all=nullable(bool), n_divisions=nullable(int), missing_label=str, ) def joint_plot( x: Union[NumericExpression, Tuple[str, NumericExpression]], y: Union[NumericExpression, Tuple[str, NumericExpression]], label: Optional[Union[Expression, Dict[str, Expression]]] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, xlabel: Optional[str] = None, ylabel: Optional[str] = None, size: int = 4, legend: bool = True, hover_fields: Optional[Dict[str, StringExpression]] = None, colors: Optional[Union[ColorMapper, Dict[str, ColorMapper]]] = None, width: int = 800, height: int = 800, collect_all: Optional[bool] = None, n_divisions: Optional[int] = 500, missing_label: str = 'NA', ) -> GridPlot: """Create an interactive scatter plot with marginal densities on the side. ``x`` and ``y`` must both be either: - a :class:`.NumericExpression` from the same :class:`.Table`. - a tuple (str, :class:`.NumericExpression`) from the same :class:`.Table`. If passed as a tuple the first element is used as the hover label. This function returns a :class:`bokeh.models.layouts.Column` containing two :class:`figure.Row`: - The first row contains the X-axis marginal density and a selection widget if multiple entries are specified in the ``label`` - The second row contains the scatter plot and the y-axis marginal density Points will be colored by one of the labels defined in the ``label`` using the color scheme defined in the corresponding entry of ``colors`` if provided (otherwise a default scheme is used). To specify your color mapper, check `the bokeh documentation <>`__ for CategoricalMapper for categorical labels, and for LinearColorMapper and LogColorMapper for continuous labels. For categorical labels, clicking on one of the items in the legend will hide/show all points with the corresponding label in the scatter plot. Note that using many different labelling schemes in the same plots, particularly if those labels contain many different classes could slow down the plot interactions. Hovering on points in the scatter plot displays their coordinates, labels and any additional fields specified in ``hover_fields``. Parameters ---------- ---------- x : :class:`.NumericExpression` or (str, :class:`.NumericExpression`) List of x-values to be plotted. y : :class:`.NumericExpression` or (str, :class:`.NumericExpression`) List of y-values to be plotted. label : :class:`.Expression` or Dict[str, :class:`.Expression`]], optional Either a single expression (if a single label is desired), or a dictionary of label name -> label value for x and y values. Used to color each point w.r.t its label. When multiple labels are given, a dropdown will be displayed with the different options. Can be used with categorical or continuous expressions. title : str, optional Title of the scatterplot. xlabel : str, optional X-axis label. ylabel : str, optional Y-axis label. size : int Size of markers in screen space units. legend: bool Whether or not to show the legend in the resulting figure. hover_fields : Dict[str, :class:`.Expression`], optional Extra fields to be displayed when hovering over a point on the plot. colors : :class:`bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper` or Dict[str, :class:`bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper`], optional If a single label is used, then this can be a color mapper, if multiple labels are used, then this should be a Dict of label name -> color mapper. Used to set colors for the labels defined using ``label``. If not used at all, or label names not appearing in this dict will be colored using a default color scheme. width: int Plot width height: int Plot height collect_all : bool, optional Deprecated. Use `n_divisions` instead. n_divisions : int, optional Factor by which to downsample (default value = 500). A lower input results in fewer output datapoints. Use `None` to collect all points. missing_label: str Label to use when a point is missing data for a categorical label Returns ------- :class:`.GridPlot` """ # Collect data hover_fields = {} if hover_fields is None else hover_fields label_by_col: Dict[str, Expression] if label is None: label_by_col = {} elif isinstance(label, Expression): label_by_col = {'label': label} else: assert isinstance(label, dict) label_by_col = label if isinstance(colors, ColorMapper): colors_by_col = {'label': colors} else: colors_by_col = colors if isinstance(x, NumericExpression): _x = ('x', x) else: _x = x if isinstance(y, NumericExpression): _y = ('y', y) else: _y = y label_cols = list(label_by_col.keys()) source_pd = _collect_scatter_plot_data( _x, _y, fields={**hover_fields, **label_by_col}, n_divisions=_downsampling_factor('join_plot', n_divisions, collect_all), missing_label=missing_label, ) sp = figure(title=title, x_axis_label=xlabel, y_axis_label=ylabel, height=height, width=width) sp, sp_legend_items, sp_legend, sp_color_bar, sp_color_mappers, sp_scatter_renderers = _get_scatter_plot_elements( sp, source_pd, _x[0], _y[0], label_cols, colors_by_col, size, hover_cols={'x', 'y'} | set(hover_fields) ) continuous_cols = [ col for col in label_cols if (str(source_pd.dtypes[col]).startswith('float') or str(source_pd.dtypes[col]).startswith('int')) ] factor_cols = [col for col in label_cols if col not in continuous_cols] # Density plots def get_density_plot_items( source_pd, data_col, p, x_axis, colors: Optional[Dict[str, ColorMapper]], continuous_cols: List[str], factor_cols: List[str], ): density_renderers = [] max_densities = {} if not factor_cols or continuous_cols: dens, edges = np.histogram(source_pd[data_col], density=True) edges = edges[:-1] xy = (edges, dens) if x_axis else (dens, edges) cds = ColumnDataSource({'x': xy[0], 'y': xy[1]}) line = p.line('x', 'y', source=cds) density_renderers.extend([(col, "", line) for col in continuous_cols]) max_densities = {col: np.max(dens) for col in continuous_cols} for factor_col in factor_cols: assert colors is not None, (colors, factor_cols) factor_colors = colors.get(factor_col, _get_categorical_palette(list(set(source_pd[factor_col])))) factor_colors = dict(zip(factor_colors.factors, factor_colors.palette)) density_data = ( source_pd[[factor_col, data_col]] .groupby(factor_col) .apply(lambda df: np.histogram(df['x' if x_axis else 'y'], density=True)) ) for factor, (dens, edges) in density_data.iteritems(): _edges = edges[:-1] xy = (_edges, dens) if x_axis else (dens, _edges) cds = ColumnDataSource({'x': xy[0], 'y': xy[1]}) density_renderers.append(( factor_col, factor, p.line('x', 'y', color=factor_colors.get(factor, 'gray'), source=cds), )) max_densities[factor_col] = np.max([*list(dens), max_densities.get(factor_col, 0)]) p.grid.visible = False p.outline_line_color = None return p, density_renderers, max_densities xp = figure(title=title, height=int(height / 3), width=width, x_range=sp.x_range) xp, x_renderers, x_max_densities = get_density_plot_items( source_pd, _x[0], xp, x_axis=True, colors=sp_color_mappers, continuous_cols=continuous_cols, factor_cols=factor_cols, ) xp.xaxis.visible = False yp = figure(height=height, width=int(width / 3), y_range=sp.y_range) yp, y_renderers, y_max_densities = get_density_plot_items( source_pd, _y[0], yp, x_axis=False, colors=sp_color_mappers, continuous_cols=continuous_cols, factor_cols=factor_cols, ) yp.yaxis.visible = False density_renderers = x_renderers + y_renderers first_row = [xp] if not legend: assert sp_legend is not None assert sp_color_bar is not None sp_legend.visible = False sp_color_bar.visible = False # If multiple labels, create JS call back selector if len(label_cols) > 1: for factor_col, _, renderer in density_renderers: renderer.visible = factor_col == label_cols[0] if label_cols[0] in factor_cols: xp.y_range.start = 0 xp.y_range.end = x_max_densities[label_cols[0]] yp.x_range.start = 0 yp.x_range.end = y_max_densities[label_cols[0]] callback_args: Dict[str, Any] callback_args = dict( scatter_renderers=sp_scatter_renderers, color_mappers=sp_color_mappers, density_renderers=x_renderers + y_renderers, x_range=xp.y_range, x_max_densities=x_max_densities, y_range=yp.x_range, y_max_densities=y_max_densities, ) callback_code = """ for (var i = 0; i < scatter_renderers.length; i++){ scatter_renderers[i].glyph.fill_color = {field: cb_obj.value, transform: color_mappers[cb_obj.value]} scatter_renderers[i].glyph.line_color = {field: cb_obj.value, transform: color_mappers[cb_obj.value]} scatter_renderers[i].visible = true } for (var i = 0; i < density_renderers.length; i++){ density_renderers[i][2].visible = density_renderers[i][0] == cb_obj.value } x_range.start = 0 y_range.start = 0 x_range.end = x_max_densities[cb_obj.value] y_range.end = y_max_densities[cb_obj.value] """ if legend: callback_args.update(dict(legend_items=sp_legend_items, legend=sp_legend, color_bar=sp_color_bar)) callback_code += """ if (cb_obj.value in legend_items){ legend.items=legend_items[cb_obj.value] legend.visible=true color_bar.visible=false }else{ legend.visible=false color_bar.visible=true } """ callback = CustomJS(args=callback_args, code=callback_code) select = Select(title="Color by", value=label_cols[0], options=label_cols) select.js_on_change('value', callback) first_row.append(select) return gridplot([first_row, [sp, yp]])
[docs]@typecheck( pvals=expr_numeric, label=nullable(oneof(dictof(str, expr_any), expr_any)), title=nullable(str), xlabel=nullable(str), ylabel=nullable(str), size=int, legend=bool, hover_fields=nullable(dictof(str, expr_any)), colors=nullable(oneof(bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper, dictof(str, bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper))), width=int, height=int, collect_all=nullable(bool), n_divisions=nullable(int), missing_label=str, ) def qq( pvals: NumericExpression, label: Optional[Union[Expression, Dict[str, Expression]]] = None, title: Optional[str] = 'Q-Q plot', xlabel: Optional[str] = 'Expected -log10(p)', ylabel: Optional[str] = 'Observed -log10(p)', size: int = 6, legend: bool = True, hover_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Expression]] = None, colors: Optional[Union[ColorMapper, Dict[str, ColorMapper]]] = None, width: int = 800, height: int = 800, collect_all: Optional[bool] = None, n_divisions: Optional[int] = 500, missing_label: str = 'NA', ) -> Union[figure, Column]: """Create a Quantile-Quantile plot. ( If no label or a single label is provided, then returns :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` Otherwise returns a :class:`bokeh.models.layouts.Column` containing: - a :class:`bokeh.models.widgets.inputs.Select` dropdown selection widget for labels - a :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` containing the interactive qq plot Points will be colored by one of the labels defined in the ``label`` using the color scheme defined in the corresponding entry of ``colors`` if provided (otherwise a default scheme is used). To specify your color mapper, check `the bokeh documentation <>`__ for CategoricalMapper for categorical labels, and for LinearColorMapper and LogColorMapper for continuous labels. For categorical labels, clicking on one of the items in the legend will hide/show all points with the corresponding label. Note that using many different labelling schemes in the same plots, particularly if those labels contain many different classes could slow down the plot interactions. Hovering on points will display their coordinates, labels and any additional fields specified in ``hover_fields``. Parameters ---------- pvals : :class:`.NumericExpression` List of x-values to be plotted. label : :class:`.Expression` or Dict[str, :class:`.Expression`]] Either a single expression (if a single label is desired), or a dictionary of label name -> label value for x and y values. Used to color each point w.r.t its label. When multiple labels are given, a dropdown will be displayed with the different options. Can be used with categorical or continuous expressions. title : str, optional Title of the scatterplot. xlabel : str, optional X-axis label. ylabel : str, optional Y-axis label. size : int Size of markers in screen space units. legend: bool Whether or not to show the legend in the resulting figure. hover_fields : Dict[str, :class:`.Expression`], optional Extra fields to be displayed when hovering over a point on the plot. colors : :class:`bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper` or Dict[str, :class:`bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper`], optional If a single label is used, then this can be a color mapper, if multiple labels are used, then this should be a Dict of label name -> color mapper. Used to set colors for the labels defined using ``label``. If not used at all, or label names not appearing in this dict will be colored using a default color scheme. width: int Plot width height: int Plot height collect_all : bool Deprecated. Use `n_divisions` instead. n_divisions : int, optional Factor by which to downsample (default value = 500). A lower input results in fewer output datapoints. Use `None` to collect all points. missing_label: str Label to use when a point is missing data for a categorical label Returns ------- :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` if no label or a single label was given, otherwise :class:`bokeh.models.layouts.Column` """ hover_fields = {} if hover_fields is None else hover_fields label_by_col: Dict[str, Expression] if label is None: label_by_col = {} elif isinstance(label, Expression): label_by_col = {'label': label} else: assert isinstance(label, dict) label_by_col = label source = pvals._indices.source if isinstance(source, Table): ht =, **hover_fields, **label_by_col) else: assert isinstance(source, MatrixTable) ht = source.select_rows(p_value=pvals, **hover_fields, **label_by_col).rows() ht = ht.key_by().select('p_value', *hover_fields, *label_by_col).key_by('p_value') n = ht.aggregate(aggregators.count(), _localize=False) ht = ht.annotate(observed_p=-hail.log10(ht['p_value']), expected_p=-hail.log10((hail.scan.count() + 1) / n)) if 'p' not in hover_fields: hover_fields['p_value'] = ht['p_value'] p = scatter( ht.expected_p, ht.observed_p, label={x: ht[x] for x in label_by_col}, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, size=size, legend=legend, hover_fields={x: ht[x] for x in hover_fields}, colors=colors, width=width, height=height, n_divisions=_downsampling_factor('qq', n_divisions, collect_all), missing_label=missing_label, ) from hail.methods.statgen import _lambda_gc_agg lambda_gc, max_p = ht.aggregate(( _lambda_gc_agg(ht['p_value']), hail.agg.max(hail.max(ht.observed_p, ht.expected_p)), )) if isinstance(p, Column): qq = p.children[1] else: qq = p qq.x_range = DataRange1d(start=0, end=max_p + 1) qq.y_range = DataRange1d(start=0, end=max_p + 1) qq.add_layout(Slope(gradient=1, y_intercept=0, line_color='red')) label_color = 'red' if lambda_gc > 1.25 else 'orange' if lambda_gc > 1.1 else 'black' lgc_label = Label( x=max_p * 0.85, y=1, text=f'λ GC: {lambda_gc:.2f}', text_font_style='bold', text_color=label_color, text_font_size='14pt', ) p.add_layout(lgc_label) return p
[docs]@typecheck( pvals=expr_float64, locus=nullable(expr_locus()), title=nullable(str), size=int, hover_fields=nullable(dictof(str, expr_any)), collect_all=nullable(bool), n_divisions=nullable(int), significance_line=nullable(numeric), ) def manhattan( pvals: 'Float64Expression', locus: 'Optional[LocusExpression]' = None, title: 'Optional[str]' = None, size: int = 4, hover_fields: 'Optional[Dict[str, Expression]]' = None, collect_all: 'Optional[bool]' = None, n_divisions: 'Optional[int]' = 500, significance_line: 'Optional[Union[int, float]]' = 5e-8, ) -> Plot: """Create a Manhattan plot. ( Parameters ---------- pvals : :class:`.Float64Expression` P-values to be plotted. locus : :class:`.LocusExpression`, optional Locus values to be plotted. title : str, optional Title of the plot. size : int Size of markers in screen space units. hover_fields : Dict[str, :class:`.Expression`], optional Dictionary of field names and values to be shown in the HoverTool of the plot. collect_all : bool, optional Deprecated - use `n_divisions` instead. n_divisions : int, optional. Factor by which to downsample (default value = 500). A lower input results in fewer output datapoints. Use `None` to collect all points. significance_line : float, optional p-value at which to add a horizontal, dotted red line indicating genome-wide significance. If ``None``, no line is added. Returns ------- :class:`bokeh.models.Plot` """ if locus is None: locus = ref = locus.dtype.reference_genome if hover_fields is None: hover_fields = {} hover_fields['locus'] = hail.str(locus) pvals = -hail.log10(pvals) source_pd = _collect_scatter_plot_data( ('_global_locus', locus.global_position()), ('_pval', pvals), fields=hover_fields, n_divisions=_downsampling_factor('manhattan', n_divisions, collect_all), ) source_pd['p_value'] = [10 ** (-p) for p in source_pd['_pval']] source_pd['_contig'] = [locus.split(":")[0] for locus in source_pd['locus']] observed_contigs = [contig for contig in ref.contigs.copy() if contig in set(source_pd['_contig'])] contig_ticks = [ref._contig_global_position(contig) + ref.contig_length(contig) // 2 for contig in observed_contigs] color_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors=ref.contigs, palette=palette[:2] * int((len(ref.contigs) + 1) / 2)) p = figure(title=title, x_axis_label='Chromosome', y_axis_label='P-value (-log10 scale)', width=1000) p, _, legend, _, _, _ = _get_scatter_plot_elements( p, source_pd, x_col='_global_locus', y_col='_pval', label_cols=['_contig'], colors={'_contig': color_mapper}, size=size, hover_cols={'locus', 'p_value'} | set(hover_fields), ) assert legend is not None legend.visible = False p.xaxis.ticker = contig_ticks p.xaxis.major_label_overrides = dict(zip(contig_ticks, [contig.replace("chr", "") for contig in observed_contigs])) if significance_line is not None: p.renderers.append( Span( location=-math.log10(significance_line), dimension='width', line_color='red', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1.5, ) ) return p
[docs]@typecheck( entry_field=expr_any, row_field=nullable(oneof(expr_numeric, expr_locus())), column_field=nullable(expr_str), window=nullable(int), plot_width=int, plot_height=int, ) def visualize_missingness( entry_field, row_field=None, column_field=None, window=6000000, plot_width=1800, plot_height=900 ) -> figure: """Visualize missingness in a MatrixTable. Inspired by `naniar <>`__. Row field is windowed by default, and missingness is aggregated over this window to generate a proportion defined. This windowing is set to 6,000,000 by default, so that the human genome is divided into ~500 rows. With ~2,000 columns, this function returns a sensibly-sized plot with this windowing. Warning ------- Generating a plot with more than ~1M points takes a long time for Bokeh to render. Consider windowing carefully. Parameters ---------- entry_field : :class:`.Expression` Field for which to check missingness. row_field : :class:`.NumericExpression` or :class:`.LocusExpression` Row field to use for y-axis (can be windowed). If not provided, the row key will be used. column_field : :class:`.StringExpression` Column field to use for x-axis. If not provided, the column key will be used. window : int, optional Size of window to summarize by ``row_field``. If set to None, each field will be used individually. plot_width : int Plot width in px. plot_height : int Plot height in px. Returns ------- :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure` """ mt = entry_field._indices.source if row_field is None: if isinstance(mt.row_key.dtype, hail.tstruct) and len(mt.row_key) == 1: row_field = mt.row_key[0] else: row_field = mt.row_key if column_field is None: column_field = hail.str(mt.col_key) row_source = row_field._indices.source column_source = column_field._indices.source if mt is None or row_source is None or column_source is None: raise ValueError("visualize_missingness expects expressions of 'MatrixTable', found scalar expression") if isinstance(mt, hail.Table): raise ValueError("visualize_missingness requires source to be MatrixTable, not Table") columns = column_field.collect() if not (mt == row_source == column_source): raise ValueError( f"visualize_missingness expects expressions from the same 'MatrixTable', " f"found {mt} and {row_source} and {column_source}" ) # raise_unless_row_indexed('visualize_missingness', row_source) if window: row_field_is_locus = isinstance(row_field.dtype, hail.tlocus) row_field_is_numeric = row_field.dtype in (hail.tint32, hail.tint64, hail.tfloat32, hail.tfloat64) if row_field_is_locus: grouping = hail.locus_from_global_position( hail.int64(window) * hail.int64(row_field.global_position() / window) ) elif row_field_is_numeric: grouping = hail.int64(window) * hail.int64(row_field / window) else: raise ValueError( f'When window is not None and row key must be numeric, but row key type was {mt.row_key.dtype}.' ) mt = ( mt.group_rows_by(_new_row_key=grouping) .partition_hint(100) .aggregate(is_defined=hail.agg.fraction(hail.is_defined(entry_field))) ) else: mt = mt._select_all( row_exprs={'_new_row_key': row_field}, entry_exprs={'is_defined': hail.is_defined(entry_field)} ) ht = mt.localize_entries('entry_fields', 'phenos') ht = entry: entry.is_defined)) data = ht.entry_fields.collect() if len(data) > 200: warning( f'Missingness dataset has {len(data)} rows. ' f'This may take {"a very long time" if len(data) > 1000 else "a few minutes"} to plot.' ) rows = hail.str(ht._new_row_key).collect() df = pd.DataFrame(data) df = df.rename(columns=dict(enumerate(columns))).rename(index=dict(enumerate(rows))) = 'row' = 'column' df = pd.DataFrame(df.stack(), columns=['defined']).reset_index() p = figure( x_range=columns, y_range=list(reversed(rows)), x_axis_location="above", width=plot_width, height=plot_height, toolbar_location='below', tooltips=[('defined', '@defined'), ('row', '@row'), ('column', '@column')], ) p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.axis_line_color = None p.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "5pt" p.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 colors = ["#75968f", "#a5bab7", "#c9d9d3", "#e2e2e2", "#dfccce", "#ddb7b1", "#cc7878", "#933b41", "#550b1d"] from bokeh.models import BasicTicker, ColorBar, LinearColorMapper, PrintfTickFormatter mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=colors, low=df.defined.min(), high=df.defined.max()) p.rect( x='column', y='row', width=1, height=1, source=df, fill_color={'field': 'defined', 'transform': mapper}, line_color=None, ) color_bar = ColorBar( color_mapper=mapper, major_label_text_font_size="5pt", ticker=BasicTicker(desired_num_ticks=len(colors)), formatter=PrintfTickFormatter(format="%d"), label_standoff=6, border_line_color=None, location=(0, 0), ) p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right') return p