Source code for hail.nd.nd

from functools import reduce

import hail as hl
from hail.expr.expressions import (
from hail.expr.expressions.typed_expressions import NDArrayNumericExpression
from hail.expr.functions import _ndarray
from hail.expr.functions import array as aarray
from hail.expr.types import HailType, tfloat32, tfloat64, tndarray, ttuple
from import Apply, NDArrayConcat, NDArrayEigh, NDArrayInv, NDArrayQR, NDArraySVD
from hail.typecheck import nullable, oneof, sequenceof, tupleof, typecheck

tsequenceof_nd = oneof(sequenceof(expr_ndarray()), expr_array(expr_ndarray()))
shape_type = oneof(expr_int64, tupleof(expr_int64), expr_tuple())

[docs]def array(input_array, dtype=None): """Construct an :class:`.NDArrayExpression` Examples -------- >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.array([1, 2, 3, 4])) array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=int32) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])) array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=int32) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.array(np.identity(3))) array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.array(hl.range(10, 20))) array([10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], dtype=int32) Parameters ---------- input_array : :class:`.ArrayExpression`, numpy ndarray, or nested python lists/tuples The array to convert to a Hail ndarray. dtype : :class:`.HailType` Desired hail type. Default: `float64`. Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayExpression` An ndarray based on the input array. """ return _ndarray(input_array, dtype=dtype)
@typecheck(a=expr_array(), shape=shape_type) def from_column_major(a, shape): assert len(shape) == 2 return array(a).reshape(tuple(reversed(shape))).T
[docs]@typecheck(start=expr_int32, stop=nullable(expr_int32), step=expr_int32) def arange(start, stop=None, step=1) -> NDArrayNumericExpression: """Returns a 1-dimensions ndarray of integers from `start` to `stop` by `step`. Examples -------- >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.arange(10)) array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype=int32) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.arange(3, 10)) array([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype=int32) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.arange(0, 10, step=3)) array([0, 3, 6, 9], dtype=int32) Notes ----- The range includes `start`, but excludes `stop`. If provided exactly one argument, the argument is interpreted as `stop` and `start` is set to zero. This matches the behavior of Python's ``range``. Parameters ---------- start : int or :class:`.Expression` of type :py:data:`.tint32` Start of range. stop : int or :class:`.Expression` of type :py:data:`.tint32` End of range. step : int or :class:`.Expression` of type :py:data:`.tint32` Step of range. Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` A 1-dimensional ndarray from `start` to `stop` by `step`. """ return _ndarray(hl.range(start, stop, step))
[docs]@typecheck(shape=shape_type, value=expr_any, dtype=nullable(HailType)) def full(shape, value, dtype=None): """Creates a hail :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` full of the specified value. Examples -------- Create a 5 by 7 NDArray of type :py:data:`.tfloat64` 9s. >>> hl.nd.full((5, 7), 9) It is possible to specify a type other than :py:data:`.tfloat64` with the `dtype` argument. >>> hl.nd.full((5, 7), 9, dtype=hl.tint32) Parameters ---------- shape : `tuple` or :class:`.TupleExpression` Desired shape. value : :class:`.Expression` or python value Value to fill ndarray with. dtype : :class:`.HailType` Desired hail type. Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` An ndarray of the specified shape filled with the specified value. """ if isinstance(shape, Int64Expression): shape_product = shape else: shape_product = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, shape) return arange(hl.int32(shape_product)).map(lambda x: cast_expr(value, dtype)).reshape(shape)
[docs]@typecheck(shape=shape_type, dtype=HailType) def zeros(shape, dtype=tfloat64): """Creates a hail :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` full of zeros. Examples -------- Create a 5 by 7 NDArray of type :py:data:`.tfloat64` zeros. >>> hl.nd.zeros((5, 7)) It is possible to specify a type other than :py:data:`.tfloat64` with the `dtype` argument. >>> hl.nd.zeros((5, 7), dtype=hl.tfloat32) Parameters ---------- shape : `tuple` or :class:`.TupleExpression` Desired shape. dtype : :class:`.HailType` Desired hail type. Default: `float64`. See Also -------- :func:`.full` Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` ndarray of the specified size full of zeros. """ return full(shape, 0, dtype)
[docs]@typecheck(shape=shape_type, dtype=HailType) def ones(shape, dtype=tfloat64): """Creates a hail :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` full of ones. Examples -------- Create a 5 by 7 NDArray of type :py:data:`.tfloat64` ones. >>> hl.nd.ones((5, 7)) It is possible to specify a type other than :py:data:`.tfloat64` with the `dtype` argument. >>> hl.nd.ones((5, 7), dtype=hl.tfloat32) Parameters ---------- shape : `tuple` or :class:`.TupleExpression` Desired shape. dtype : :class:`.HailType` Desired hail type. Default: `float64`. See Also -------- :func:`.full` Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` ndarray of the specified size full of ones. """ return full(shape, 1, dtype)
[docs]@typecheck(nd=expr_ndarray()) def diagonal(nd): """Gets the diagonal of a 2 dimensional NDArray. Examples -------- >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.diagonal(hl.nd.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))) array([1, 4], dtype=int32) Parameters ---------- nd : :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` A 2 dimensional NDArray, shape(M, N). Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayExpression` A 1 dimension NDArray of length min(M, N), containing the diagonal of `nd`. """ assert nd.ndim == 2, "diagonal requires 2 dimensional ndarray" shape_min = hl.min(nd.shape[0], nd.shape[1]) return hl.nd.array(hl.range(hl.int32(shape_min)).map(lambda i: nd[i, i]))
[docs]@typecheck(a=expr_ndarray(), b=expr_ndarray(), no_crash=bool) def solve(a, b, no_crash=False): """Solve a linear system. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression`, (N, N) Coefficient matrix. b : :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression`, (N,) or (N, K) Dependent variables. Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression`, (N,) or (N, K) Solution to the system Ax = B. Shape is same as shape of B. """ b_ndim_orig = b.ndim a, b = solve_helper(a, b, b_ndim_orig) if no_crash: name = "linear_solve_no_crash" return_type = hl.tstruct(solution=hl.tndarray(hl.tfloat64, 2), failed=hl.tbool) else: name = "linear_solve" return_type = hl.tndarray(hl.tfloat64, 2) indices, aggregations = unify_all(a, b) ir = Apply(name, return_type, a._ir, b._ir) result = construct_expr(ir, return_type, indices, aggregations) if b_ndim_orig == 1: if no_crash: result = hl.struct(solution=result.solution.reshape((-1)), failed=result.failed) else: result = result.reshape((-1)) return result
[docs]@typecheck(A=expr_ndarray(), b=expr_ndarray(), lower=expr_bool, no_crash=bool) def solve_triangular(A, b, lower=False, no_crash=False): """Solve a triangular linear system Ax = b for x. Parameters ---------- A : :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression`, (N, N) Triangular coefficient matrix. b : :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression`, (N,) or (N, K) Dependent variables. lower : `bool`: If true, A is interpreted as a lower triangular matrix If false, A is interpreted as a upper triangular matrix Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression`, (N,) or (N, K) Solution to the triangular system Ax = B. Shape is same as shape of B. """ nd_dep_ndim_orig = b.ndim A, b = solve_helper(A, b, nd_dep_ndim_orig) indices, aggregations = unify_all(A, b) if no_crash: return_type = hl.tstruct(solution=hl.tndarray(hl.tfloat64, 2), failed=hl.tbool) ir = Apply("linear_triangular_solve_no_crash", return_type, A._ir, b._ir, lower._ir) result = construct_expr(ir, return_type, indices, aggregations) if nd_dep_ndim_orig == 1: result = result.annotate(solution=result.solution.reshape((-1))) return result return_type = hl.tndarray(hl.tfloat64, 2) ir = Apply("linear_triangular_solve", return_type, A._ir, b._ir, lower._ir) result = construct_expr(ir, return_type, indices, aggregations) if nd_dep_ndim_orig == 1: result = result.reshape((-1)) return result
def solve_helper(nd_coef, nd_dep, nd_dep_ndim_orig): assert nd_coef.ndim == 2 assert nd_dep_ndim_orig in {1, 2} if nd_dep_ndim_orig == 1: nd_dep = nd_dep.reshape((-1, 1)) if nd_coef.dtype.element_type != hl.tfloat64: nd_coef = e: hl.float64(e)) if nd_dep.dtype.element_type != hl.tfloat64: nd_dep = e: hl.float64(e)) return nd_coef, nd_dep
[docs]@typecheck(nd=expr_ndarray(), mode=str) def qr(nd, mode="reduced"): r"""Performs a QR decomposition. If K = min(M, N), then: - `reduced`: returns q and r with dimensions (M, K), (K, N) - `complete`: returns q and r with dimensions (M, M), (M, N) - `r`: returns only r with dimensions (K, N) - `raw`: returns h, tau with dimensions (N, M), (K,) Notes ----- The reduced QR, the default output of this function, has the following properties: .. math:: m \ge n \\ nd : \mathbb{R}^{m \times n} \\ Q : \mathbb{R}^{m \times n} \\ R : \mathbb{R}^{n \times n} \\ \\ Q^T Q = \mathbb{1} The complete QR, has the following properties: .. math:: m \ge n \\ nd : \mathbb{R}^{m \times n} \\ Q : \mathbb{R}^{m \times m} \\ R : \mathbb{R}^{m \times n} \\ \\ Q^T Q = \mathbb{1} Q Q^T = \mathbb{1} Parameters ---------- nd : :class:`.NDArrayExpression` A 2 dimensional ndarray, shape(M, N) mode : :class:`.str` One of "reduced", "complete", "r", or "raw". Defaults to "reduced". Returns ------- - q: ndarray of float64 A matrix with orthonormal columns. - r: ndarray of float64 The upper-triangular matrix R. - (h, tau): ndarrays of float64 The array h contains the Householder reflectors that generate q along with r. The tau array contains scaling factors for the reflectors """ assert nd.ndim == 2, f"QR decomposition requires 2 dimensional ndarray, found: {nd.ndim}" if mode not in ["reduced", "r", "raw", "complete"]: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized mode '{mode}' for QR decomposition") float_nd = x: hl.float64(x)) ir = NDArrayQR(float_nd._ir, mode) indices = nd._indices aggs = nd._aggregations if mode == "raw": return construct_expr(ir, ttuple(tndarray(tfloat64, 2), tndarray(tfloat64, 1)), indices, aggs) elif mode == "r": return construct_expr(ir, tndarray(tfloat64, 2), indices, aggs) elif mode in ["complete", "reduced"]: return construct_expr(ir, ttuple(tndarray(tfloat64, 2), tndarray(tfloat64, 2)), indices, aggs)
[docs]@typecheck(nd=expr_ndarray(), full_matrices=bool, compute_uv=bool) def svd(nd, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True): """Performs a singular value decomposition. Parameters ---------- nd : :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` A 2 dimensional ndarray, shape(M, N). full_matrices: :class:`.bool` If True (default), u and vt have dimensions (M, M) and (N, N) respectively. Otherwise, they have dimensions (M, K) and (K, N), where K = min(M, N) compute_uv : :class:`.bool` If True (default), compute the singular vectors u and v. Otherwise, only return a single ndarray, s. Returns ------- - u: :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` The left singular vectors. - s: :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` The singular values. - vt: :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` The right singular vectors. """ float_nd = x: hl.float64(x)) ir = NDArraySVD(float_nd._ir, full_matrices, compute_uv) return_type = ( ttuple(tndarray(tfloat64, 2), tndarray(tfloat64, 1), tndarray(tfloat64, 2)) if compute_uv else tndarray(tfloat64, 1) ) return construct_expr(ir, return_type, nd._indices, nd._aggregations)
@typecheck(nd=expr_ndarray(), eigvals_only=bool) def eigh(nd, eigvals_only=False): """Performs an eigenvalue decomposition of a symmetric matrix. Parameters ---------- nd : :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` A 2 dimensional ndarray, shape(N, N). eigvals_only: :class:`.bool` If False (default), compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Otherwise, only compute eigenvalues. Returns ------- - w: :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` The eigenvalues, shape(N). - v: :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` The eigenvectors, shape(N, N). Only returned if eigvals_only is false. """ float_nd = x: hl.float64(x)) ir = NDArrayEigh(float_nd._ir, eigvals_only) return_type = tndarray(tfloat64, 1) if eigvals_only else ttuple(tndarray(tfloat64, 1), tndarray(tfloat64, 2)) return construct_expr(ir, return_type, nd._indices, nd._aggregations)
[docs]@typecheck(nd=expr_ndarray()) def inv(nd): """Performs a matrix inversion. Parameters ---------- nd : :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` A 2 dimensional ndarray. Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` The inverted matrix. """ assert nd.ndim == 2, "Matrix inversion requires 2 dimensional ndarray" float_nd = x: hl.float64(x)) ir = NDArrayInv(float_nd._ir) return construct_expr(ir, tndarray(tfloat64, 2), nd._indices, nd._aggregations)
[docs]@typecheck(nds=tsequenceof_nd, axis=int) def concatenate(nds, axis=0): """Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. Examples -------- >>> x = hl.nd.array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]]) >>> y = hl.nd.array([[5.], [6.]]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.concatenate([x, y], axis=1)) array([[1., 2., 5.], [3., 4., 6.]]) >>> x = hl.nd.array([1., 2.]) >>> y = hl.nd.array([3., 4.]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.concatenate((x, y), axis=0)) array([1., 2., 3., 4.]) Parameters ---------- nds : a sequence of :class:`.NDArrayNumericExpression` The arrays must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis (the first, by default). Note: unlike Numpy, the numerical element type of each array_like must match. axis : int, optional The axis along which the arrays will be joined. Default is 0. Note: unlike Numpy, if provided, axis cannot be None. Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayExpression` The concatenated array """ head_nd = nds[0] if isinstance(nds, list): indices, aggregations = unify_all(*nds) typs = {x.dtype for x in nds} if len(typs) != 1: element_types = {t.element_type for t in typs} if len(element_types) != 1: argument_element_types_str = ", ".join(str(nd.dtype.element_type) for nd in nds) raise ValueError( f'hl.nd.concatenate: ndarrays must have same element types, found these element types: ({argument_element_types_str})' ) ndims = {t.ndim for t in typs} assert len(ndims) != 1 ndims_str = ", ".join(str(nd.dtype.ndim) for nd in nds) raise ValueError(f'hl.nd.concatenate: ndarrays must have same number of dimensions, found: {ndims_str}.') else: indices = nds._indices aggregations = nds._aggregations makearr = aarray(nds) concat_ir = NDArrayConcat(makearr._ir, axis) return construct_expr(concat_ir, tndarray(head_nd._type.element_type, head_nd.ndim), indices, aggregations)
[docs]@typecheck(N=expr_numeric, M=nullable(expr_numeric), dtype=HailType) def eye(N, M=None, dtype=tfloat64): """ Construct a 2-D :class:`.NDArrayExpression` with ones on the *main* diagonal and zeros elsewhere. Examples -------- >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.eye(3)) array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.eye(2, 5, dtype=hl.tint32)) array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=int32) Parameters ---------- N : :class:`.NumericExpression` or Python number Number of rows in the output. M : :class:`.NumericExpression` or Python number, optional Number of columns in the output. If None, defaults to `N`. dtype : numeric :class:`.HailType`, optional Element type of the returned array. Defaults to :py:data:`.tfloat64` Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayExpression` An (N, M) matrix with ones on the main diagonal, zeros elsewhere. See Also -------- :func:`.identity` :func:`.diagonal` """ n_row = hl.int32(N) if M is None: n_col = n_row else: n_col = hl.int32(M) return hl.nd.array( hl.range(0, n_row * n_col).map( lambda i: hl.if_else((i // n_col) == (i % n_col), hl.literal(1, dtype), hl.literal(0, dtype)) ) ).reshape((n_row, n_col))
[docs]@typecheck(N=expr_numeric, dtype=HailType) def identity(N, dtype=tfloat64): """ Constructs a 2-D :class:`.NDArrayExpression` representing the identity array. The identity array is a square array with ones on the main diagonal. Examples -------- >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.identity(3)) array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) Parameters ---------- n : :class:`.NumericExpression` or Python number Number of rows and columns in the output. dtype : numeric :class:`.HailType`, optional Element type of the returned array. Defaults to :py:data:`.tfloat64` Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayExpression` An (N, N) matrix with its main diagonal set to one, and all other elements 0. See Also -------- :func:`.eye` """ return eye(N, dtype=dtype)
[docs]@typecheck(arrs=tsequenceof_nd) def vstack(arrs): """ Stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise). 1-D arrays of shape `(N,)`, will reshaped to `(1,N)` before concatenation. For all other arrays, equivalent to :func:`.concatenate` with axis=0. Examples -------- >>> a = hl.nd.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> b = hl.nd.array([2, 3, 4]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.vstack((a,b))) array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]], dtype=int32) >>> a = hl.nd.array([[1], [2], [3]]) >>> b = hl.nd.array([[2], [3], [4]]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.vstack((a,b))) array([[1], [2], [3], [2], [3], [4]], dtype=int32) Parameters ---------- arrs : sequence of :class:`.NDArrayExpression` The arrays must have the same shape along all but the first axis. 1-D arrays must have the same length. Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayExpression` The array formed by stacking the given arrays, will be at least 2-D. See Also -------- :func:`.concatenate` : Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. """ head_ndim = arrs[0].ndim if head_ndim == 1: return concatenate( a: a._broadcast(2), arrs), 0) return concatenate(arrs, 0)
[docs]@typecheck(arrs=tsequenceof_nd) def hstack(arrs): """ Stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise). Equivalent to concatenation along the second axis, except for 1-D arrays where it concatenates along the first axis. This function makes most sense for arrays with up to 3 dimensions. :func:`.concatenate` provides more general stacking and concatenation operations. Parameters ---------- tup : sequence of :class:`.NDArrayExpression` The arrays must have the same shape along all but the second axis, except 1-D arrays which can be any length. Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayExpression` The array formed by stacking the given arrays. See Also -------- :func:`.concatenate` :func:`.vstack` Examples -------- >>> a = hl.nd.array([1,2,3]) >>> b = hl.nd.array([2, 3, 4]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.hstack((a,b))) array([1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4], dtype=int32) >>> a = hl.nd.array([[1],[2],[3]]) >>> b = hl.nd.array([[2],[3],[4]]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.hstack((a,b))) array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]], dtype=int32) """ head_ndim = arrs[0].ndim if head_ndim == 1: axis = 0 else: axis = 1 return concatenate(arrs, axis)
[docs]@typecheck(nd1=expr_ndarray(), nd2=oneof(expr_ndarray(), list)) def maximum(nd1, nd2): """Compares elements at corresponding indexes in arrays and returns an array of the maximum element found at each compared index. If an array element being compared has the value NaN, the maximum for that index will be NaN. Examples -------- >>> a = hl.nd.array([1, 5, 3]) >>> b = hl.nd.array([2, 3, 4]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.maximum(a, b)) array([2, 5, 4], dtype=int32) >>> a = hl.nd.array([hl.float64(float("NaN")), 5.0, 3.0]) >>> b = hl.nd.array([2.0, 3.0, hl.float64(float("NaN"))]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.maximum(a, b)) array([nan, 5., nan]) Parameters ---------- nd1 : :class:`.NDArrayExpression` nd2 : class:`.NDArrayExpression`, `.ArrayExpression`, numpy ndarray, or nested python lists/tuples. Nd1 and nd2 must be the same shape or broadcastable into common shape. Nd1 and nd2 must have elements of comparable types Returns ------- :class:`.NDArrayExpression` Element-wise maximums of nd1 and nd2. If nd1 has the same shape as nd2, the resulting array will be of that shape. If nd1 and nd2 were broadcasted into a common shape, the resulting array will be of that shape """ if (nd1.dtype.element_type or nd2.dtype.element_type) == (tfloat64 or tfloat32): return nd1.map2( nd2, lambda a, b: hl.if_else(hl.is_nan(a) | hl.is_nan(b), hl.float64(float("NaN")), hl.if_else(a > b, a, b)) ) return nd1.map2(nd2, lambda a, b: hl.if_else(a > b, a, b))
[docs]@typecheck(nd1=expr_ndarray(), nd2=oneof(expr_ndarray(), list)) def minimum(nd1, nd2): """Compares elements at corresponding indexes in arrays and returns an array of the minimum element found at each compared index. If an array element being compared has the value NaN, the minimum for that index will be NaN. Examples -------- >>> a = hl.nd.array([1, 5, 3]) >>> b = hl.nd.array([2, 3, 4]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.minimum(a, b)) array([1, 3, 3], dtype=int32) >>> a = hl.nd.array([hl.float64(float("NaN")), 5.0, 3.0]) >>> b = hl.nd.array([2.0, 3.0, hl.float64(float("NaN"))]) >>> hl.eval(hl.nd.minimum(a, b)) array([nan, 3., nan]) Parameters ---------- nd1 : :class:`.NDArrayExpression` nd2 : class:`.NDArrayExpression`, `.ArrayExpression`, numpy ndarray, or nested python lists/tuples. nd1 and nd2 must be the same shape or broadcastable into common shape. Nd1 and nd2 must have elements of comparable types Returns ------- min_array : :class:`.NDArrayExpression` Element-wise minimums of nd1 and nd2. If nd1 has the same shape as nd2, the resulting array will be of that shape. If nd1 and nd2 were broadcasted into a common shape, resulting array will be of that shape """ if (nd1.dtype.element_type or nd2.dtype.element_type) == (tfloat64 or tfloat32): return nd1.map2( nd2, lambda a, b: hl.if_else(hl.is_nan(a) | hl.is_nan(b), hl.float64(float("NaN")), hl.if_else(a < b, a, b)) ) return nd1.map2(nd2, lambda a, b: hl.if_else(a < b, a, b))