Source code for hail.methods.impex

import os
import re
from collections import defaultdict

import avro.schema
from avro.datafile import DataFileReader
from import DatumReader

import hail as hl
from hail import ir
from hail.expr import (
from hail.expr.matrix_type import tmatrix
from hail.expr.table_type import ttable
from hail.expr.types import hail_type, tarray, tbool, tcall, tfloat32, tfloat64, tint32, tint64, tstr, tstruct
from hail.genetics.reference_genome import reference_genome_type
from import parse_type
from hail.matrixtable import MatrixTable
from hail.methods.misc import require_biallelic, require_col_key_str, require_row_key_variant
from hail.table import Table
from hail.typecheck import (
from hail.utils import new_temp_file
from hail.utils.deduplicate import deduplicate
from import Env, FatalError, info, jindexed_seq_args, warning
from hail.utils.misc import plural, wrap_to_list

from .import_lines_helpers import should_remove_line, split_lines

def locus_interval_expr(contig, start, end, includes_start, includes_end, reference_genome, skip_invalid_intervals):
    includes_start = hl.bool(includes_start)
    includes_end = hl.bool(includes_end)

    if reference_genome:
        return hl.locus_interval(
            contig, start, end, includes_start, includes_end, reference_genome, skip_invalid_intervals
        return hl.interval(
            hl.struct(contig=contig, position=start),
            hl.struct(contig=contig, position=end),

def expr_or_else(expr, default, f=lambda x: x):
    if expr is not None:
        return hl.or_else(f(expr), default)
        return to_expr(default)

[docs]@typecheck( dataset=MatrixTable, output=str, precision=int, gp=nullable(expr_array(expr_float64)), id1=nullable(expr_str), id2=nullable(expr_str), missing=nullable(expr_numeric), varid=nullable(expr_str), rsid=nullable(expr_str), ) def export_gen(dataset, output, precision=4, gp=None, id1=None, id2=None, missing=None, varid=None, rsid=None): """Export a :class:`.MatrixTable` as GEN and SAMPLE files. .. include:: ../_templates/req_tvariant.rst .. include:: ../_templates/req_biallelic.rst Examples -------- Import genotype probability data, filter variants based on INFO score, and export data to a GEN and SAMPLE file: >>> example_ds = hl.import_gen('data/example.gen', sample_file='data/example.sample') >>> example_ds = example_ds.filter_rows(agg.info_score(example_ds.GP).score >= 0.9) # doctest: +SKIP >>> hl.export_gen(example_ds, 'output/infoscore_filtered') Notes ----- Writes out the dataset to a GEN and SAMPLE fileset in the `Oxford spec <>`__. Parameters ---------- dataset : :class:`.MatrixTable` Dataset. output : :class:`str` Filename root for output GEN and SAMPLE files. precision : :obj:`int` Number of digits to write after the decimal point. gp : :class:`.ArrayExpression` of type :py:data:`.tfloat64`, optional Expression for the genotype probabilities to output. If ``None``, the entry field `GP` is used if defined and is of type :class:`.tarray` with element type :py:data:`.tfloat64`. The array length must be 3. The values at indices 0, 1, and 2 are exported as the probabilities of homozygous reference, heterozygous, and homozygous variant, respectively. The default and missing value is ``[0, 0, 0]``. id1 : :class:`.StringExpression`, optional Expression for the first column of the SAMPLE file. If ``None``, the column key of the dataset is used and must be one field of type :py:data:`.tstr`. id2 : :class:`.StringExpression`, optional Expression for the second column of the SAMPLE file. If ``None``, the column key of the dataset is used and must be one field of type :py:data:`.tstr`. missing : :class:`.NumericExpression`, optional Expression for the third column of the SAMPLE file, which is the sample missing rate. Values must be between 0 and 1. varid : :class:`.StringExpression`, optional Expression for the variant ID (2nd column of the GEN file). If ``None``, the row field `varid` is used if defined and is of type :py:data:`.tstr`. The default and missing value is ``hl.delimit([, hl.str(, dataset.alleles[0], dataset.alleles[1]], ':')`` rsid : :class:`.StringExpression`, optional Expression for the rsID (3rd column of the GEN file). If ``None``, the row field `rsid` is used if defined and is of type :py:data:`.tstr`. The default and missing value is ``"."``. """ require_biallelic(dataset, 'export_gen') hl.current_backend().validate_file(output) if gp is None: if 'GP' in dataset.entry and dataset.GP.dtype == tarray(tfloat64): entry_exprs = {'GP': dataset.GP} else: raise ValueError( 'exporting to GEN requires a GP (genotype probability) array<float64> field in the entry' '\n of the matrix table. If you only have hard calls (GT), BGEN is probably not the' '\n right format.' ) else: entry_exprs = {'GP': gp} if id1 is None: require_col_key_str(dataset, "export_gen") id1 = dataset.col_key[0] if id2 is None: require_col_key_str(dataset, "export_gen") id2 = dataset.col_key[0] if missing is None: missing = hl.float64(0.0) if varid is None: if 'varid' in dataset.row and dataset.varid.dtype == tstr: varid = dataset.varid if rsid is None: if 'rsid' in dataset.row and dataset.rsid.dtype == tstr: rsid = dataset.rsid sample_exprs = {'id1': id1, 'id2': id2, 'missing': missing} locus = a = dataset.alleles gen_exprs = { 'varid': expr_or_else(varid, hl.delimit([locus.contig, hl.str(locus.position), a[0], a[1]], ':')), 'rsid': expr_or_else(rsid, "."), } for exprs, axis in [ (sample_exprs, dataset._col_indices), (gen_exprs, dataset._row_indices), (entry_exprs, dataset._entry_indices), ]: for name, expr in exprs.items(): analyze('export_gen/{}'.format(name), expr, axis) dataset = dataset._select_all(col_exprs=sample_exprs, col_key=[], row_exprs=gen_exprs, entry_exprs=entry_exprs) writer = ir.MatrixGENWriter(output, precision) Env.backend().execute(ir.MatrixWrite(dataset._mir, writer))
[docs]@typecheck( mt=MatrixTable, output=str, gp=nullable(expr_array(expr_float64)), varid=nullable(expr_str), rsid=nullable(expr_str), parallel=nullable(ir.ExportType.checker), compression_codec=enumeration('zlib', 'zstd'), ) def export_bgen(mt, output, gp=None, varid=None, rsid=None, parallel=None, compression_codec='zlib'): """Export MatrixTable as :class:`.MatrixTable` as BGEN 1.2 file with 8 bits of per probability. Also writes SAMPLE file. If `parallel` is ``None``, the BGEN file is written to ``output + '.bgen'``. Otherwise, ``output + '.bgen'`` will be a directory containing many BGEN files. In either case, the SAMPLE file is written to ``output + '.sample'``. For example, >>> hl.export_bgen(mt, '/path/to/dataset') # doctest: +SKIP Will write two files: `/path/to/dataset.bgen` and `/path/to/dataset.sample`. In contrast, >>> hl.export_bgen(mt, '/path/to/dataset', parallel='header_per_shard') # doctest: +SKIP Will create `/path/to/dataset.sample` and will create ``mt.n_partitions()`` files into the directory `/path/to/dataset.bgen/`. Notes ----- The :func:`export_bgen` function requires genotype probabilities, either as an entry field of `mt` (of type ``array<float64>``), or an entry expression passed in the `gp` argument. Parameters ---------- mt : :class:`.MatrixTable` Input matrix table. output : :class:`str` Root for output BGEN and SAMPLE files. gp : :class:`.ArrayExpression` of type :py:data:`.tfloat64`, optional Expression for genotype probabilities. If ``None``, entry field `GP` is used if it exists and is of type :class:`.tarray` with element type :py:data:`.tfloat64`. varid : :class:`.StringExpression`, optional Expression for the variant ID. If ``None``, the row field `varid` is used if defined and is of type :py:data:`.tstr`. The default and missing value is ``hl.delimit([, hl.str(, mt.alleles[0], mt.alleles[1]], ':')`` rsid : :class:`.StringExpression`, optional Expression for the rsID. If ``None``, the row field `rsid` is used if defined and is of type :py:data:`.tstr`. The default and missing value is ``"."``. parallel : :class:`str`, optional If ``None``, write a single BGEN file. If ``'header_per_shard'``, write a collection of BGEN files (one per partition), each with its own header. If ``'separate_header'``, write a file for each partition, without header, and a header file for the combined dataset. Note that the files produced by ``'separate_header'`` are each individually invalid BGEN files, they can only be read if they are concatenated together with the header file. compresssion_codec : str, optional Compression codec. One of 'zlib', 'zstd'. """ require_row_key_variant(mt, 'export_bgen') require_col_key_str(mt, 'export_bgen') hl.current_backend().validate_file(output) if gp is None: if 'GP' in mt.entry and mt.GP.dtype == tarray(tfloat64): entry_exprs = {'GP': mt.GP} else: raise ValueError( 'exporting to BGEN requires a GP (genotype probability) array<float64> field in the entry' '\n of the matrix table. If you only have hard calls (GT), BGEN is probably not the' '\n right format.' ) else: entry_exprs = {'GP': gp} if varid is None: if 'varid' in mt.row and mt.varid.dtype == tstr: varid = mt.varid if rsid is None: if 'rsid' in mt.row and mt.rsid.dtype == tstr: rsid = mt.rsid parallel = ir.ExportType.default(parallel) locus = a = mt.alleles gen_exprs = { 'varid': expr_or_else(varid, hl.delimit([locus.contig, hl.str(locus.position), a[0], a[1]], ':')), 'rsid': expr_or_else(rsid, "."), } for exprs, axis in [(gen_exprs, mt._row_indices), (entry_exprs, mt._entry_indices)]: for name, expr in exprs.items(): analyze('export_bgen/{}'.format(name), expr, axis) mt = mt._select_all(col_exprs={}, row_exprs=gen_exprs, entry_exprs=entry_exprs) Env.backend().execute(ir.MatrixWrite(mt._mir, ir.MatrixBGENWriter(output, parallel, compression_codec)))
[docs]@typecheck( dataset=oneof(MatrixTable, Table), output=str, append_to_header=nullable(str), parallel=nullable(ir.ExportType.checker), metadata=nullable(dictof(str, dictof(str, dictof(str, str)))), tabix=bool, ) def export_vcf(dataset, output, append_to_header=None, parallel=None, metadata=None, *, tabix=False): """Export a :class:`.MatrixTable` or :class:`.Table` as a VCF file. .. include:: ../_templates/req_tvariant.rst Examples -------- Export to VCF as a block-compressed file: >>> hl.export_vcf(dataset, 'output/example.vcf.bgz') Notes ----- :func:`.export_vcf` writes the dataset to disk in VCF format as described in the `VCF 4.2 spec <>`__. Use the ``.vcf.bgz`` extension rather than ``.vcf`` in the output file name for `blocked GZIP <>`__ compression. Note ---- We strongly recommended compressed (``.bgz`` extension) and parallel output (`parallel` set to ``'separate_header'`` or ``'header_per_shard'``) when exporting large VCFs. Hail exports the fields of struct `info` as INFO fields, the elements of ``set<str>`` `filters` as FILTERS, the value of str `rsid` as ID, and the value of float64 `qual` as QUAL. No other row fields are exported. The FORMAT field is generated from the entry schema, which must be a :class:`.tstruct`. There is a FORMAT field for each field of the struct. If `dataset` is a :class:`.Table`, then there will be no FORMAT field and the output will be a sites-only VCF. INFO and FORMAT fields may be generated from Struct fields of type :py:data:`.tcall`, :py:data:`.tint32`, :py:data:`.tfloat32`, :py:data:`.tfloat64`, or :py:data:`.tstr`. If a field has type :py:data:`.tint64`, every value must be a valid ``int32``. Arrays and sets containing these types are also allowed but cannot be nested; for example, ``array<array<int32>>`` is invalid. Arrays and sets are written with the same comma-separated format. Fields of type :py:data:`.tbool` are also permitted in `info` and will generate INFO fields of VCF type Flag. Hail also exports the name, length, and assembly of each contig as a VCF header line, where the assembly is set to the :class:`.ReferenceGenome` name. Consider the workflow of importing a VCF and immediately exporting the dataset back to VCF. The output VCF header will contain FORMAT lines for each entry field and INFO lines for all fields in `info`, but these lines will have empty Description fields and the Number and Type fields will be determined from their corresponding Hail types. To output a desired Description, Number, and/or Type value in a FORMAT or INFO field or to specify FILTER lines, use the `metadata` parameter to supply a dictionary with the relevant information. See :func:`get_vcf_metadata` for how to obtain the dictionary corresponding to the original VCF, and for info on how this dictionary should be structured. The output VCF header will also contain CONTIG lines with ID, length, and assembly fields derived from the reference genome of the dataset. The output VCF header will `not` contain lines added by external tools (such as bcftools and GATK) unless they are explicitly inserted using the `append_to_header` parameter. Warning ------- INFO fields stored at VCF import are `not` automatically modified to reflect filtering of samples or genotypes, which can affect the value of AC (allele count), AF (allele frequency), AN (allele number), etc. If a filtered dataset is exported to VCF without updating `info`, downstream tools which may produce erroneous results. The solution is to create new fields in `info` or overwrite existing fields. For example, in order to produce an accurate `AC` field, one can run :func:`.variant_qc` and copy the `variant_qc.AC` field to `info.AC` as shown below. >>> ds = dataset.filter_entries(dataset.GQ >= 20) >>> ds = hl.variant_qc(ds) >>> ds = ds.annotate_rows(info = # doctest: +SKIP >>> hl.export_vcf(ds, 'output/example.vcf.bgz') Warning ------- Do not export to a path that is being read from in the same pipeline. Parameters ---------- dataset : :class:`.MatrixTable` Dataset. output : :class:`str` Path of .vcf or .vcf.bgz file to write. append_to_header : :class:`str`, optional Path of file to append to VCF header. parallel : :class:`str`, optional If ``'header_per_shard'``, return a set of VCF files (one per partition) rather than serially concatenating these files. If ``'separate_header'``, return a separate VCF header file and a set of VCF files (one per partition) without the header. If ``None``, concatenate the header and all partitions into one VCF file. metadata : :obj:`dict` [:obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` [:obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` [:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`]]], optional Dictionary with information to fill in the VCF header. See :func:`get_vcf_metadata` for how this dictionary should be structured. tabix : :obj:`bool`, optional If true, writes a tabix index for the output VCF. **Note**: This feature is experimental, and the interface and defaults may change in future versions. """ hl.current_backend().validate_file(output) _, ext = os.path.splitext(output) if ext == '.gz': warning( 'VCF export with standard gzip compression requested. This is almost *never* desired and will ' 'cause issues with other tools that consume VCF files. The compression format used for VCF ' 'files is traditionally *block* gzip compression. To use block gzip compression with hail VCF ' 'export, use a path ending in `.bgz`.' ) if isinstance(dataset, Table): mt = MatrixTable.from_rows_table(dataset) dataset = mt.key_cols_by(sample="") require_col_key_str(dataset, 'export_vcf') require_row_key_variant(dataset, 'export_vcf') if 'filters' in dataset.row and dataset.filters.dtype != hl.tset(hl.tstr): raise ValueError( f"'export_vcf': expect the 'filters' field to be set<str>, found {dataset.filters.dtype}" f"\n Either transform this field to set<str> to export as VCF FILTERS field, or drop it from the dataset." ) info_fields = list( if "info" in dataset.row else [] invalid_info_fields = [f for f in info_fields if not re.fullmatch(r"^([A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_.]*|1000G)", f)] if invalid_info_fields: invalid_info_str = ''.join(f'\n {f!r}' for f in invalid_info_fields) warning( 'export_vcf: the following info field names are invalid in VCF 4.3 and may not work with some tools: ' + invalid_info_str ) row_fields_used = {'rsid', 'info', 'filters', 'qual'} fields_dropped = [] for f in dataset.globals: fields_dropped.append((f, 'global')) for f in dataset.col_value: fields_dropped.append((f, 'column')) for f in dataset.row_value: if f not in row_fields_used: fields_dropped.append((f, 'row')) if fields_dropped: ignored_str = ''.join(f'\n {f!r} ({axis})' for f, axis in fields_dropped) warning('export_vcf: ignored the following fields:' + ignored_str) dataset = dataset.drop(*(f for f, _ in fields_dropped)) parallel = ir.ExportType.default(parallel) writer = ir.MatrixVCFWriter(output, append_to_header, parallel, metadata, tabix) Env.backend().execute(ir.MatrixWrite(dataset._mir, writer))
[docs]@typecheck( path=str, reference_genome=nullable(reference_genome_type), skip_invalid_intervals=bool, contig_recoding=nullable(dictof(str, str)), kwargs=anytype, ) def import_locus_intervals( path, reference_genome='default', skip_invalid_intervals=False, contig_recoding=None, **kwargs ) -> Table: """Import a locus interval list as a :class:`.Table`. Examples -------- Add the row field `capture_region` indicating inclusion in at least one locus interval from `capture_intervals.txt`: >>> intervals = hl.import_locus_intervals('data/capture_intervals.txt', reference_genome='GRCh37') >>> result = dataset.annotate_rows(capture_region = hl.is_defined(intervals[])) Notes ----- Hail expects an interval file to contain either one, three or five fields per line in the following formats: - ``contig:start-end`` - ``contig start end`` (tab-separated) - ``contig start end direction target`` (tab-separated) A file in either of the first two formats produces a table with one field: - **interval** (:class:`.tinterval`) - Row key. Genomic interval. If `reference_genome` is defined, the point type of the interval will be :class:`.tlocus` parameterized by the `reference_genome`. Otherwise, the point type is a :class:`.tstruct` with two fields: `contig` with type :obj:`.tstr` and `position` with type :py:data:`.tint32`. A file in the third format (with a "target" column) produces a table with two fields: - **interval** (:class:`.tinterval`) - Row key. Same schema as above. - **target** (:py:data:`.tstr`) If `reference_genome` is defined **AND** the file has one field, intervals are parsed with :func:`.parse_locus_interval`. See the documentation for valid inputs. If `reference_genome` is **NOT** defined and the file has one field, intervals are parsed with the regex ```"([^:]*):(\\d+)\\-(\\d+)"`` where contig, start, and end match each of the three capture groups. ``start`` and ``end`` match positions inclusively, e.g. ``start <= position <= end``. For files with three or five fields, ``start`` and ``end`` match positions inclusively, e.g. ``start <= position <= end``. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` Path to file. reference_genome : :class:`str` or :class:`.ReferenceGenome`, optional Reference genome to use. skip_invalid_intervals : :obj:`bool` If ``True`` and `reference_genome` is not ``None``, skip lines with intervals that are not consistent with the reference genome. contig_recoding: :obj:`dict` of (:class:`str`, :obj:`str`) Mapping from contig name in file to contig name in loaded dataset. All contigs must be present in the `reference_genome`, so this is useful for mapping differently-formatted data onto known references. **kwargs Additional optional arguments to :func:`import_table` are valid arguments here except: `no_header`, `comment`, `impute`, and `types`, as these are used by :func:`import_locus_intervals`. Returns ------- :class:`.Table` Interval-keyed table. """ if contig_recoding is not None: contig_recoding = hl.literal(contig_recoding) def recode_contig(x): if contig_recoding is None: return x return contig_recoding.get(x, x) t = import_table( path, comment="@", impute=False, no_header=True, types={'f0': tstr, 'f1': tint32, 'f2': tint32, 'f3': tstr, 'f4': tstr}, **kwargs, ) if t.row.dtype == tstruct(f0=tstr): if reference_genome: t =['f0'], reference_genome)) else: interval_regex = r"([^:]*):(\d+)\-(\d+)" def checked_match_interval_expr(match): return hl.or_missing( hl.len(match) == 3, locus_interval_expr( recode_contig(match[0]), hl.int32(match[1]), hl.int32(match[2]), True, True, reference_genome, skip_invalid_intervals, ), ) expr = hl.bind( t['f0'].first_match_in(interval_regex), lambda match: hl.if_else( hl.bool(skip_invalid_intervals), checked_match_interval_expr(match), locus_interval_expr( recode_contig(match[0]), hl.int32(match[1]), hl.int32(match[2]), True, True, reference_genome, skip_invalid_intervals, ), ), ) t = elif t.row.dtype == tstruct(f0=tstr, f1=tint32, f2=tint32): t = interval=locus_interval_expr( recode_contig(t['f0']), t['f1'], t['f2'], True, True, reference_genome, skip_invalid_intervals ) ) elif t.row.dtype == tstruct(f0=tstr, f1=tint32, f2=tint32, f3=tstr, f4=tstr): t = interval=locus_interval_expr( recode_contig(t['f0']), t['f1'], t['f2'], True, True, reference_genome, skip_invalid_intervals ), target=t['f4'], ) else: raise FatalError("""invalid interval format. Acceptable formats: 'chr:start-end' 'chr start end' (tab-separated) 'chr start end strand target' (tab-separated, strand is '+' or '-')""") if skip_invalid_intervals and reference_genome: t = t.filter(hl.is_defined(t.interval)) return t.key_by('interval')
[docs]@typecheck( path=str, reference_genome=nullable(reference_genome_type), skip_invalid_intervals=bool, contig_recoding=nullable(dictof(str, str)), kwargs=anytype, ) def import_bed(path, reference_genome='default', skip_invalid_intervals=False, contig_recoding=None, **kwargs) -> Table: """Import a UCSC BED file as a :class:`.Table`. Examples -------- The file formats are .. code-block:: text $ cat data/file1.bed track name="BedTest" 20 1 14000000 20 17000000 18000000 ... $ cat file2.bed track name="BedTest" 20 1 14000000 cnv1 20 17000000 18000000 cnv2 ... Add the row field `cnv_region` indicating inclusion in at least one interval of the three-column BED file: >>> bed = hl.import_bed('data/file1.bed', reference_genome='GRCh37') >>> result = dataset.annotate_rows(cnv_region = hl.is_defined(bed[])) Add a row field `cnv_id` with the value given by the fourth column of a BED file: >>> bed = hl.import_bed('data/file2.bed') >>> result = dataset.annotate_rows(cnv_id = bed[].target) Notes ----- The table produced by this method has one of two possible structures. If the .bed file has only three fields (`chrom`, `chromStart`, and `chromEnd`), then the produced table has only one column: - **interval** (:class:`.tinterval`) - Row key. Genomic interval. If `reference_genome` is defined, the point type of the interval will be :class:`.tlocus` parameterized by the `reference_genome`. Otherwise, the point type is a :class:`.tstruct` with two fields: `contig` with type :py:data:`.tstr` and `position` with type :py:data:`.tint32`. If the .bed file has four or more columns, then Hail will store the fourth column as a row field in the table: - *interval* (:class:`.tinterval`) - Row key. Genomic interval. Same schema as above. - *target* (:py:data:`.tstr`) - Fourth column of .bed file. `UCSC bed files <>`__ can have up to 12 fields, but Hail will only ever look at the first four. Hail ignores header lines in BED files. Warning ------- Intervals in UCSC BED files are 0-indexed and half open. The line "5 100 105" correpsonds to the interval ``[5:101-5:106)`` in Hail's 1-indexed notation. Details `here <>`__. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` Path to .bed file. reference_genome : :class:`str` or :class:`.ReferenceGenome`, optional Reference genome to use. skip_invalid_intervals : :obj:`bool` If ``True`` and `reference_genome` is not ``None``, skip lines with intervals that are not consistent with the reference genome. contig_recoding: :obj:`dict` of (:class:`str`, :obj:`str`) Mapping from contig name in BED to contig name in loaded dataset. All contigs must be present in the `reference_genome`, so this is useful for mapping differently-formatted data onto known references. **kwargs Additional optional arguments to :func:`import_table` are valid arguments here except: `no_header`, `delimiter`, `impute`, `skip_blank_lines`, `types`, and `comment` as these are used by import_bed. Returns ------- :class:`.Table` Interval-keyed table. """ # UCSC BED spec defined here: t = import_table( path, no_header=True, delimiter=r"\s+", impute=False, skip_blank_lines=True, types={'f0': tstr, 'f1': tint32, 'f2': tint32, 'f3': tstr, 'f4': tstr}, comment=["""^browser.*""", """^track.*""", r"""^\w+=("[\w\d ]+"|\d+).*"""], **kwargs, ) if contig_recoding is not None: contig_recoding = hl.literal(contig_recoding) def recode_contig(x): if contig_recoding is None: return x return contig_recoding.get(x, x) if t.row.dtype == tstruct(f0=tstr, f1=tint32, f2=tint32): t = interval=locus_interval_expr( recode_contig(t['f0']), t['f1'] + 1, t['f2'] + 1, True, False, reference_genome, skip_invalid_intervals ) ) elif len(t.row) >= 4 and tstruct(**dict([(n, typ) for n, typ in t.row.dtype._field_types.items()][:4])) == tstruct( f0=tstr, f1=tint32, f2=tint32, f3=tstr ): t = interval=locus_interval_expr( recode_contig(t['f0']), t['f1'] + 1, t['f2'] + 1, True, False, reference_genome, skip_invalid_intervals ), target=t['f3'], ) else: raise FatalError("too few fields for BED file: expected 3 or more, but found {}".format(len(t.row))) if skip_invalid_intervals and reference_genome: t = t.filter(hl.is_defined(t.interval)) return t.key_by('interval')
[docs]@typecheck(path=str, quant_pheno=bool, delimiter=str, missing=str) def import_fam(path, quant_pheno=False, delimiter=r'\\s+', missing='NA') -> Table: """Import a PLINK FAM file into a :class:`.Table`. Examples -------- Import a tab-separated `FAM file <>`__ with a case-control phenotype: >>> fam_kt = hl.import_fam('data/case_control_study.fam') Import a FAM file with a quantitative phenotype: >>> fam_kt = hl.import_fam('data/quantitative_study.fam', quant_pheno=True) Notes ----- In Hail, unlike PLINK, the user must *explicitly* distinguish between case-control and quantitative phenotypes. Importing a quantitative phenotype with ``quant_pheno=False`` will return an error (unless all values happen to be `0`, `1`, `2`, or `-9`): The resulting :class:`.Table` will have fields, types, and values that are interpreted as missing. - *fam_id* (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- Family ID (missing = "0") - *id* (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- Sample ID (key column) - *pat_id* (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- Paternal ID (missing = "0") - *mat_id* (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- Maternal ID (missing = "0") - *is_female* (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- Sex (missing = "NA", "-9", "0") One of: - *is_case* (:py:data:`.tbool`) -- Case-control phenotype (missing = "0", "-9", non-numeric or the ``missing`` argument, if given. - *quant_pheno* (:py:data:`.tfloat64`) -- Quantitative phenotype (missing = "NA" or the ``missing`` argument, if given. Warning ------- Hail will interpret the value "-9" as a valid quantitative phenotype, which differs from default PLINK behavior. Use ``missing='-9'`` to interpret this value as missing. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` Path to FAM file. quant_pheno : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, phenotype is interpreted as quantitative. delimiter : :class:`str` Field delimiter regex. missing : :class:`str` The string used to denote missing values. For case-control, 0, -9, and non-numeric are also treated as missing. Returns ------- :class:`.Table` """ type_and_data = Env.backend().import_fam(path, quant_pheno, delimiter, missing) typ = hl.dtype(type_and_data['type']) return hl.Table.parallelize(hl.tarray(typ)._convert_from_json_na(type_and_data['data']), typ, key=['id'])
[docs]@typecheck(regex=str, path=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), max_count=int, show=bool, force=bool, force_bgz=bool) def grep(regex, path, max_count=100, *, show: bool = True, force: bool = False, force_bgz: bool = False): r"""Searches given paths for all lines containing regex matches. Examples -------- Print all lines containing the string ``hello`` in *file.txt*: >>> hl.grep('hello','data/file.txt') Print all lines containing digits in *file1.txt* and *file2.txt*: >>> hl.grep('\\d', ['data/file1.txt','data/file2.txt']) Notes ----- :func:`.grep` mimics the basic functionality of Unix ``grep`` in parallel, printing results to the screen. This command is provided as a convenience to those in the statistical genetics community who often search enormous text files like VCFs. Hail uses `Java regular expression patterns <>`__. The `RegExr sandbox <>`__ may be helpful. Parameters ---------- regex : :class:`str` The regular expression to match. path : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` The files to search. max_count : :obj:`int` The maximum number of matches to return show : :obj:`bool` When `True`, show the values on stdout. When `False`, return a dictionary mapping file names to lines. force_bgz : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, read files as blocked gzip files, assuming that they were actually compressed using the BGZ codec. This option is useful when the file extension is not ``'.bgz'``, but the file is blocked gzip, so that the file can be read in parallel and not on a single node. force : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, read gzipped files serially on one core. This should be used only when absolutely necessary, as processing time will be increased due to lack of parallelism. Returns --- :obj:`dict` of :class:`str` to :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` """ from hail.backend.spark_backend import SparkBackend if isinstance(hl.current_backend(), SparkBackend): jfs = Env.spark_backend('grep').fs._jfs if show: Env.backend()._jhc.grepPrint(jfs, regex, jindexed_seq_args(path), max_count) return else: jarr = Env.backend()._jhc.grepReturn(jfs, regex, jindexed_seq_args(path), max_count) return {x._1(): list(x._2()) for x in jarr} ht = hl.import_lines(path, force=force, force_bgz=force_bgz) ht = ht.filter(ht.text.matches(regex)) ht = ht.head(max_count) lines = ht.collect() if show: print('\n'.join(line.file + ': ' + line.text for line in lines)) return results = defaultdict(list) for line in lines: results[line.file].append(line.text) return results
[docs]@typecheck( path=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), sample_file=nullable(str), entry_fields=sequenceof(enumeration('GT', 'GP', 'dosage')), n_partitions=nullable(int), block_size=nullable(int), index_file_map=nullable(dictof(str, str)), variants=nullable( oneof(sequenceof(hl.utils.Struct), sequenceof(hl.genetics.Locus), StructExpression, LocusExpression, Table) ), _row_fields=sequenceof(enumeration('varid', 'rsid')), ) def import_bgen( path, entry_fields, sample_file=None, n_partitions=None, block_size=None, index_file_map=None, variants=None, _row_fields=['varid', 'rsid'], ) -> MatrixTable: """Import BGEN file(s) as a :class:`.MatrixTable`. Examples -------- Import a BGEN file as a matrix table with GT and GP entry fields: >>> ds_result = hl.import_bgen("data/example.8bits.bgen", ... entry_fields=['GT', 'GP'], ... sample_file="data/example.8bits.sample") Import a BGEN file as a matrix table with genotype dosage entry field: >>> ds_result = hl.import_bgen("data/example.8bits.bgen", ... entry_fields=['dosage'], ... sample_file="data/example.8bits.sample") Load a single variant from a BGEN file: >>> ds_result = hl.import_bgen("data/example.8bits.bgen", ... entry_fields=['dosage'], ... sample_file="data/example.8bits.sample", ... variants=[hl.eval(hl.parse_variant('1:2000:A:G'))]) Load a set of variants specified by a table expression from a BGEN file: >>> variants = hl.import_table("data/bgen-variants.txt") >>> variants = variants.annotate(v=hl.parse_variant(variants.v)).key_by('v') >>> ds_result = hl.import_bgen("data/example.8bits.bgen", ... entry_fields=['dosage'], ... sample_file="data/example.8bits.sample", ... variants=variants.v) Load a set of variants specified by a table keyed by 'locus' and 'alleles' from a BGEN file: >>> ds_result = hl.import_bgen("data/example.8bits.bgen", ... entry_fields=['dosage'], ... sample_file="data/example.8bits.sample", ... variants=variants_table) Notes ----- Hail supports importing data from v1.2 of the `BGEN file format <>`__. Genotypes must be **unphased** and **diploid**, genotype probabilities must be stored with 8 bits, and genotype probability blocks must be compressed with zlib or uncompressed. All variants must be bi-allelic. Each BGEN file must have a corresponding index file, which can be generated with :func:`.index_bgen`. All files must have been indexed with the same reference genome. To load multiple files at the same time, use :ref:`Hadoop Glob Patterns <sec-hadoop-glob>`. If n_partitions and block_size are both specified, block_size is used. If neither are specified, the default is a 128MB block size. **Column Fields** - `s` (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- Column key. This is the sample ID imported from the first column of the sample file if given. Otherwise, the sample ID is taken from the sample identifying block in the first BGEN file if it exists; else IDs are assigned from `_0`, `_1`, to `_N`. **Row Fields** Between two and four row fields are created. The `locus` and `alleles` are always included. `_row_fields` determines if `varid` and `rsid` are also included. For best performance, only include fields necessary for your analysis. NOTE: the `_row_fields` parameter is considered an experimental feature and may be removed without warning. - `locus` (:class:`.tlocus` or :class:`.tstruct`) -- Row key. The chromosome and position. If `reference_genome` is defined, the type will be :class:`.tlocus` parameterized by `reference_genome`. Otherwise, the type will be a :class:`.tstruct` with two fields: `contig` with type :py:data:`.tstr` and `position` with type :py:data:`.tint32`. - `alleles` (:class:`.tarray` of :py:data:`.tstr`) -- Row key. An array containing the alleles of the variant. The reference allele is the first element in the array. - `varid` (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- The variant identifier. The third field in each variant identifying block. - `rsid` (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- The rsID for the variant. The fifth field in each variant identifying block. **Entry Fields** Up to three entry fields are created, as determined by `entry_fields`. For best performance, include precisely those fields required for your analysis. It is also possible to pass an empty tuple or list for `entry_fields`, which can greatly accelerate processing speed if your workflow does not use the genotype data. - `GT` (:py:data:`.tcall`) -- The hard call corresponding to the genotype with the greatest probability. If there is not a unique maximum probability, the hard call is set to missing. - `GP` (:class:`.tarray` of :py:data:`.tfloat64`) -- Genotype probabilities as defined by the BGEN file spec. For bi-allelic variants, the array has three elements giving the probabilities of homozygous reference, heterozygous, and homozygous alternate genotype, in that order. - `dosage` (:py:data:`.tfloat64`) -- The expected value of the number of alternate alleles, given by the probability of heterozygous genotype plus twice the probability of homozygous alternate genotype. All variants must be bi-allelic. See Also -------- :func:`.index_bgen` Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` BGEN file(s) to read. entry_fields : :obj:`list` of :class:`str` List of entry fields to create. Options: ``'GT'``, ``'GP'``, ``'dosage'``. sample_file : :class:`str`, optional Sample file to read the sample ids from. If specified, the number of samples in the file must match the number in the BGEN file(s). n_partitions : :obj:`int`, optional Number of partitions. block_size : :obj:`int`, optional Block size, in MB. index_file_map : :obj:`dict` of :class:`str` to :obj:`str`, optional Dict of BGEN file to index file location. Cannot use Hadoop glob patterns in file names. variants : :class:`.StructExpression` or :class:`.LocusExpression` or :obj:`list` of :class:`.Struct` or :obj:`list` of :class:`.Locus` or :class:`.Table` Variants to filter to. The underlying type of the input (row key in the case of a :class:`.Table`) must be either a :class:`.tlocus`, a struct with one field `locus`, or a struct with two fields: `locus` and `alleles`. The type of `locus` can either be a :class:`.tlocus` or a :class:`.tstruct` with two fields: `contig` of type :obj:`.tstr` and `position` of type :obj:`.tint`. If the type of `locus` is :class:`.tlocus`, the reference genome must match that used to index the BGEN file(s). The type of `alleles` is a :class:`.tarray` of :obj:`.tstr`. _row_fields : :obj:`list` of :class:`str` List of non-key row fields to create. Options: ``'varid'``, ``'rsid'`` Returns ------- :class:`.MatrixTable` """ if n_partitions is None and block_size is None: block_size = 128 if index_file_map is None: index_file_map = {} entry_set = set(entry_fields) row_set = set(_row_fields) if variants is not None: mt_type = Env.backend().matrix_type( ir.MatrixRead(ir.MatrixBGENReader(path, sample_file, index_file_map, n_partitions, block_size, None)) ) lt = mt_type.row_type['locus'] expected_vtype = tstruct(locus=lt, alleles=tarray(tstr)) if isinstance(variants, (StructExpression, LocusExpression)): if isinstance(variants, LocusExpression): variants = hl.struct(locus=variants) if len(variants.dtype) == 0 or not variants.dtype._is_prefix_of(expected_vtype): raise TypeError( "'import_bgen' requires the expression type for 'variants' is a non-empty prefix of the BGEN key type: \n" + f"\tFound: {variants.dtype!r}\n" + f"\tExpected: {expected_vtype!r}\n" ) uid = Env.get_uid() fnames = list(variants.dtype) name, variants = variants._to_table( uid ) # This will add back the other key fields of the source, which we don't want variants = variants.key_by(**{fname: variants[name][fname] for fname in fnames}) variants = elif isinstance(variants, Table): if len(variants.key) == 0 or not variants.key.dtype._is_prefix_of(expected_vtype): raise TypeError( "'import_bgen' requires the row key type for 'variants' is a non-empty prefix of the BGEN key type: \n" + f"\tFound: {variants.key.dtype!r}\n" + f"\tExpected: {expected_vtype!r}\n" ) variants = else: assert isinstance(variants, list) try: if len(variants) == 0: variants = hl.Table.parallelize(variants, schema=expected_vtype, key=['locus', 'alleles']) else: first_v = variants[0] if isinstance(first_v, hl.Locus): variants = hl.Table.parallelize( [hl.Struct(locus=v) for v in variants], schema=hl.tstruct(locus=lt), key='locus' ) else: assert isinstance(first_v, hl.utils.Struct) if len(first_v) == 1: variants = hl.Table.parallelize(variants, schema=hl.tstruct(locus=lt), key='locus') else: variants = hl.Table.parallelize(variants, schema=expected_vtype, key=['locus', 'alleles']) except Exception: raise TypeError( f"'import_bgen' requires all elements in 'variants' are a non-empty prefix of the BGEN key type: {expected_vtype!r}" ) vir = variants._tir if ( isinstance(vir, ir.TableRead) and isinstance(vir.reader, ir.TableNativeReader) and vir.reader.intervals is None and variants.count() == variants.distinct().count() ): variants_path = vir.reader.path else: variants_path = new_temp_file(prefix='bgen_included_vars', extension='ht') variants.distinct().write(variants_path) else: variants_path = None reader = ir.MatrixBGENReader(path, sample_file, index_file_map, n_partitions, block_size, variants_path) mt = MatrixTable(ir.MatrixRead(reader)).drop( *[fd for fd in ['GT', 'GP', 'dosage'] if fd not in entry_set], *[fd for fd in ['rsid', 'varid', 'offset', 'file_idx'] if fd not in row_set], ) return mt
[docs]@typecheck( path=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), sample_file=nullable(str), tolerance=numeric, min_partitions=nullable(int), chromosome=nullable(str), reference_genome=nullable(reference_genome_type), contig_recoding=nullable(dictof(str, str)), skip_invalid_loci=bool, ) def import_gen( path, sample_file=None, tolerance=0.2, min_partitions=None, chromosome=None, reference_genome='default', contig_recoding=None, skip_invalid_loci=False, ) -> MatrixTable: """ Import GEN file(s) as a :class:`.MatrixTable`. Examples -------- >>> ds = hl.import_gen('data/example.gen', ... sample_file='data/example.sample', ... reference_genome='GRCh37') Notes ----- For more information on the GEN file format, see `here <>`__. If the GEN file has only 5 columns before the start of the genotype probability data (chromosome field is missing), you must specify the chromosome using the `chromosome` parameter. To load multiple files at the same time, use :ref:`Hadoop Glob Patterns <sec-hadoop-glob>`. **Column Fields** - `s` (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- Column key. This is the sample ID imported from the first column of the sample file. **Row Fields** - `locus` (:class:`.tlocus` or :class:`.tstruct`) -- Row key. The genomic location consisting of the chromosome (1st column if present, otherwise given by `chromosome`) and position (4th column if `chromosome` is not defined). If `reference_genome` is defined, the type will be :class:`.tlocus` parameterized by `reference_genome`. Otherwise, the type will be a :class:`.tstruct` with two fields: `contig` with type :py:data:`.tstr` and `position` with type :py:data:`.tint32`. - `alleles` (:class:`.tarray` of :py:data:`.tstr`) -- Row key. An array containing the alleles of the variant. The reference allele (4th column if `chromosome` is not defined) is the first element of the array and the alternate allele (5th column if `chromosome` is not defined) is the second element. - `varid` (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- The variant identifier. 2nd column of GEN file if chromosome present, otherwise 1st column. - `rsid` (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- The rsID. 3rd column of GEN file if chromosome present, otherwise 2nd column. **Entry Fields** - `GT` (:py:data:`.tcall`) -- The hard call corresponding to the genotype with the highest probability. - `GP` (:class:`.tarray` of :py:data:`.tfloat64`) -- Genotype probabilities as defined by the GEN file spec. The array is set to missing if the sum of the probabilities is a distance greater than the `tolerance` parameter from 1.0. Otherwise, the probabilities are normalized to sum to 1.0. For example, the input ``[0.98, 0.0, 0.0]`` will be normalized to ``[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]``. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` GEN files to import. sample_file : :class:`str` Sample file to import. tolerance : :obj:`float` If the sum of the genotype probabilities for a genotype differ from 1.0 by more than the tolerance, set the genotype to missing. min_partitions : :obj:`int`, optional Number of partitions. chromosome : :class:`str`, optional Chromosome if not included in the GEN file reference_genome : :class:`str` or :class:`.ReferenceGenome`, optional Reference genome to use. contig_recoding : :obj:`dict` of :class:`str` to :obj:`str`, optional Dict of old contig name to new contig name. The new contig name must be in the reference genome given by `reference_genome`. skip_invalid_loci : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, skip loci that are not consistent with `reference_genome`. Returns ------- :class:`.MatrixTable` """ gen_table = import_lines(path, min_partitions) sample_table = import_lines(sample_file) rg = if reference_genome else None if contig_recoding is None: contig_recoding = hl.empty_dict(hl.tstr, hl.tstr) else: contig_recoding = hl.dict(contig_recoding) gen_table = gen_table.transmute(data=gen_table.text.split(' ')) if chromosome is None: last_rowf_idx = 5 contig_holder =[0] else: last_rowf_idx = 4 contig_holder = chromosome contig_holder = contig_recoding.get(contig_holder, contig_holder) position =[last_rowf_idx - 2]) alleles = hl.array([hl.str([last_rowf_idx - 1]), hl.str([last_rowf_idx])]) rsid =[last_rowf_idx - 3] varid =[last_rowf_idx - 4] if rg is None: locus = hl.struct(contig=contig_holder, position=position) elif skip_invalid_loci: locus = hl.if_else( hl.is_valid_locus(contig_holder, position, rg),, position, rg), hl.missing(hl.tlocus(rg)), ) else: locus =, position, rg) gen_table = gen_table.annotate(locus=locus, alleles=alleles, rsid=rsid, varid=varid) gen_table = gen_table.annotate([last_rowf_idx + 1 :] .map(lambda x: hl.float64(x)) .grouped(3) .map(lambda x: hl.struct(GP=x)) ) if skip_invalid_loci: gen_table = gen_table.filter(hl.is_defined( sample_table_count = sample_table.count() - 2 # Skipping first 2 unneeded rows in sample file gen_table = gen_table.annotate_globals(cols=hl.range(sample_table_count).map(lambda x: hl.struct(col_idx=x))) mt = gen_table._unlocalize_entries('entries', 'cols', ['col_idx']) sample_table = sample_table.tail(sample_table_count).add_index() sample_table = sample_table.annotate(s=sample_table.text.split(' ')[0]) sample_table = sample_table.key_by(sample_table.idx) mt = mt.annotate_cols(s=sample_table[hl.int64(mt.col_idx)].s) mt = mt.annotate_entries( GP=hl.rbind( hl.sum(mt.GP), lambda gp_sum: hl.if_else( hl.abs(1.0 - gp_sum) > tolerance, hl.missing(hl.tarray(hl.tfloat64)), hl.abs((1 / gp_sum) * mt.GP) ), ) ) mt = mt.annotate_entries( GT=hl.rbind( hl.argmax(mt.GP), lambda max_idx: hl.if_else( hl.len(mt.GP.filter(lambda y: y == mt.GP[max_idx])) == 1, hl.switch(max_idx) .when(0,, 0)) .when(1,, 1)) .when(2,, 1)) .or_error("error creating gt field."), hl.missing(hl.tcall), ), ) ) mt = mt.filter_entries(hl.is_defined(mt.GP)) mt = mt.key_cols_by('s').drop('col_idx', 'file', 'data') mt = mt.key_rows_by('locus', 'alleles').select_entries('GT', 'GP') return mt
[docs]@typecheck( paths=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), key=table_key_type, min_partitions=nullable(int), impute=bool, no_header=bool, comment=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), delimiter=str, missing=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), types=dictof(str, hail_type), quote=nullable(char), skip_blank_lines=bool, force_bgz=bool, filter=nullable(str), find_replace=nullable(sized_tupleof(str, str)), force=bool, source_file_field=nullable(str), ) def import_table( paths, key=None, min_partitions=None, impute=False, no_header=False, comment=(), delimiter="\t", missing="NA", types={}, quote=None, skip_blank_lines=False, force_bgz=False, filter=None, find_replace=None, force=False, source_file_field=None, ) -> Table: """Import delimited text file (text table) as :class:`.Table`. The resulting :class:`.Table` will have no key fields. Use :meth:`.Table.key_by` to specify keys. See also: :func:`.import_matrix_table`. Examples -------- Consider this file: .. code-block:: text $ cat data/samples1.tsv Sample Height Status Age PT-1234 154.1 ADHD 24 PT-1236 160.9 Control 19 PT-1238 NA ADHD 89 PT-1239 170.3 Control 55 The field ``Height`` contains floating-point numbers and the field ``Age`` contains integers. To import this table using field types: >>> table = hl.import_table('data/samples1.tsv', ... types={'Height': hl.tfloat64, 'Age': hl.tint32}) Note ``Sample`` and ``Status`` need no type, because :py:data:`.tstr` is the default type. To import a table using type imputation (which causes the file to be parsed twice): >>> table = hl.import_table('data/samples1.tsv', impute=True) **Detailed examples** Let's import fields from a CSV file with missing data and special characters: .. code-block:: text $ cat data/samples2.csv Batch,PT-ID 1kg,PT-0001 1kg,PT-0002 study1,PT-0003 study3,PT-0003 .,PT-0004 1kg,PT-0005 .,PT-0006 1kg,PT-0007 In this case, we should: - Pass the non-default delimiter ``,`` - Pass the non-default missing value ``.`` >>> table = hl.import_table('data/samples2.csv', delimiter=',', missing='.') Let's import a table from a file with no header and sample IDs that need to be transformed. Suppose the sample IDs are of the form ``NA#####``. This file has no header line, and the sample ID is hidden in a field with other information. .. code-block: text $ cat data/samples3.tsv 1kg_NA12345 female 1kg_NA12346 male 1kg_NA12348 female pgc_NA23415 male pgc_NA23418 male To import: >>> t = hl.import_table('data/samples3.tsv', no_header=True) >>> t = t.annotate(sample = t.f0.split("_")[1]).key_by('sample') Let's import a table from a file where one of the fields is a JSON object. .. code-block: text $cat data/table_with_json.tsv id json_field 1 {"foo": "bar", "x": 7} 4 {"foo": "baz", "x": 100} To import, we need to specify the types argument. >>> my_types = {"id": hl.tint32, "json_field":hl.tstruct(foo=hl.tstr, x=hl.tint32)} >>> ht_with_json = hl.import_table('data/table_with_json.tsv', types=my_types) Notes ----- The `impute` parameter tells Hail to scan the file an extra time to gather information about possible field types. While this is a bit slower for large files because the file is parsed twice, the convenience is often worth this cost. The `delimiter` parameter is either a delimiter character (if a single character) or a field separator regex (2 or more characters). This regex follows the `Java regex standard <>`_. .. note:: Use ``delimiter='\\s+'`` to specify whitespace delimited files. If set, the `comment` parameter causes Hail to skip any line that starts with the given string(s). For example, passing ``comment='#'`` will skip any line beginning in a pound sign. If the string given is a single character, Hail will skip any line beginning with the character. Otherwise if the length of the string is greater than 1, Hail will interpret the string as a regex and will filter out lines matching the regex. For example, passing ``comment=['#', '^track.*']`` will filter out lines beginning in a pound sign and any lines that match the regex ``'^track.*'``. The `missing` parameter defines the representation of missing data in the table. .. note:: The `missing` parameter is **NOT** a regex. The `comment` parameter is treated as a regex **ONLY** if the length of the string is greater than 1 (not a single character). The `no_header` parameter indicates that the file has no header line. If this option is passed, then the field names will be `f0`, `f1`, ... `fN` (0-indexed). The `types` parameter allows the user to pass the types of fields in the table. It is an :obj:`dict` keyed by :class:`str`, with :class:`.HailType` values. See the examples above for a standard usage. Additionally, this option can be used to override type imputation. For example, if the field ``Chromosome`` only contains the values ``1`` through ``22``, it will be imputed to have type :py:data:`.tint32`, whereas most Hail methods expect that a chromosome field will be of type :py:data:`.tstr`. Setting ``impute=True`` and ``types={'Chromosome': hl.tstr}`` solves this problem. Parameters ---------- paths : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Files to import. key : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Key fields(s). min_partitions : :obj:`int` or :obj:`None` Minimum number of partitions. no_header : :obj:`bool` If ``True```, assume the file has no header and name the N fields `f0`, `f1`, ... `fN` (0-indexed). impute : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, Impute field types from the file. comment : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Skip lines beginning with the given string if the string is a single character. Otherwise, skip lines that match the regex specified. Multiple comment characters or patterns should be passed as a list. delimiter : :class:`str` Field delimiter regex. missing : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` [:obj:`str`] Identifier(s) to be treated as missing. types : :obj:`dict` mapping :class:`str` to :class:`.HailType` Dictionary defining field types. quote : :class:`str` or :obj:`None` Quote character. skip_blank_lines : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, ignore empty lines. Otherwise, throw an error if an empty line is found. force_bgz : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, load files as blocked gzip files, assuming that they were actually compressed using the BGZ codec. This option is useful when the file extension is not ``'.bgz'``, but the file is blocked gzip, so that the file can be read in parallel and not on a single node. filter : :class:`str`, optional Line filter regex. A partial match results in the line being removed from the file. Applies before `find_replace`, if both are defined. find_replace : (:class:`str`, :obj:`str`) Line substitution regex. Functions like ``re.sub``, but obeys the exact semantics of Java's `String.replaceAll <,java.lang.String)>`__. force : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, load gzipped files serially on one core. This should be used only when absolutely necessary, as processing time will be increased due to lack of parallelism. source_file_field : :class:`str`, optional If defined, the source file name for each line will be a field of the table with this name. Can be useful when importing multiple tables using glob patterns. Returns ------- :class:`.Table` """ if len(delimiter) < 1: raise ValueError('import_table: empty delimiter is not supported') paths = wrap_to_list(paths) comment = wrap_to_list(comment) missing = wrap_to_list(missing) ht = hl.import_lines(paths, min_partitions, force_bgz, force) should_remove_line_expr = should_remove_line( ht.text, filter=filter, comment=comment, skip_blank_lines=skip_blank_lines ) if should_remove_line_expr is not None: ht = ht.filter(should_remove_line_expr, keep=False) try: if len(paths) <= 1: # With zero or one files and no filters, the first row, if it exists must be in the first # partition, so we take this one-pass fast-path. first_row_ht = ht._filter_partitions([0]).head(1) else: first_row_ht = ht.head(1) if find_replace is not None: ht = ht.annotate(text=ht['text'].replace(*find_replace)) first_rows = first_row_ht.annotate( header=first_row_ht.text._split_line( delimiter, missing=hl.empty_array(hl.tstr), quote=quote, regex=len(delimiter) > 1 ) ).collect() except FatalError as err: if '_filter_partitions: no partition with index 0' in err.args[0]: first_rows = [] else: raise if len(first_rows) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Invalid file: no lines remaining after filters\n Files provided: {', '.join(paths)}") first_row = first_rows[0] if no_header: fields = [f'f{index}' for index in range(0, len(first_row.header))] else: maybe_duplicated_fields = first_row.header renamings, fields = deduplicate(maybe_duplicated_fields) ht = ht.filter( ht.text == first_row.text, keep=False ) # FIXME: seems wrong. Could easily fix with partition index and row_within_partition_index. if renamings: hl.utils.warning( f'import_table: renamed the following {plural("field", len(renamings))} to avoid name conflicts:' + ''.join(f'\n {k!r} -> {v!r}' for k, v in renamings) ) ht = ht.annotate( split_text=( .when(hl.len(ht.text) > 0, split_lines(ht, fields, delimiter=delimiter, missing=missing, quote=quote)) .or_error(hl.str("Blank line found in file ") + ht.file) ) ) ht = ht.drop('text') fields_to_value = {} strs = [] if impute: fields_to_impute_idx = [] fields_to_guess = [] for idx, field in enumerate(fields): if types.get(field) is None: fields_to_impute_idx.append(idx) fields_to_guess.append(field)'Reading table to impute column types') guessed = ht.aggregate( hl.agg.array_agg(lambda x: hl.agg._impute_type(x), [ht.split_text[i] for i in fields_to_impute_idx]) ) reasons = {f: 'user-supplied type' for f in types} imputed_types = dict() for field, s in zip(fields_to_guess, guessed): if not s['anyNonMissing']: imputed_types[field] = hl.tstr reasons[field] = 'no non-missing observations' else: if s['supportsBool']: imputed_types[field] = hl.tbool elif s['supportsInt32']: imputed_types[field] = hl.tint32 elif s['supportsInt64']: imputed_types[field] = hl.tint64 elif s['supportsFloat64']: imputed_types[field] = hl.tfloat64 else: imputed_types[field] = hl.tstr reasons[field] = 'imputed' strs.append('Finished type imputation') all_types = dict(**types, **imputed_types) for f_idx, field in enumerate(fields): strs.append(f' Loading field {field!r} as type {all_types[field]} ({reasons[field]})') fields_to_value[field] = parse_type(ht.split_text[f_idx], all_types[field]) else: strs.append('Reading table without type imputation') for f_idx, field in enumerate(fields): reason = 'user-supplied' if field in types else 'not specified' t = types.get(field, hl.tstr) fields_to_value[field] = parse_type(ht.split_text[f_idx], t) strs.append(f' Loading field {field!r} as type {t} ({reason})') ht = ht.annotate(**fields_to_value).drop('split_text') if source_file_field is not None: source_file = {source_file_field: ht.file} ht = ht.annotate(**source_file) ht = ht.drop('file') if len(fields) < 30:'\n'.join(strs)) else: from collections import Counter strs2 = [f'Loading {ht.row} fields. Counts by type:'] for name, count in Counter(ht[f].dtype for f in fields).most_common(): strs2.append(f' {name}: {count}')'\n'.join(strs2)) if key: key = wrap_to_list(key) ht = ht.key_by(*key) return ht
[docs]@typecheck( paths=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), min_partitions=nullable(int), force_bgz=bool, force=bool, file_per_partition=bool ) def import_lines(paths, min_partitions=None, force_bgz=False, force=False, file_per_partition=False) -> Table: """Import lines of file(s) as a :class:`.Table` of strings. Examples -------- To import a file as a table of strings: >>> ht = hl.import_lines('data/matrix2.tsv') >>> ht.describe() ---------------------------------------- Global fields: None ---------------------------------------- Row fields: 'file': str 'text': str ---------------------------------------- Key: [] ---------------------------------------- Parameters ---------- paths: :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Files to import. min_partitions: :obj:`int` or :obj:`None` Minimum number of partitions. force_bgz : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, load files as blocked gzip files, assuming that they were actually compressed using the BGZ codec. This option is useful when the file extension is not ``'.bgz'``, but the file is blocked gzip, so that the file can be read in parallel and not on a single node. force : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, load gzipped files serially on one core. This should be used only when absolutely necessary, as processing time will be increased due to lack of parallelism. file_per_partition : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, each file will be in a seperate partition. Not recommended for most uses. Error thrown if ``True`` and `min_partitions` is less than the number of files Returns ------- :class:`.Table` Table constructed from imported data. """ paths = wrap_to_list(paths) if file_per_partition and min_partitions is not None: if min_partitions > len(paths): raise FatalError( f'file_per_partition is True while min partitions is {min_partitions} ,which is greater' f' than the number of files, {len(paths)}' ) st_reader = ir.StringTableReader(paths, min_partitions, force_bgz, force, file_per_partition) table_type = hl.ttable(global_type=hl.tstruct(), row_type=hl.tstruct(file=hl.tstr, text=hl.tstr), row_key=[]) string_table = Table(ir.TableRead(st_reader, _assert_type=table_type)) return string_table
[docs]@typecheck( paths=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), row_fields=dictof(str, hail_type), row_key=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), entry_type=enumeration(tint32, tint64, tfloat32, tfloat64, tstr), missing=str, min_partitions=nullable(int), no_header=bool, force_bgz=bool, sep=nullable(str), delimiter=nullable(str), comment=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), ) def import_matrix_table( paths, row_fields={}, row_key=[], entry_type=tint32, missing="NA", min_partitions=None, no_header=False, force_bgz=False, sep=None, delimiter=None, comment=(), ) -> MatrixTable: """Import tab-delimited file(s) as a :class:`.MatrixTable`. Examples -------- Consider the following file containing counts from a RNA sequencing dataset: .. code-block:: text $ cat data/matrix1.tsv Barcode Tissue Days GENE1 GENE2 GENE3 GENE4 TTAGCCA brain 1.0 0 0 1 0 ATCACTT kidney 5.5 3 0 2 0 CTCTTCT kidney 2.5 0 0 0 1 CTATATA brain 7.0 0 0 3 0 The field ``Days`` contains floating-point numbers and each of the ``GENE`` fields contain integers. contains integers. To import this matrix: >>> matrix1 = hl.import_matrix_table('data/matrix1.tsv', ... row_fields={'Barcode': hl.tstr, 'Tissue': hl.tstr, 'Days':hl.tfloat32}, ... row_key='Barcode') >>> matrix1.describe() # doctest: +SKIP_OUTPUT_CHECK ---------------------------------------- Global fields: None ---------------------------------------- Column fields: 'col_id': str ---------------------------------------- Row fields: 'Barcode': str 'Tissue': str 'Days': float32 ---------------------------------------- Entry fields: 'x': int32 ---------------------------------------- Column key: 'col_id': str Row key: 'Barcode': str ---------------------------------------- In this example, the header information is missing for the row fields, but the column IDs are still present: .. code-block:: text $ cat data/matrix2.tsv GENE1 GENE2 GENE3 GENE4 TTAGCCA brain 1.0 0 0 1 0 ATCACTT kidney 5.5 3 0 2 0 CTCTTCT kidney 2.5 0 0 0 1 CTATATA brain 7.0 0 0 3 0 The row fields get imported as `f0`, `f1`, and `f2`, so we need to do: >>> matrix2 = hl.import_matrix_table('data/matrix2.tsv', ... row_fields={'f0': hl.tstr, 'f1': hl.tstr, 'f2':hl.tfloat32}, ... row_key='f0') >>> matrix2.rename({'f0': 'Barcode', 'f1': 'Tissue', 'f2': 'Days'}) Sometimes, the header and row information is missing completely: .. code-block:: text $ cat data/matrix3.tsv 0 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 >>> matrix3 = hl.import_matrix_table('data/matrix3.tsv', no_header=True) In this case, the file has no row fields, so we use the default row index as a key for the imported matrix table. Notes ----- The resulting matrix table has the following structure: * The row fields are named as specified in the column header. If they are missing from the header or ``no_header=True``, row field names are set to the strings `f0`, `f1`, ... (0-indexed) in column order. The types of all row fields must be specified in the `row_fields` argument. * The row key is taken from the `row_key` argument, and must be a subset of row fields. If left empty, the row key will be a new row field `row_id` of type :obj:`int`, whose values 0, 1, ... index the original rows of the matrix. * There is one column field, **col_id**, which is a key field of type :obj:str or :obj:int. By default, its values are the strings given by the corresponding column names in the header line. If ``no_header=True``, column IDs are set to integers 0, 1, ... (also 0-indexed) in column order. * There is one entry field, **x**, that contains the data from the imported matrix. All columns to be imported as row fields must be at the start of the row. Unlike :func:`import_table`, no type imputation is done so types must be specified for all columns that should be imported as row fields. (The other columns are imported as entries in the matrix.) The header information for row fields is allowed to be missing, if the column IDs are present, but the header must then consist only of tab-delimited column IDs (no row field names). The column IDs will never be missing, even if the `missing` string appears in the column IDs. Parameters ---------- paths: :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Files to import. row_fields: :obj:`dict` of :class:`str` to :class:`.HailType` Columns to take as row fields in the MatrixTable. They must be located before all entry columns. row_key: :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Key fields(s). If empty, creates an index `row_id` to use as key. entry_type: :class:`.HailType` Type of entries in matrix table. Must be one of: :py:data:`.tint32`, :py:data:`.tint64`, :py:data:`.tfloat32`, :py:data:`.tfloat64`, or :py:data:`.tstr`. Default: :py:data:`.tint32`. missing: :class:`str` Identifier to be treated as missing. Default: NA min_partitions: :obj:`int` or :obj:`None` Minimum number of partitions. no_header: :obj:`bool` If ``True``, assume the file has no header and name the row fields `f0`, `f1`, ... `fK` (0-indexed) and the column keys 0, 1, ... N. force_bgz : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, load **.gz** files as blocked gzip files, assuming that they were actually compressed using the BGZ codec. sep : :class:`str` This parameter is a deprecated name for `delimiter`, please use that instead. delimiter : :class:`str` A single character string which separates values in the file. comment : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Skip lines beginning with the given string if the string is a single character. Otherwise, skip lines that match the regex specified. Multiple comment characters or patterns should be passed as a list. Returns ------- :class:`.MatrixTable` MatrixTable constructed from imported data. """ row_key = wrap_to_list(row_key) comment = wrap_to_list(comment) paths = [hl.current_backend().fs.canonicalize_path(p) for p in wrap_to_list(paths)] missing_list = wrap_to_list(missing) def comment_filter(table): return ( hl.rbind( hl.array(comment), lambda hl_comment: hl_comment.any( lambda com: hl.if_else(hl.len(com) == 1, table.text.startswith(com), table.text.matches(com, False)) ), ) if len(comment) > 0 else False ) def truncate(string_array, delim=", "): if len(string_array) > 10: string_array = string_array[:10] string_array.append("...") return delim.join(string_array) path_to_index = {path: idx for idx, path in enumerate(paths)} def format_file(file_name, hl_value=False): if hl_value: return hl.rbind( file_name.split('/'), lambda split_file: hl.if_else( hl.len(split_file) <= 4, hl.str("/").join(file_name.split('/')[-4:]), hl.str("/") + hl.str("/").join(file_name.split('/')[-4:]), ), ) else: return ( "/".join(file_name.split('/')[-3:]) if len(file_name) <= 4 else "/" + "/".join(file_name.split('/')[-3:]) ) file_start_array = None def get_file_start(row): nonlocal file_start_array if file_start_array is None: collect_expr = first_lines_table.collect(_localize=False).map(lambda line: (line.file, line.idx)) file_start_array = hl.literal(hl.eval(collect_expr), dtype=collect_expr.dtype) return hl.coalesce( file_start_array.filter(lambda line_tuple: line_tuple[0] == row.file) .map(lambda line_tuple: line_tuple[1]) .first(), 0, ) def validate_row_fields(): unique_fields = {} duplicates = [] header_idx = 0 for header_rowf in header_dict['row_fields']: rowf_type = row_fields.get(header_rowf) if rowf_type is None: import itertools as it row_fields_string = '\n'.join( list( it.starmap(lambda row_field, row_type: f" '{row_field}': {row_type!s}", row_fields.items()) ) ) header_fields_string = "\n ".join(map(lambda field: f"'{field}'", header_dict['row_fields'])) raise FatalError( f"in file {format_file(header_dict['path'])} found row field '{header_rowf}' that's" f" not in 'row fields'\nrow fields found in file:\n {header_fields_string}" f"\n'row fields':\n{row_fields_string}" ) if header_rowf in unique_fields: duplicates.append(header_rowf) else: unique_fields[header_rowf] = True header_idx += 1 if len(duplicates) > 0: raise FatalError("Found following duplicate row fields in header:\n" + '\n'.join(duplicates)) def parse_entries(row): return hl.range(num_of_row_fields, len(header_dict['column_ids']) + num_of_row_fields).map( lambda entry_idx: parse_type_or_error(entry_type, row, entry_idx, not_entries=False) ) def parse_rows(row): rows_list = list(row_fields.items()) return {rows_list[idx][0]: parse_type_or_error(rows_list[idx][1], row, idx) for idx in range(num_of_row_fields)} def error_msg(row, idx, msg): return ( hl.str("in file ") + hl.str(format_file(row.file, True)) + hl.str(" on line ") + hl.str(row.row_id - get_file_start(row) + 1) + hl.str(" at value '") + hl.str(row.split_array[idx]) + hl.str("':\n") + hl.str(msg) ) def parse_type_or_error(hail_type, row, idx, not_entries=True): value = row.split_array[idx] if hail_type == hl.tint32: parsed_type = hl.parse_int32(value) elif hail_type == hl.tint64: parsed_type = hl.parse_int64(value) elif hail_type == hl.tfloat32: parsed_type = hl.parse_float32(value) elif hail_type == hl.tfloat64: parsed_type = hl.parse_float64(value) else: parsed_type = value if not_entries: error_clarify_msg = hl.str(" at row field '") + hl.str(hl_row_fields[idx]) + hl.str("'") else: error_clarify_msg = ( hl.str(" at column id '") + hl.str(hl_columns[idx - num_of_row_fields]) + hl.str("' for entry field 'x' ") ) return hl.if_else( hl.is_missing(value), hl.missing(hail_type), .when(~hl.is_missing(parsed_type), parsed_type) .or_error(error_msg(row, idx, f"error parsing value into {hail_type!s}" + error_clarify_msg)), ) num_of_row_fields = len(row_fields.keys()) add_row_id = False if len(row_key) == 0: add_row_id = True row_key = ['row_id'] if sep is not None: if delimiter is not None: raise ValueError(f'expecting either sep or delimiter but received both: ' f'{sep}, {delimiter}') delimiter = sep del sep if delimiter is None: delimiter = '\t' if len(delimiter) != 1: raise FatalError('delimiter or sep must be a single character') if add_row_id: if 'row_id' in row_fields: raise FatalError( "import_matrix_table reserves the field name 'row_id' for" 'its own use, please use a different name' ) for k, v in row_fields.items(): if v not in {tint32, tint64, tfloat32, tfloat64, tstr}: raise FatalError( f'import_matrix_table expects field types to be one of:' f"'int32', 'int64', 'float32', 'float64', 'str': field {k!r} had type '{v}'" ) if entry_type not in {tint32, tint64, tfloat32, tfloat64, tstr}: raise FatalError( """import_matrix_table expects entry types to be one of: 'int32', 'int64', 'float32', 'float64', 'str': found '{}'""".format(entry_type) ) if missing in delimiter: raise FatalError(f"Missing value {missing} contains delimiter {delimiter}") ht = import_lines(paths, min_partitions, force_bgz=force_bgz).add_index(name='row_id') # for checking every header matches file_per_partition = import_lines(paths, force_bgz=force_bgz, file_per_partition=True) file_per_partition = file_per_partition.filter( hl.bool(hl.len(file_per_partition.text) == 0) | comment_filter(file_per_partition), False ) first_lines_table = file_per_partition._map_partitions(lambda rows: rows.take(1)) first_lines_table = first_lines_table.annotate(split_array=first_lines_table.text.split(delimiter)).add_index() if not no_header: def validate_header_get_info_dict(): two_first_lines = file_per_partition.head(2) two_first_lines = two_first_lines.annotate(split_array=two_first_lines.text.split(delimiter)).collect() header_line = two_first_lines[0] if two_first_lines else None first_data_line = two_first_lines[1] if len(two_first_lines) > 1 else None num_of_data_line_values = len(first_data_line.split_array) if len(two_first_lines) > 1 else 0 num_of_header_values = len(header_line.split_array) if two_first_lines else 0 if header_line is None or path_to_index[header_line.file] != 0: raise ValueError(f"Expected header in every file but found empty file: {format_file(paths[0])}") elif not first_data_line or first_data_line.file != header_line.file: hl.utils.warning(f"File {format_file(header_line.file)} contains a header, but no lines of data") if num_of_header_values < num_of_data_line_values: raise ValueError( f"File {format_file(header_line.file)} contains one line assumed to be the header." f"The header had a length of {num_of_header_values} while the number" f"of row fields is {num_of_row_fields}" ) user_row_fields = header_line.split_array[:num_of_row_fields] column_ids = header_line.split_array[num_of_row_fields:] elif num_of_data_line_values != num_of_header_values: if num_of_data_line_values == num_of_header_values + num_of_row_fields: user_row_fields = ["f" + str(f_idx) for f_idx in list(range(0, num_of_row_fields))] column_ids = header_line.split_array else: raise ValueError( f"In file {format_file(header_line.file)}, expected the header line to match either:\n" f"rowField0 rowField1 ... rowField${num_of_row_fields} colId0 colId1 ...\nor\n" f" colId0 colId1 ...\nInstead the first two lines were:\nInstead the first two lin" f"es were:\n{header_line.text}\n{first_data_line.text}\nThe first line contained" f" {num_of_header_values} separated values and the second line" f" contained {num_of_data_line_values}" ) else: user_row_fields = header_line.split_array[:num_of_row_fields] column_ids = header_line.split_array[num_of_row_fields:] return { 'text': header_line.text, 'header_values': header_line.split_array, 'path': header_line.file, 'row_fields': user_row_fields, 'column_ids': column_ids, } def warn_if_duplicate_col_ids(): time_col_id_encountered_dict = {} duplicate_cols = [] for item in header_dict['column_ids']: if time_col_id_encountered_dict.get(item) is not None: duplicate_cols.append(item) time_col_id_encountered_dict[item] = time_col_id_encountered_dict[item] + 1 time_col_id_encountered_dict[item] = 1 if len(duplicate_cols) == 0: return import itertools as it duplicates_to_print = sorted( [ ('"' + dup_field + '"', '(' + str(time_col_id_encountered_dict[dup_field]) + ')') for dup_field in duplicate_cols ], key=lambda dup_values: dup_values[1], ) duplicates_to_print = truncate(duplicates_to_print) duplicates_to_print_formatted = it.starmap( lambda dup, time_found: time_found + " " + dup, duplicates_to_print ) ht.utils.warning( f"Found {len(duplicate_cols)} duplicate column id" + f"{'s' if len(duplicate_cols) > 1 else ''}\n" + '\n'.join(duplicates_to_print_formatted) ) def validate_all_headers(): all_headers = first_lines_table.collect() for header in all_headers: if header_dict['text'] != header.text: if len(header_dict['header_values']) == len(header.split_array): zipped_headers = list(zip(header_dict['header_values'], header.split_array)) for header_idx, header_values in enumerate(zipped_headers): main_header_value = header_values[0] error_header_value = header_values[1] if main_header_value != error_header_value: raise ValueError( "invalid header: expected elements to be identical for all input paths" f". Found different elements at position {header_idx + 1}" f"\n in file {format_file(header.file)} with value " f"'{error_header_value}' when expecting value '{main_header_value}'" ) else: raise ValueError( f"invalid header: lengths of headers differ. \n" f"{len(header_dict['header_values'])} elements in " f"{format_file(header_dict['path'])}:\n" + truncate(["'{}'".format(value) for value in header_dict['header_values']]) + f" {len(header.split_array)} elements in {format_file(header.file)}:\n" + truncate(["'{}'".format(value) for value in header.split_array]) ) header_dict = validate_header_get_info_dict() warn_if_duplicate_col_ids() validate_all_headers() else: first_line = first_lines_table.head(1).collect() if not first_line or path_to_index[first_line[0].file] != 0: hl.utils.warning(f"File {format_file(paths[0])} is empty and has no header, so we assume no columns") header_dict = { 'header_values': [], 'row_fields': ["f" + str(f_idx) for f_idx in list(range(0, num_of_row_fields))], 'column_ids': [], } else: first_line = first_line[0] header_dict = { 'header_values': [], 'row_fields': ["f" + str(f_idx) for f_idx in list(range(0, num_of_row_fields))], 'column_ids': [col_id for col_id in list(range(0, len(first_line.split_array) - num_of_row_fields))], } validate_row_fields() header_filter = ht.text == header_dict['text'] if not no_header else False ht = ht.filter(hl.bool(hl.len(ht.text) == 0) | comment_filter(ht) | header_filter, False) hl_columns = hl.array(header_dict['column_ids']) if len(header_dict['column_ids']) > 0 else hl.empty_array(hl.tstr) hl_row_fields = ( hl.array(header_dict['row_fields']) if len(header_dict['row_fields']) > 0 else hl.empty_array(hl.tstr) ) ht = ht.annotate(split_array=ht.text._split_line(delimiter, missing_list, quote=None, regex=False)).add_index( 'row_id' ) ht = ht.annotate( .when(hl.len(ht.split_array) >= num_of_row_fields, ht.split_array) .or_error(error_msg(ht, hl.len(ht.split_array) - 1, " unexpected end of line while reading row field")) ) n_column_ids = len(header_dict['column_ids']) n_in_split_array = hl.len(ht.split_array[num_of_row_fields : (num_of_row_fields + n_column_ids)]) ht = ht.annotate( .when(n_column_ids <= n_in_split_array, ht.split_array) .or_error(error_msg(ht, hl.len(ht.split_array) - 1, " unexpected end of line while reading entries")) ) ht = ht.annotate(**parse_rows(ht), entries=parse_entries(ht).map(lambda entry: hl.struct(x=entry))).drop( 'text', 'split_array', 'file' ) ht = ht.annotate_globals( cols=hl.range(0, len(header_dict['column_ids'])).map(lambda col_idx: hl.struct(col_id=hl_columns[col_idx])) ) if not add_row_id: ht = ht.drop('row_id') mt = ht._unlocalize_entries('entries', 'cols', ['col_id']) mt = mt.key_rows_by(*row_key) return mt
[docs]@typecheck( path=str, _intervals=nullable(sequenceof(anytype)), _filter_intervals=bool, _drop_cols=bool, _drop_rows=bool, _create_row_uids=bool, _create_col_uids=bool, _n_partitions=nullable(int), _assert_type=nullable(tmatrix), _load_refs=bool, ) def read_matrix_table( path, *, _intervals=None, _filter_intervals=False, _drop_cols=False, _drop_rows=False, _create_row_uids=False, _create_col_uids=False, _n_partitions=None, _assert_type=None, _load_refs=True, ) -> MatrixTable: """Read in a :class:`.MatrixTable` written with :meth:`.MatrixTable.write`. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` File to read. Returns ------- :class:`.MatrixTable` """ if _load_refs: for rg_config in Env.backend().load_references_from_dataset(path): hl.ReferenceGenome._from_config(rg_config) if _intervals is not None and _n_partitions is not None: raise ValueError("'read_matrix_table' does not support both _intervals and _n_partitions") mt = MatrixTable( ir.MatrixRead( ir.MatrixNativeReader(path, _intervals, _filter_intervals), _drop_cols, _drop_rows, drop_row_uids=not _create_row_uids, drop_col_uids=not _create_col_uids, _assert_type=_assert_type, ) ) if _n_partitions: intervals = mt._calculate_new_partitions(_n_partitions) return read_matrix_table( path, _drop_rows=_drop_rows, _drop_cols=_drop_cols, _intervals=intervals, _assert_type=mt._type, _load_refs=_load_refs, ) return mt
[docs]@typecheck(path=str) def get_vcf_metadata(path): """Extract metadata from VCF header. Examples -------- >>> hl.get_vcf_metadata('data/example2.vcf.bgz') # doctest: +SKIP_OUTPUT_CHECK {'filter': {'LowQual': {'Description': ''}, ...}, 'format': {'AD': {'Description': 'Allelic depths for the ref and alt alleles in the order listed', 'Number': 'R', 'Type': 'Integer'}, ...}, 'info': {'AC': {'Description': 'Allele count in genotypes, for each ALT allele, in the same order as listed', 'Number': 'A', 'Type': 'Integer'}, ...}} Notes ----- This method parses the VCF header to extract the `ID`, `Number`, `Type`, and `Description` fields from FORMAT and INFO lines as well as `ID` and `Description` for FILTER lines. For example, given the following header lines: .. code-block:: text ##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Read Depth"> ##FILTER=<ID=LowQual,Description="Low quality"> ##INFO=<ID=MQ,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="RMS Mapping Quality"> The resulting Python dictionary returned would be .. code-block:: python metadata = {'filter': {'LowQual': {'Description': 'Low quality'}}, 'format': {'DP': {'Description': 'Read Depth', 'Number': '1', 'Type': 'Integer'}}, 'info': {'MQ': {'Description': 'RMS Mapping Quality', 'Number': '1', 'Type': 'Float'}}} which can be used with :func:`.export_vcf` to fill in the relevant fields in the header. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` VCF file(s) to read. If more than one file is given, the first file is used. Returns ------- :obj:`dict` of :class:`str` to (:obj:`dict` of :obj:`str` to (:obj:`dict` of :obj:`str` to :obj:`str`)) """ return Env.backend().parse_vcf_metadata(path)
[docs]@typecheck( path=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), force=bool, force_bgz=bool, header_file=nullable(str), min_partitions=nullable(int), drop_samples=bool, call_fields=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), reference_genome=nullable(reference_genome_type), contig_recoding=nullable(dictof(str, str)), array_elements_required=bool, skip_invalid_loci=bool, entry_float_type=enumeration(tfloat32, tfloat64), filter=nullable(str), find_replace=nullable(sized_tupleof(str, str)), n_partitions=nullable(int), block_size=nullable(int), _create_row_uids=bool, _create_col_uids=bool, ) def import_vcf( path, force=False, force_bgz=False, header_file=None, min_partitions=None, drop_samples=False, call_fields=['PGT'], reference_genome='default', contig_recoding=None, array_elements_required=True, skip_invalid_loci=False, entry_float_type=tfloat64, filter=None, find_replace=None, n_partitions=None, block_size=None, _create_row_uids=False, _create_col_uids=False, ) -> MatrixTable: """Import VCF file(s) as a :class:`.MatrixTable`. Examples -------- Import a standard bgzipped VCF with GRCh37 as the reference genome. >>> ds = hl.import_vcf('data/example2.vcf.bgz', reference_genome='GRCh37') Import a variant-partitioned dataset stored in one or more VCF files. The ``*`` is a glob pattern which matches any string of characters. >>> ds = hl.import_vcf('data/samplepart*.vcf') Import a VCF dataset and override every header with the header from ``data/samplepart1.vcf``. If the other VCF files are missing headers, have differing sample names, or otherwise have incompatible headers, `header_file` can be used to enforce a consistent header. >>> ds = hl.import_vcf('data/samplepart*.vcf', header_file='data/samplepart1.vcf') Import a VCF with GRCh38 as the reference genome that incorrectly uses the contig names from GRCh37 (i.e. uses contig name "1" instead of "chr1"). >>> recode = {f"{i}":f"chr{i}" for i in (list(range(1, 23)) + ['X', 'Y'])} >>> ds = hl.import_vcf('data/grch38_bad_contig_names.vcf', reference_genome='GRCh38', contig_recoding=recode) Import a bgzipped VCF which uses the "gz" extension rather than the "bgz" extension: >>> ds = hl.import_vcf('data/sample.vcf.gz', force_bgz=True) Import a VCF which has missing values (".") inside INFO or FORMAT array fields: >>> print(open('data/missing-values-in-array-fields.vcf').read()) ##fileformat=VCFv4.1 ##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Genotype"> ##FORMAT=<ID=X,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description=""> ##FORMAT=<ID=Y,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description=""> ##FORMAT=<ID=Z,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description=""> ##INFO=<ID=A,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description=""> ##INFO=<ID=B,Number=R,Type=Float,Description=""> ##INFO=<ID=C,Number=3,Type=Float,Description=""> ##INFO=<ID=D,Number=.,Type=Float,Description=""> #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT SAMPLE1 1 123456 . A C . . A=1,.;B=.,2,.;C=. GT:X:Y:Z 0/0:1,.,1:. >>> ds = hl.import_vcf('data/missing-values-in-array-fields.vcf', array_elements_required=False) >>>, n_cols=1, include_row_fields=True) +---------------+------------+------+-----------+----------+--------------+ | locus | alleles | rsid | qual | filters | info.A | +---------------+------------+------+-----------+----------+--------------+ | locus<GRCh37> | array<str> | str | float64 | set<str> | array<int32> | +---------------+------------+------+-----------+----------+--------------+ | 1:123456 | ["A","C"] | NA | -1.00e+01 | NA | [1,NA] | +---------------+------------+------+-----------+----------+--------------+ <BLANKLINE> +------------------+----------------+----------------+--------------+ | info.B | info.C | info.D | 'SAMPLE1'.GT | +------------------+----------------+----------------+--------------+ | array<float64> | array<float64> | array<float64> | call | +------------------+----------------+----------------+--------------+ | [NA,2.00e+00,NA] | NA | NA | 0/0 | +------------------+----------------+----------------+--------------+ <BLANKLINE> +--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 'SAMPLE1'.X | 'SAMPLE1'.Y | 'SAMPLE1'.Z | +--------------+--------------+--------------+ | array<int32> | array<int32> | array<int32> | +--------------+--------------+--------------+ | [1,NA,1] | NA | NA | +--------------+--------------+--------------+ Notes ----- Hail is designed to be maximally compatible with files in the `VCF v4.2 spec <>`__. :func:`.import_vcf` takes a list of VCF files to load. All files must have the same header and the same set of samples in the same order (e.g., a dataset split by chromosome). Files can be specified as :ref:`Hadoop glob patterns <sec-hadoop-glob>`. Ensure that the VCF file is correctly prepared for import: VCFs should either be uncompressed (**.vcf**) or block compressed (**.vcf.bgz**). If you have a large compressed VCF that ends in **.vcf.gz**, it is likely that the file is actually block-compressed, and you should rename the file to **.vcf.bgz** accordingly. If you are unable to rename this file, please use `force_bgz=True` to ignore the extension and treat this file as block-gzipped. If you have a **non-block** (aka standard) gzipped file, you may use `force=True`; however, we strongly discourage this because each file will be processed by a single core. Import will take significantly longer for any non-trivial dataset. :func:`.import_vcf` does not perform deduplication - if the provided VCF(s) contain multiple records with the same chrom, pos, ref, alt, all these records will be imported as-is (in multiple rows) and will not be collapsed into a single variant. .. note:: Using the **FILTER** field: The information in the FILTER field of a VCF is contained in the ``filters`` row field. This annotation is a ``set<str>`` and can be queried for filter membership with expressions like ``ds.filters.contains("VQSRTranche99.5...")``. Variants that are flagged as "PASS" will have no filters applied; for these variants, ``hl.len(ds.filters)`` is ``0``. Thus, filtering to PASS variants can be done with :meth:`.MatrixTable.filter_rows` as follows: >>> pass_ds = dataset.filter_rows(hl.len(dataset.filters) == 0) **Column Fields** - `s` (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- Column key. This is the sample ID. **Row Fields** - `locus` (:class:`.tlocus` or :class:`.tstruct`) -- Row key. The chromosome (CHROM field) and position (POS field). If `reference_genome` is defined, the type will be :class:`.tlocus` parameterized by `reference_genome`. Otherwise, the type will be a :class:`.tstruct` with two fields: `contig` with type :py:data:`.tstr` and `position` with type :py:data:`.tint32`. - `alleles` (:class:`.tarray` of :py:data:`.tstr`) -- Row key. An array containing the alleles of the variant. The reference allele (REF field) is the first element in the array and the alternate alleles (ALT field) are the subsequent elements. - `filters` (:class:`.tset` of :py:data:`.tstr`) -- Set containing all filters applied to a variant. - `rsid` (:py:data:`.tstr`) -- rsID of the variant. - `qual` (:py:data:`.tfloat64`) -- Floating-point number in the QUAL field. - `info` (:class:`.tstruct`) -- All INFO fields defined in the VCF header can be found in the struct `info`. Data types match the type specified in the VCF header, and if the declared ``Number`` is not 1, the result will be stored as an array. **Entry Fields** :func:`.import_vcf` generates an entry field for each FORMAT field declared in the VCF header. The types of these fields are generated according to the same rules as INFO fields, with one difference -- "GT" and other fields specified in `call_fields` will be read as :py:data:`.tcall`. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` One or more paths to VCF files to read. Each path may or may not include glob expressions like ``*``, ``?``, or ``[abc123]``. force : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, load **.vcf.gz** files serially. No downstream operations can be parallelized, so this mode is strongly discouraged. force_bgz : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, load **.vcf.gz** files as blocked gzip files, assuming that they were actually compressed using the BGZ codec. header_file : :class:`str`, optional Optional header override file. If not specified, the first file in `path` is used. Glob patterns are not allowed in the `header_file`. min_partitions : :obj:`int`, optional Minimum partitions to load per file. drop_samples : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, create sites-only dataset. Don't load sample IDs or entries. call_fields : :obj:`list` of :class:`str` List of FORMAT fields to load as :py:data:`.tcall`. "GT" is loaded as a call automatically. reference_genome: :class:`str` or :class:`.ReferenceGenome`, optional Reference genome to use. contig_recoding: :obj:`dict` of (:class:`str`, :obj:`str`), optional Mapping from contig name in VCF to contig name in loaded dataset. All contigs must be present in the `reference_genome`, so this is useful for mapping differently-formatted data onto known references. array_elements_required : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, all elements in an array field must be present. Set this parameter to ``False`` for Hail to allow array fields with missing values such as ``1,.,5``. In this case, the second element will be missing. However, in the case of a single missing element ``.``, the entire field will be missing and **not** an array with one missing element. skip_invalid_loci : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, skip loci that are not consistent with `reference_genome`. entry_float_type: :class:`.HailType` Type of floating point entries in matrix table. Must be one of: :py:data:`.tfloat32` or :py:data:`.tfloat64`. Default: :py:data:`.tfloat64`. filter : :class:`str`, optional Line filter regex. A partial match results in the line being removed from the file. Applies before `find_replace`, if both are defined. find_replace : (:class:`str`, :obj:`str`) Line substitution regex. Functions like ``re.sub``, but obeys the exact semantics of Java's `String.replaceAll <,java.lang.String)>`__. n_partitions : :obj:`int`, optional Number of partitions. If both `n_partitions` and `block_size` are specified, `n_partitions` will be used. block_size : :obj:`int`, optional Block size, in MB. Default: 128MB blocks. Returns ------- :class:`.MatrixTable` """ if force: hl.utils.warning( f'You are trying to read {path} with *ONE* core of parallelism. This ' 'will be very slow. If this file is block-gzipped (bgzip-ed), use ' 'force_bgz=True instead.' ) reader = ir.MatrixVCFReader( path, call_fields, entry_float_type, header_file, n_partitions, block_size, min_partitions, reference_genome, contig_recoding, array_elements_required, skip_invalid_loci, force_bgz, force, filter, find_replace, ) return MatrixTable( ir.MatrixRead( reader, drop_cols=drop_samples, drop_row_uids=not _create_row_uids, drop_col_uids=not _create_col_uids ) )
@typecheck( path=expr_str, file_num=expr_int32, contig=expr_str, start=expr_int32, end=expr_int32, header_info=anytype, call_fields=sequenceof(str), entry_float_type=hail_type, array_elements_required=bool, reference_genome=reference_genome_type, contig_recoding=nullable(dictof(str, str)), skip_invalid_loci=bool, filter=nullable(str), find=nullable(str), replace=nullable(str), ) def import_gvcf_interval( path, file_num, contig, start, end, header_info, call_fields=['PGT'], entry_float_type='float64', array_elements_required=True, reference_genome='default', contig_recoding=None, skip_invalid_loci=False, filter=None, find=None, replace=None, ): indices, aggs = hl.expr.unify_all(path, file_num, contig, start, end) stream_ir = ir.ReadPartition( hl.struct(fileNum=file_num, path=path, contig=contig, start=start, end=end)._ir, ir.GVCFPartitionReader( header_info, call_fields, entry_float_type, array_elements_required, reference_genome, contig_recoding or {}, skip_invalid_loci, filter, find, replace, None, ), ) arr = ir.ToArray(stream_ir) return hl.expr.construct_expr(arr, arr.typ, indices, aggs)
[docs]@typecheck( path=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), index_file_map=nullable(dictof(str, str)), reference_genome=nullable(reference_genome_type), contig_recoding=nullable(dictof(str, str)), skip_invalid_loci=bool, _buffer_size=int, ) def index_bgen( path, index_file_map=None, reference_genome='default', contig_recoding=None, skip_invalid_loci=False, _buffer_size=16_000_000, ): """Index BGEN files as required by :func:`.import_bgen`. If `index_file_map` is unspecified, then, for each BGEN file, the index file is written in the same directory and as the associated BGEN file with the same filename appended by `.idx2`. Otherwise, the `index_file_map` must specify a distinct `idx2` path for each BGEN file. Example ------- Index a BGEN file, renaming contig name "01" to "1": >>> hl.index_bgen("data/example.8bits.bgen", ... contig_recoding={"01": "1"}, ... reference_genome='GRCh37') Warning ------- While this method parallelizes over a list of BGEN files, each file is indexed serially by one core. Indexing several BGEN files on a large cluster is a waste of resources, so indexing should generally be done once, separately from large analyses. See Also -------- :func:`.import_bgen` Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` The .bgen files to index. May be one of: a BGEN file path, a list of BGEN file paths, or the path of a directory that contains BGEN files. index_file_map : :obj:`dict` of :class:`str` to :obj:`str`, optional Dict of BGEN file to index file location. Index file location must have a `.idx2` file extension. Cannot use Hadoop glob patterns in file names. reference_genome : :class:`str` or :class:`.ReferenceGenome`, optional Reference genome to use. contig_recoding : :obj:`dict` of :class:`str` to :obj:`str`, optional Dict of old contig name to new contig name. The new contig name must be in the reference genome given by `reference_genome`. skip_invalid_loci : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, skip loci that are not consistent with `reference_genome`. """ rg_t = hl.tlocus(reference_genome) if reference_genome else hl.tstruct(contig=hl.tstr, position=hl.tint32) if index_file_map is None: index_file_map = {} if contig_recoding is None: contig_recoding = {} raw_paths = wrap_to_list(path) fs = hl.current_backend().fs paths = [] for p in raw_paths: if fs.is_file(p): paths.append(p) else: if not fs.is_dir(p): raise ValueError(f'index_bgen: no file or directory at {p}') for stat_result in if re.match( r"^.*part-[0-9]+(-[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})?$", os.path.basename(stat_result.path), ): paths.append(stat_result.path) paths_lit = hl.literal(paths, hl.tarray(hl.tstr)) index_file_map_lit = hl.literal(index_file_map, hl.tdict(hl.tstr, hl.tstr)) for k, v in index_file_map.items(): if not v.endswith('.idx2'): raise FatalError(f"index file for {k} is missing a .idx2 file extension") contig_recoding_lit = hl.literal(contig_recoding, hl.tdict(hl.tstr, hl.tstr)) ht = hl.utils.range_table(len(paths), len(paths)) path_fd = paths_lit[ht.idx] ht = ht.annotate( n_indexed=hl.expr.functions._func( "index_bgen", hl.tint64, path_fd, index_file_map_lit.get(path_fd, path_fd + ".idx2"), contig_recoding_lit, hl.bool(skip_invalid_loci), hl.int32(_buffer_size), type_args=(rg_t,), ) ) for r in ht.collect(): idx = r.idx n = r.n_indexed path = paths[idx] idx_path = index_file_map.get(path, path) info(f"indexed {n} sites in {path} at {idx_path}")
@typecheck(path=expr_str, filter=nullable(expr_str), find=nullable(expr_str), replace=nullable(expr_str)) def get_vcf_header_info(path, filter=None, find=None, replace=None): from import vcf_header_type_str return hl.expr.functions._func( "getVCFHeader", hl.dtype(vcf_header_type_str), path, hl.missing('str') if filter is None else filter, hl.missing('str') if find is None else find, hl.missing('str') if replace is None else replace, )
[docs]@typecheck( path=str, _intervals=nullable(sequenceof(anytype)), _filter_intervals=bool, _n_partitions=nullable(int), _assert_type=nullable(ttable), _load_refs=bool, _create_row_uids=bool, ) def read_table( path, *, _intervals=None, _filter_intervals=False, _n_partitions=None, _assert_type=None, _load_refs=True, _create_row_uids=False, ) -> Table: """Read in a :class:`.Table` written with :meth:`.Table.write`. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` File to read. Returns ------- :class:`.Table` """ if _load_refs: for rg_config in Env.backend().load_references_from_dataset(path): hl.ReferenceGenome._from_config(rg_config) if _intervals is not None and _n_partitions is not None: raise ValueError("'read_table' does not support both _intervals and _n_partitions") tr = ir.TableNativeReader(path, _intervals, _filter_intervals) ht = Table(ir.TableRead(tr, False, drop_row_uids=not _create_row_uids, _assert_type=_assert_type)) if _n_partitions: intervals = ht._calculate_new_partitions(_n_partitions) return read_table( path, _intervals=intervals, _assert_type=ht._type, _load_refs=_load_refs, _create_row_uids=_create_row_uids, ) return ht
[docs]@typecheck( t=Table, host=str, port=int, index=str, index_type=str, block_size=int, config=nullable(dictof(str, str)), verbose=bool, ) def export_elasticsearch(t, host, port, index, index_type, block_size, config=None, verbose=True): """Export a :class:`.Table` to Elasticsearch. By default, this method supports Elasticsearch versions 6.8.x - 7.x.x. Older versions of elasticsearch will require recompiling hail. .. warning:: :func:`.export_elasticsearch` is EXPERIMENTAL. .. note:: Table rows may be exported more than once. For example, if a task has to be retried after being preempted midway through processing a partition. To avoid duplicate documents in Elasticsearch, use a `config` with the ` <>`__ option set to a field that contains a unique value for each row. """ jdf = t.expand_types().to_spark(flatten=False)._jdf Env.hail().io.ElasticsearchConnector.export(jdf, host, port, index, index_type, block_size, config, verbose)
@typecheck(paths=sequenceof(str), key=nullable(sequenceof(str)), intervals=nullable(sequenceof(anytype))) def import_avro(paths, *, key=None, intervals=None): if not paths: raise ValueError('import_avro requires at least one path') if (key is None) != (intervals is None): raise ValueError('key and intervals must either be both defined or both undefined') with hl.current_backend()[0], 'rb') as avro_file: # monkey patch DataFileReader.determine_file_length to account for bug in Google HadoopFS def patched_determine_file_length(self) -> int: remember_pos = self.reader.tell(), 2) file_length = self.reader.tell() + 1 return file_length original_determine_file_length = DataFileReader.determine_file_length try: DataFileReader.determine_file_length = patched_determine_file_length with DataFileReader(avro_file, DatumReader()) as data_file_reader: tr = ir.AvroTableReader(avro.schema.parse(data_file_reader.schema), paths, key, intervals) finally: DataFileReader.determine_file_length = original_determine_file_length return Table(ir.TableRead(tr)) @typecheck( paths=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), key=table_key_type, min_partitions=nullable(int), impute=bool, no_header=bool, comment=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), missing=oneof(str, sequenceof(str)), types=dictof(str, hail_type), quote=nullable(char), skip_blank_lines=bool, force_bgz=bool, filter=nullable(str), find_replace=nullable(sized_tupleof(str, str)), force=bool, source_file_field=nullable(str), ) def import_csv( paths, *, key=None, min_partitions=None, impute=False, no_header=False, comment=(), missing="NA", types={}, quote='"', skip_blank_lines=False, force_bgz=False, filter=None, find_replace=None, force=False, source_file_field=None, ) -> Table: """Import a csv file as a :class:`.Table`. Examples -------- Let's import fields from a CSV file with missing data: .. code-block:: text $ cat data/samples2.csv Batch,PT-ID 1kg,PT-0001 1kg,PT-0002 study1,PT-0003 study3,PT-0003 .,PT-0004 1kg,PT-0005 .,PT-0006 1kg,PT-0007 In this case, we should: - Pass the non-default missing value ``.`` >>> table = hl.import_csv('data/samples2.csv', missing='.') >>> +----------+-----------+ | Batch | PT-ID | +----------+-----------+ | str | str | +----------+-----------+ | "1kg" | "PT-0001" | | "1kg" | "PT-0002" | | "study1" | "PT-0003" | | "study3" | "PT-0003" | | NA | "PT-0004" | | "1kg" | "PT-0005" | | NA | "PT-0006" | | "1kg" | "PT-0007" | +----------+-----------+ <BLANKLINE> Notes ----- The `impute` parameter tells Hail to scan the file an extra time to gather information about possible field types. While this is a bit slower for large files because the file is parsed twice, the convenience is often worth this cost. If set, the `comment` parameter causes Hail to skip any line that starts with the given string(s). For example, passing ``comment='#'`` will skip any line beginning in a pound sign. If the string given is a single character, Hail will skip any line beginning with the character. Otherwise if the length of the string is greater than 1, Hail will interpret the string as a regex and will filter out lines matching the regex. For example, passing ``comment=['#', '^track.*']`` will filter out lines beginning in a pound sign and any lines that match the regex ``'^track.*'``. The `missing` parameter defines the representation of missing data in the table. .. note:: The `missing` parameter is **NOT** a regex. The `comment` parameter is treated as a regex **ONLY** if the length of the string is greater than 1 (not a single character). The `no_header` parameter indicates that the file has no header line. If this option is passed, then the field names will be `f0`, `f1`, ... `fN` (0-indexed). The `types` parameter allows the user to pass the types of fields in the table. It is an :obj:`dict` keyed by :class:`str`, with :class:`.HailType` values. See the examples above for a standard usage. Additionally, this option can be used to override type imputation. For example, if the field ``Chromosome`` only contains the values ``1`` through ``22``, it will be imputed to have type :py:data:`.tint32`, whereas most Hail methods expect that a chromosome field will be of type :py:data:`.tstr`. Setting ``impute=True`` and ``types={'Chromosome': hl.tstr}`` solves this problem. Parameters ---------- paths : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Files to import. key : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Key fields(s). min_partitions : :obj:`int` or :obj:`None` Minimum number of partitions. no_header : :obj:`bool` If ``True```, assume the file has no header and name the N fields `f0`, `f1`, ... `fN` (0-indexed). impute : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, Impute field types from the file. comment : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Skip lines beginning with the given string if the string is a single character. Otherwise, skip lines that match the regex specified. Multiple comment characters or patterns should be passed as a list. missing : :class:`str` or :obj:`list` [:obj:`str`] Identifier(s) to be treated as missing. types : :obj:`dict` mapping :class:`str` to :class:`.HailType` Dictionary defining field types. quote : :class:`str` or :obj:`None` Quote character. skip_blank_lines : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, ignore empty lines. Otherwise, throw an error if an empty line is found. force_bgz : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, load files as blocked gzip files, assuming that they were actually compressed using the BGZ codec. This option is useful when the file extension is not ``'.bgz'``, but the file is blocked gzip, so that the file can be read in parallel and not on a single node. filter : :class:`str`, optional Line filter regex. A partial match results in the line being removed from the file. Applies before `find_replace`, if both are defined. find_replace : (:class:`str`, :obj:`str`) Line substitution regex. Functions like ``re.sub``, but obeys the exact semantics of Java's `String.replaceAll <,java.lang.String)>`__. force : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, load gzipped files serially on one core. This should be used only when absolutely necessary, as processing time will be increased due to lack of parallelism. source_file_field : :class:`str`, optional If defined, the source file name for each line will be a field of the table with this name. Can be useful when importing multiple tables using glob patterns. Returns ------- :class:`.Table` """ ht = hl.import_table( paths, key=key, min_partitions=min_partitions, impute=impute, no_header=no_header, comment=comment, missing=missing, types=types, skip_blank_lines=skip_blank_lines, force_bgz=force_bgz, filter=filter, find_replace=find_replace, force=force, source_file_field=source_file_field, delimiter=",", quote=quote, ) return ht