Source code for hail.ggplot.ggplot

import itertools
from pprint import pprint

from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

import hail as hl

from .aes import Aesthetic, aes
from .coord_cartesian import CoordCartesian
from .facets import Faceter
from .geoms import FigureAttribute, Geom
from .labels import Labels
from .scale import (
from .utils import check_scale_continuity, is_continuous_type, is_genomic_type

[docs]class GGPlot: """The class representing a figure created using the ``hail.ggplot`` module. Create one by using :func:`.ggplot`. .. automethod:: to_plotly .. automethod:: show .. automethod:: write_image """ def __init__(self, ht, aes, geoms=[], labels=Labels(), coord_cartesian=None, scales=None, facet=None): if scales is None: scales = {} = ht self.aes = aes self.geoms = geoms self.labels = labels self.coord_cartesian = coord_cartesian self.scales = scales self.facet = facet self.add_default_scales(aes) def __add__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, (FigureAttribute, Aesthetic)) copied = self.copy() if isinstance(other, Geom): copied.geoms.append(other) copied.add_default_scales(other.aes) elif isinstance(other, Labels): copied.labels = copied.labels.merge(other) elif isinstance(other, CoordCartesian): copied.coord_cartesian = other elif isinstance(other, Scale): copied.scales[other.aesthetic_name] = other elif isinstance(other, Aesthetic): copied.aes = copied.aes.merge(other) elif isinstance(other, Faceter): copied.facet = other else: raise ValueError("Not implemented") return copied def add_default_scales(self, aesthetic): for aesthetic_str, mapped_expr in aesthetic.items(): dtype = mapped_expr.dtype if aesthetic_str not in self.scales: is_continuous = is_continuous_type(dtype) # We only know how to come up with a few default scales. if aesthetic_str == "x": if is_continuous: self.scales["x"] = scale_x_continuous() elif is_genomic_type(dtype): self.scales["x"] = scale_x_genomic(reference_genome=dtype.reference_genome) else: self.scales["x"] = scale_x_discrete() elif aesthetic_str == "y": if is_continuous: self.scales["y"] = scale_y_continuous() elif is_genomic_type(dtype): raise ValueError("Don't yet support y axis genomic") else: self.scales["y"] = scale_y_discrete() elif aesthetic_str == "color" and not is_continuous: self.scales["color"] = scale_color_discrete() elif aesthetic_str == "color" and is_continuous: self.scales["color"] = scale_color_continuous() elif aesthetic_str == "fill" and not is_continuous: self.scales["fill"] = scale_fill_discrete() elif aesthetic_str == "fill" and is_continuous: self.scales["fill"] = scale_fill_continuous() elif aesthetic_str == "shape" and not is_continuous: self.scales["shape"] = scale_shape_auto() elif aesthetic_str == "shape" and is_continuous: raise ValueError( "The 'shape' aesthetic does not support continuous " "types. Specify values of a discrete type instead." ) elif is_continuous: self.scales[aesthetic_str] = ScaleContinuous(aesthetic_str) else: self.scales[aesthetic_str] = ScaleDiscrete(aesthetic_str) def copy(self): return GGPlot(, self.aes, self.geoms[:], self.labels, self.coord_cartesian, self.scales, self.facet) def verify_scales(self): for aes_key in self.aes.keys(): check_scale_continuity(self.scales[aes_key], self.aes[aes_key].dtype, aes_key) for geom in self.geoms: aesthetic_dict = for aes_key in aesthetic_dict.keys(): check_scale_continuity(self.scales[aes_key], aesthetic_dict[aes_key].dtype, aes_key)
[docs] def to_plotly(self): """Turn the hail plot into a Plotly plot. Returns ------- A Plotly figure that can be updated with plotly methods. """ def make_geom_label(geom_idx): return f"geom{geom_idx}" def select_table(): fields_to_select = {"figure_mapping": hl.struct(**self.aes)} if self.facet is not None: fields_to_select["facet"] = self.facet.get_expr_to_group_by() for geom_idx, geom in enumerate(self.geoms): geom_label = make_geom_label(geom_idx) fields_to_select[geom_label] = hl.struct(** name, ht = hl.struct(**fields_to_select)._to_table('__fallback') return**{field: ht[name][field] for field in fields_to_select}) def collect_mappings_and_precomputed(selected): mapping_per_geom = [] precomputes = {} for geom_idx, geom in enumerate(self.geoms): geom_label = make_geom_label(geom_idx) combined_mapping = selected["figure_mapping"].annotate(**selected[geom_label]) for key in combined_mapping: if key in self.scales: combined_mapping = combined_mapping.annotate(**{ key: self.scales[key].transform_data(combined_mapping[key]) }) mapping_per_geom.append(combined_mapping) precomputes[geom_label] = geom.get_stat().get_precomputes(combined_mapping) # Is there anything to precompute? should_precompute = any([len(precompute) > 0 for precompute in precomputes.values()]) if should_precompute: precomputed = selected.aggregate(hl.struct(**precomputes)) else: precomputed = hl.Struct(**{key: hl.Struct() for key in precomputes.keys()}) return mapping_per_geom, precomputed def get_aggregation_result(selected, mapping_per_geom, precomputed): aggregators = {} labels_to_stats = {} use_faceting = self.facet is not None for geom_idx, combined_mapping in enumerate(mapping_per_geom): stat = self.geoms[geom_idx].get_stat() geom_label = make_geom_label(geom_idx) if use_faceting: agg = hl.agg.group_by( selected.facet, stat.make_agg(combined_mapping, precomputed[geom_label], self.scales) ) else: agg = stat.make_agg(combined_mapping, precomputed[geom_label], self.scales) aggregators[geom_label] = agg labels_to_stats[geom_label] = stat all_agg_results = selected.aggregate(hl.struct(**aggregators)) if use_faceting: facet_list = list(set(itertools.chain(*[list(x.keys()) for x in all_agg_results.values()]))) facet_to_idx = {facet: idx for idx, facet in enumerate(facet_list)} facet_idx_to_agg_result = { geom_label: {facet_to_idx[facet]: agg_result for facet, agg_result in facet_to_agg_result.items()} for geom_label, facet_to_agg_result in all_agg_results.items() } num_facets = len(facet_list) else: facet_idx_to_agg_result = { geom_label: {0: agg_result} for geom_label, agg_result in all_agg_results.items() } num_facets = 1 facet_list = None return labels_to_stats, facet_idx_to_agg_result, num_facets, facet_list self.verify_scales() selected = select_table() mapping_per_geom, precomputed = collect_mappings_and_precomputed(selected) labels_to_stats, aggregated, num_facets, facet_list = get_aggregation_result( selected, mapping_per_geom, precomputed ) geoms_and_grouped_dfs_by_facet_idx = [] for geom, (geom_label, agg_result_by_facet) in zip(self.geoms, aggregated.items()): dfs_by_facet_idx = { facet_idx: labels_to_stats[geom_label].listify(agg_result) for facet_idx, agg_result in agg_result_by_facet.items() } geoms_and_grouped_dfs_by_facet_idx.append((geom, geom_label, dfs_by_facet_idx)) # Create scaling functions based on all the data: transformers = {} for scale in self.scales.values(): all_dfs = list( itertools.chain(*[ facet_to_dfs_dict.values() for _, _, facet_to_dfs_dict in geoms_and_grouped_dfs_by_facet_idx ]) ) transformers[scale.aesthetic_name] = scale.create_local_transformer(all_dfs) is_faceted = self.facet is not None if is_faceted: n_facet_rows, n_facet_cols = self.facet.get_facet_nrows_and_ncols(num_facets) subplot_args = { "rows": n_facet_rows, "cols": n_facet_cols, "subplot_titles": [ ", ".join([str(fs_value) for fs_value in facet_struct.values()]) for facet_struct in facet_list ], **self.facet.get_shared_axis_kwargs(), } else: n_facet_rows = 1 n_facet_cols = 1 subplot_args = { "rows": 1, "cols": 1, } fig = make_subplots(**subplot_args) # Need to know what I've added to legend already so we don't do it more than once. legend_cache = {} for geom, geom_label, facet_to_grouped_dfs in geoms_and_grouped_dfs_by_facet_idx: for facet_idx, grouped_dfs in facet_to_grouped_dfs.items(): scaled_grouped_dfs = [] for df in grouped_dfs: scales_to_consider = list(df.columns) + list(df.attrs) relevant_aesthetics = [scale_name for scale_name in scales_to_consider if scale_name in self.scales] scaled_df = df for relevant_aesthetic in relevant_aesthetics: scaled_df = transformers[relevant_aesthetic](scaled_df) scaled_grouped_dfs.append(scaled_df) facet_row = facet_idx // n_facet_cols + 1 facet_col = facet_idx % n_facet_cols + 1 geom.apply_to_fig( scaled_grouped_dfs, fig, precomputed[geom_label], facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted ) # Important to update axes after labels, axes names take precedence. self.labels.apply_to_fig(fig) if self.scales.get("x") is not None: self.scales["x"].apply_to_fig(self, fig) if self.scales.get("y") is not None: self.scales["y"].apply_to_fig(self, fig) if self.coord_cartesian is not None: self.coord_cartesian.apply_to_fig(fig) fig = fig.update_xaxes(title_font_size=18, ticks="outside") fig = fig.update_yaxes(title_font_size=18, ticks="outside") fig.update_layout( plot_bgcolor="white", font_family='Arial, "Open Sans", verdana, sans-serif', title_font_size=26, xaxis=dict(linecolor="black", showticklabels=True), yaxis=dict(linecolor="black", showticklabels=True), # axes for plotly subplots are numbered following the pattern [xaxis, xaxis2, xaxis3, ...] **{ f"{var}axis{idx}": {"linecolor": "black", "showticklabels": True} for idx in range(2, n_facet_rows + n_facet_cols + 1) for var in ["x", "y"] }, ) return fig
[docs] def show(self): """Render and show the plot, either in a browser or notebook.""" self.to_plotly().show()
[docs] def write_image(self, path): """Write out this plot as an image. This requires you to have installed the python package kaleido from pypi. Parameters ---------- path: :class:`str` The path to write the file to. """ self.to_plotly().write_image(path)
def _repr_html_(self): return self.to_plotly()._repr_html_() def _debug_print(self): print("Ggplot Object:") print("Aesthetics") pprint(self.aes) pprint("Scales:") pprint(self.scales) print("Geoms:") pprint(self.geoms)
[docs]def ggplot(table, mapping=aes()): """Create the initial plot object. This function is the beginning of all plots using the ``hail.ggplot`` interface. Plots are constructed by calling this function, then adding attributes to the plot to get the desired result. Examples -------- Create a y = x^2 scatter plot >>> ht = hl.utils.range_table(10) >>> ht = ht.annotate(squared = ht.idx**2) >>> my_plot = hl.ggplot.ggplot(ht, hl.ggplot.aes(x=ht.idx, y=ht.squared)) + hl.ggplot.geom_point() Parameters ---------- table The table containing the data to plot. mapping Default list of aesthetic mappings from table data to plot attributes. Returns ------- :class:`.GGPlot` """ assert isinstance(mapping, Aesthetic) return GGPlot(table, mapping)