import abc
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, Optional
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from .aes import aes
from .stats import StatBin, StatCDF, StatCount, StatFunction, StatIdentity, StatNone
from .utils import bar_position_plotly_to_gg, linetype_plotly_to_gg
class Geom(FigureAttribute):
def __init__(self, aes):
self.aes = aes
def apply_to_fig(
self, agg_result, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
"""Add this geometry to the figure and indicate if this geometry demands a static figure."""
def get_stat(self):
def _add_aesthetics_to_trace_args(self, trace_args, df):
for aes_name, (plotly_name, default) in self.aes_to_arg.items():
if hasattr(self, aes_name) and getattr(self, aes_name) is not None:
trace_args[plotly_name] = getattr(self, aes_name)
elif aes_name in df.attrs:
trace_args[plotly_name] = df.attrs[aes_name]
elif aes_name in df.columns:
trace_args[plotly_name] = df[aes_name]
elif default is not None:
trace_args[plotly_name] = default
def _update_legend_trace_args(self, trace_args, legend_cache):
if "name" in trace_args:
trace_args["legendgroup"] = trace_args["name"]
if trace_args["name"] in legend_cache:
trace_args["showlegend"] = False
trace_args["showlegend"] = True
legend_cache[trace_args["name"]] = {}
class GeomLineBasic(Geom):
aes_to_arg: ClassVar = {
"color": ("line_color", "black"),
"size": ("marker_size", None),
"tooltip": ("hovertext", None),
"color_legend": ("name", None),
def __init__(self, aes, color):
self.color = color
def apply_to_fig(
self, grouped_data, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
def plot_group(df):
trace_args = {"x": df.x, "y": df.y, "mode": "lines", "row": facet_row, "col": facet_col}
self._add_aesthetics_to_trace_args(trace_args, df)
self._update_legend_trace_args(trace_args, legend_cache)
for group_df in grouped_data:
def get_stat(self):
return ...
class GeomPoint(Geom):
aes_to_plotly: ClassVar = {
"color": "marker_color",
"size": "marker_size",
"tooltip": "hovertext",
"alpha": "marker_opacity",
"shape": "marker_symbol",
aes_defaults: ClassVar = {
"color": "black",
"shape": "circle",
aes_legend_groups: ClassVar = {
def __init__(self, aes, color=None, size=None, alpha=None, shape=None):
self.color = color
self.size = size
self.alpha = alpha
self.shape = shape
def _map_to_plotly(self, mapping) -> Dict[str, Any]:
plotly_kwargs = {self.aes_to_plotly[k]: v for k, v in mapping.items()}
if 'tooltip' in mapping:
plotly_kwargs['hoverinfo'] = 'text'
return plotly_kwargs
def _get_aes_value(self, df, aes_name):
if getattr(self, aes_name, None) is not None:
return getattr(self, aes_name)
if df.attrs.get(aes_name) is not None:
return df.attrs[aes_name]
if df.get(aes_name) is not None:
return df[aes_name]
return self.aes_defaults.get(aes_name, None)
def _get_aes_values(self, df):
values = {}
for aes_name in self.aes_to_plotly:
value = self._get_aes_value(df, aes_name)
if value is not None:
values[aes_name] = value
return values
def _add_trace(self, fig_so_far: go.Figure, df, facet_row, facet_col, values, legend: Optional[str] = None):
"x": df.x,
"y": df.y,
"mode": "markers",
"row": facet_row,
"col": facet_col,
**({"showlegend": False} if legend is None else {"name": legend, "showlegend": True}),
def _add_legend(self, fig_so_far: go.Figure, aes_name, category, value):
"x": [None],
"y": [None],
"mode": "markers",
"name": category,
"showlegend": True,
"legendgroup": aes_name,
"legendgrouptitle_text": aes_name,
**self._map_to_plotly({**self.aes_defaults, aes_name: value}),
def apply_to_fig(
self, grouped_data, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
traces = []
legends = {}
for df in grouped_data:
values = self._get_aes_values(df)
trace_categories = []
for aes_name in self.aes_legend_groups:
category = self._get_aes_value(df, f"{aes_name}_legend")
if category is not None:
legends[aes_name] = {**legends.get(aes_name, {}), category: values[aes_name]}
traces.append([fig_so_far, df, facet_row, facet_col, values, trace_categories])
non_empty_legend_groups = [
for legend_group in legends.values()
if len(legend_group) > 1 or (len(legend_group) == 1 and next(iter(legend_group.keys())) is not None)
dummy_legend = is_faceted or len(non_empty_legend_groups) >= 2
if dummy_legend:
for trace in traces:
for aes_name, legend_group in legends.items():
prev = legend_cache.get(aes_name, {})
for category, value in legend_group.items():
if category is not None and prev.get(category, None) is None:
self._add_legend(fig_so_far, aes_name, category, value)
legend_cache[aes_name] = {**prev, **legend_group}
main_categories = non_empty_legend_groups[0].keys() if len(non_empty_legend_groups) == 1 else None
for trace in traces:
trace_categories = trace[-1]
if main_categories is not None:
trace[-1] = next(category for category in trace_categories if category in main_categories)
elif len(trace_categories) == 1:
trace[-1] = [trace_categories][0]
trace[-1] = "trace1"
for trace in traces:
def get_stat(self):
return StatIdentity()
[docs]def geom_point(mapping=aes(), *, color=None, size=None, alpha=None, shape=None):
"""Create a scatter plot.
Supported aesthetics: ``x``, ``y``, ``color``, ``alpha``, ``tooltip``, ``shape``
The geom to be applied.
return GeomPoint(mapping, color=color, size=size, alpha=alpha, shape=shape)
class GeomLine(GeomLineBasic):
def __init__(self, aes, color=None):
super().__init__(aes, color)
self.color = color
def apply_to_fig(
self, agg_result, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
return super().apply_to_fig(agg_result, fig_so_far, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted)
def get_stat(self):
return StatIdentity()
[docs]def geom_line(mapping=aes(), *, color=None, size=None, alpha=None):
"""Create a line plot.
Supported aesthetics: ``x``, ``y``, ``color``, ``tooltip``
The geom to be applied.
return GeomLine(mapping, color=color)
class GeomText(Geom):
aes_to_arg: ClassVar = {
"color": ("textfont_color", "black"),
"size": ("marker_size", None),
"tooltip": ("hovertext", None),
"color_legend": ("name", None),
"alpha": ("marker_opacity", None),
def __init__(self, aes, color=None, size=None, alpha=None):
self.color = color
self.size = size
self.alpha = alpha
def apply_to_fig(
self, grouped_data, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
def plot_group(df):
trace_args = {"x": df.x, "y": df.y, "text": df.label, "mode": "text", "row": facet_row, "col": facet_col}
self._add_aesthetics_to_trace_args(trace_args, df)
self._update_legend_trace_args(trace_args, legend_cache)
for group_df in grouped_data:
def get_stat(self):
return StatIdentity()
[docs]def geom_text(mapping=aes(), *, color=None, size=None, alpha=None):
"""Create a scatter plot where each point is text from the ``text`` aesthetic.
Supported aesthetics: ``x``, ``y``, ``label``, ``color``, ``tooltip``
The geom to be applied.
return GeomText(mapping, color=color, size=size, alpha=alpha)
class GeomBar(Geom):
aes_to_arg: ClassVar = {
"fill": ("marker_color", "black"),
"color": ("marker_line_color", None),
"tooltip": ("hovertext", None),
"fill_legend": ("name", None),
"alpha": ("marker_opacity", None),
def __init__(self, aes, fill=None, color=None, alpha=None, position="stack", size=None, stat=None):
self.fill = fill
self.color = color
self.position = position
self.size = size
self.alpha = alpha
if stat is None:
stat = StatCount()
self.stat = stat
def apply_to_fig(
self, grouped_data, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
def plot_group(df):
trace_args = {"x": df.x, "y": df.y, "row": facet_row, "col": facet_col}
self._add_aesthetics_to_trace_args(trace_args, df)
self._update_legend_trace_args(trace_args, legend_cache)
for group_df in grouped_data:
def get_stat(self):
return self.stat
[docs]def geom_bar(mapping=aes(), *, fill=None, color=None, alpha=None, position="stack", size=None):
"""Create a bar chart that counts occurrences of the various values of the ``x`` aesthetic.
Supported aesthetics: ``x``, ``color``, ``fill``, ``weight``
The geom to be applied.
return GeomBar(mapping, fill=fill, color=color, alpha=alpha, position=position, size=size)
[docs]def geom_col(mapping=aes(), *, fill=None, color=None, alpha=None, position="stack", size=None):
"""Create a bar chart that uses bar heights specified in y aesthetic.
Supported aesthetics: ``x``, ``y``, ``color``, ``fill``
The geom to be applied.
return GeomBar(mapping, stat=StatIdentity(), fill=fill, color=color, alpha=alpha, position=position, size=size)
class GeomHistogram(Geom):
aes_to_arg: ClassVar = {
"fill": ("marker_color", "black"),
"color": ("marker_line_color", None),
"tooltip": ("hovertext", None),
"fill_legend": ("name", None),
"alpha": ("marker_opacity", None),
def __init__(
self, aes, min_val=None, max_val=None, bins=None, fill=None, color=None, alpha=None, position='stack', size=None
self.min_val = min_val
self.max_val = max_val
self.bins = bins
self.fill = fill
self.color = color
self.alpha = alpha
self.position = position
self.size = size
def apply_to_fig(
self, grouped_data, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
min_val = self.min_val if self.min_val is not None else precomputed.min_val
max_val = self.max_val if self.max_val is not None else precomputed.max_val
# This assumes it doesn't really make sense to use another stat for geom_histogram
bins = self.bins if self.bins is not None else self.get_stat().DEFAULT_BINS
bin_width = (max_val - min_val) / bins
num_groups = len(grouped_data)
def plot_group(df, idx):
left_xs = df.x
if self.position == "dodge":
x = left_xs + bin_width * (2 * idx + 1) / (2 * num_groups)
bar_width = bin_width / num_groups
elif self.position in {"stack", "identity"}:
x = left_xs + bin_width / 2
bar_width = bin_width
raise ValueError(f"Histogram does not support position = {self.position}")
right_xs = left_xs + bin_width
trace_args = {
"x": x,
"y": df.y,
"row": facet_row,
"col": facet_col,
"customdata": list(zip(left_xs, right_xs)),
"width": bar_width,
"hovertemplate": "Range: [%{customdata[0]:.3f}-%{customdata[1]:.3f})<br>"
"Count: %{y}<br>"
self._add_aesthetics_to_trace_args(trace_args, df)
self._update_legend_trace_args(trace_args, legend_cache)
for idx, group_df in enumerate(grouped_data):
plot_group(group_df, idx)
def get_stat(self):
return StatBin(self.min_val, self.max_val, self.bins)
[docs]def geom_histogram(
"""Creates a histogram.
Note: this function currently does not support same interface as R's ggplot.
Supported aesthetics: ``x``, ``color``, ``fill``
mapping: :class:`Aesthetic`
Any aesthetics specific to this geom.
min_val: `int` or `float`
Minimum value to include in histogram
max_val: `int` or `float`
Maximum value to include in histogram
bins: `int`
Number of bins to plot. 30 by default.
A single fill color for all bars of histogram, overrides ``fill`` aesthetic.
A single outline color for all bars of histogram, overrides ``color`` aesthetic.
alpha: `float`
A measure of transparency between 0 and 1.
position: :class:`str`
Tells how to deal with different groups of data at same point. Options are "stack" and "dodge".
The geom to be applied.
return GeomHistogram(
# Computes the maximum entropy distribution whose cdf is within +- e of the
# staircase-shaped cdf encoded by min_x, max_x, x, y.
# x is an array of n x-coordinates between min_x and max_x, and y is an array
# of (n+1) y-coordinates between 0 and 1, both sorted. Together they encode a
# staircase-shaped cdf.
# For example, if min_x = 1, max_x=4, x=[2], y=[.2, .6], then the cdf is the
# staircase tracing the points
# (1, 0) - (1, .2) - (2, .2) - (2, .6) - (4, .6) - (4, 1)
# Now consider the set of all possible cdfs within +-e of the one above. In
# other words, shift the staircase both up and down by e, capping above and
# below at 1 and 0, and consider all possible cdfs that lie in between. The
# distribution with maximum entropy whose cdf is between the two staircases
# is the one whose cdf is the graph constructed as follows: tie a rubber band
# to the points (min_x, 0) and (max_x, 1), place the middle between the two
# staircases, and let it contract. In other words, it will be the shortest
# path between the staircases.
# It's easy to see this path must be piecewise linear, and the points where the
# slopes change will be either
# * bending up at a point of the form (x[i], y[i]+e), or
# * bending down at a point of the form (x[i], y[i+1]-e)
# Returns (new_y, keep).
# keep is the array of indices i at which the piecewise linear max-ent cdf
# changes slope, as described in the previous paragraph.
# new_y is an array the same length as x. For each i in keep, new_y[i] is the
# y coordinate of the point on the max-ent cdf.
def _max_entropy_cdf(min_x, max_x, x, y, e):
def point_on_bound(i, upper):
if i == len(x):
return max_x, 1
yi = y[i] + e if upper else y[i + 1] - e
return x[i], yi
# Result variables:
new_y = np.full_like(x, 0.0, dtype=np.float64)
keep = np.full_like(x, False, dtype=np.bool_)
# State variables:
# (fx, fy) is most recently fixed point on max-ent cdf
fx, fy = min_x, 0
li, ui = 0, 0
j = 1
def slope_from_fixed(i, upper):
xi, yi = point_on_bound(i, upper)
return (yi - fy) / (xi - fx)
def fix_point_on_result(i, upper):
nonlocal fx, fy, new_y, keep
xi, yi = point_on_bound(i, upper)
fx, fy = xi, yi
new_y[i] = fy
keep[i] = True
min_slope = slope_from_fixed(li, upper=False)
max_slope = slope_from_fixed(ui, upper=True)
# Consider a line l from (fx, fy) to (x[j], y?). As we increase y?, l first
# bumps into the upper staircase at (x[ui], y[ui] + e), and as we decrease
# y?, l first bumps into the lower staircase at (x[li], y[li+1] - e).
# We track the min and max slopes l can have while staying between the
# staircases, as well as the points li and ui where the line must bend if
# forced too high or too low.
while True:
lower_slope = slope_from_fixed(j, upper=False)
upper_slope = slope_from_fixed(j, upper=True)
if upper_slope < min_slope:
# Line must bend down at x[li]. We know the max-entropy cdf passes
# through this point, so record it in new_y, keep.
# This becomes the new fixed point, and we must restart the scan
# from there.
fix_point_on_result(li, upper=False)
j = li + 1
if j >= len(x):
li, ui = j, j
min_slope = slope_from_fixed(li, upper=False)
max_slope = slope_from_fixed(ui, upper=True)
j += 1
elif lower_slope > max_slope:
# Line must bend up at x[ui]. We know the max-entropy cdf passes
# through this point, so record it in new_y, keep.
# This becomes the new fixed point, and we must restart the scan
# from there.
fix_point_on_result(ui, upper=True)
j = ui + 1
if j >= len(x):
li, ui = j, j
min_slope = slope_from_fixed(li, upper=False)
max_slope = slope_from_fixed(ui, upper=True)
j += 1
if j >= len(x):
if upper_slope < max_slope:
ui = j
max_slope = upper_slope
if lower_slope > min_slope:
li = j
min_slope = lower_slope
j += 1
return new_y, keep
class GeomDensity(Geom):
aes_to_arg: ClassVar = {
"fill": ("marker_color", "black"),
"color": ("marker_line_color", None),
"tooltip": ("hovertext", None),
"fill_legend": ("name", None),
"alpha": ("marker_opacity", None),
def __init__(self, aes, k=1000, smoothing=0.5, fill=None, color=None, alpha=None, smoothed=False):
self.k = k
self.smoothing = smoothing
self.fill = fill
self.color = color
self.alpha = alpha
self.smoothed = smoothed
def apply_to_fig(
self, grouped_data, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
from hail.expr.functions import _error_from_cdf_python
def plot_group(df, idx):
data = df.attrs['data']
if self.smoothed:
n = data['ranks'][-1]
weights = np.diff(data['ranks'][1:-1])
min = data['values'][0]
max = data['values'][-1]
values = np.array(data['values'][1:-1])
slope = 1 / (max - min)
def f(x, prev):
inv_scale = (np.sqrt(n * slope) / self.smoothing) * np.sqrt(prev / weights)
diff = x[:, np.newaxis] - values
grid = (
(3 / (4 * n)) * weights * np.maximum(0, inv_scale - np.power(diff, 2) * np.power(inv_scale, 3))
return np.sum(grid, axis=1)
round1 = f(values, np.full(len(values), slope))
x_d = np.linspace(min, max, 1000)
final = f(x_d, round1)
trace_args = {
"x": x_d,
"y": final,
"mode": "lines",
"fill": "tozeroy",
"row": facet_row,
"col": facet_col,
self._add_aesthetics_to_trace_args(trace_args, df)
self._update_legend_trace_args(trace_args, legend_cache)
confidence = 5
y = np.array(data['ranks'][1:-1]) / data['ranks'][-1]
x = np.array(data['values'][1:-1])
min_x = data['values'][0]
max_x = data['values'][-1]
err = _error_from_cdf_python(data, 10 ** (-confidence), all_quantiles=True)
new_y, keep = _max_entropy_cdf(min_x, max_x, x, y, err)
slopes = np.diff([0, *new_y[keep], 1]) / np.diff([min_x, *x[keep], max_x])
left = np.concatenate([[min_x], x[keep]])
right = np.concatenate([x[keep], [max_x]])
widths = right - left
trace_args = {
"x": [min_x, *x[keep]],
"y": slopes,
"row": facet_row,
"col": facet_col,
"width": widths,
"offset": 0,
self._add_aesthetics_to_trace_args(trace_args, df)
self._update_legend_trace_args(trace_args, legend_cache)
for idx, group_df in enumerate(grouped_data):
plot_group(group_df, idx)
def get_stat(self):
return StatCDF(self.k)
[docs]def geom_density(mapping=aes(), *, k=1000, smoothing=0.5, fill=None, color=None, alpha=None, smoothed=False):
"""Creates a smoothed density plot.
This method uses the `hl.agg.approx_cdf` aggregator to compute a sketch
of the distribution of the values of `x`. It then uses an ad hoc method to
estimate a smoothed pdf consistent with that cdf.
Note: this function currently does not support same interface as R's ggplot.
Supported aesthetics: ``x``, ``color``, ``fill``
mapping: :class:`Aesthetic`
Any aesthetics specific to this geom.
k: `int`
Passed to the `approx_cdf` aggregator. The size of the aggregator scales
linearly with `k`. The default value of `1000` is likely sufficient for
most uses.
smoothing: `float`
Controls the amount of smoothing applied.
A single fill color for all density plots, overrides ``fill`` aesthetic.
A single line color for all density plots, overrides ``color`` aesthetic.
alpha: `float`
A measure of transparency between 0 and 1.
smoothed: `boolean`
If true, attempts to fit a smooth kernel density estimator.
If false, uses a custom method do generate a variable width histogram
directly from the approx_cdf results.
The geom to be applied.
return GeomDensity(mapping, k, smoothing, fill, color, alpha, smoothed)
class GeomHLine(Geom):
def __init__(self, yintercept, linetype="solid", color=None):
self.yintercept = yintercept
self.aes = aes()
self.linetype = linetype
self.color = color
def apply_to_fig(
self, agg_result, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
line_attributes = {"y": self.yintercept, "line_dash": linetype_plotly_to_gg(self.linetype)}
if self.color is not None:
line_attributes["line_color"] = self.color
def get_stat(self):
return StatNone()
[docs]def geom_hline(yintercept, *, linetype="solid", color=None):
"""Plots a horizontal line at ``yintercept``.
yintercept : :class:`float`
Location to draw line.
linetype : :class:`str`
Type of line to draw. Choose from "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "longdash", "dotdash".
color : :class:`str`
Color of line to draw, black by default.
The geom to be applied.
return GeomHLine(yintercept, linetype=linetype, color=color)
class GeomVLine(Geom):
def __init__(self, xintercept, linetype="solid", color=None):
self.xintercept = xintercept
self.aes = aes()
self.linetype = linetype
self.color = color
def apply_to_fig(
self, agg_result, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
line_attributes = {"x": self.xintercept, "line_dash": linetype_plotly_to_gg(self.linetype)}
if self.color is not None:
line_attributes["line_color"] = self.color
def get_stat(self):
return StatNone()
[docs]def geom_vline(xintercept, *, linetype="solid", color=None):
"""Plots a vertical line at ``xintercept``.
xintercept : :class:`float`
Location to draw line.
linetype : :class:`str`
Type of line to draw. Choose from "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "longdash", "dotdash".
color : :class:`str`
Color of line to draw, black by default.
The geom to be applied.
return GeomVLine(xintercept, linetype=linetype, color=color)
class GeomTile(Geom):
def __init__(self, aes):
self.aes = aes
def apply_to_fig(
self, grouped_data, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
def plot_group(df):
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
x_center = row['x']
y_center = row['y']
width = row['width']
height = row['height']
shape_args = {
"type": "rect",
"x0": x_center - width / 2,
"y0": y_center - height / 2,
"x1": x_center + width / 2,
"y1": y_center + height / 2,
"row": facet_row,
"col": facet_col,
"opacity": row.get('alpha', 1.0),
if "fill" in df.attrs:
shape_args["fillcolor"] = df.attrs["fill"]
elif "fill" in row:
shape_args["fillcolor"] = row["fill"]
shape_args["fillcolor"] = "black"
for group_df in grouped_data:
def get_stat(self):
return StatIdentity()
def geom_tile(mapping=aes()):
return GeomTile(mapping)
class GeomFunction(GeomLineBasic):
def __init__(self, aes, fun, color):
super().__init__(aes, color) = fun
def apply_to_fig(
self, agg_result, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
return super().apply_to_fig(agg_result, fig_so_far, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted)
def get_stat(self):
return StatFunction(
def geom_func(mapping=aes(), fun=None, color=None):
return GeomFunction(mapping, fun=fun, color=color)
class GeomArea(Geom):
aes_to_arg: ClassVar = {
"fill": ("fillcolor", "black"),
"color": ("line_color", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"),
"tooltip": ("hovertext", None),
"fill_legend": ("name", None),
def __init__(self, aes, fill, color):
self.fill = fill
self.color = color
def apply_to_fig(
self, grouped_data, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
def plot_group(df):
trace_args = {"x": df.x, "y": df.y, "row": facet_row, "col": facet_col, "fill": 'tozeroy'}
self._add_aesthetics_to_trace_args(trace_args, df)
self._update_legend_trace_args(trace_args, legend_cache)
for group_df in grouped_data:
def get_stat(self):
return StatIdentity()
[docs]def geom_area(mapping=aes(), fill=None, color=None):
"""Creates a line plot with the area between the line and the x-axis filled in.
Supported aesthetics: ``x``, ``y``, ``fill``, ``color``, ``tooltip``
mapping: :class:`Aesthetic`
Any aesthetics specific to this geom.
Color of fill to draw, black by default. Overrides ``fill`` aesthetic.
Color of line to draw outlining non x-axis facing side, none by default. Overrides ``color`` aesthetic.
The geom to be applied.
return GeomArea(mapping, fill=fill, color=color)
class GeomRibbon(Geom):
aes_to_arg: ClassVar = {
"fill": ("fillcolor", "black"),
"color": ("line_color", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"),
"tooltip": ("hovertext", None),
"fill_legend": ("name", None),
def __init__(self, aes, fill, color):
self.fill = fill
self.color = color
def apply_to_fig(
self, grouped_data, fig_so_far: go.Figure, precomputed, facet_row, facet_col, legend_cache, is_faceted: bool
def plot_group(df):
trace_args_bottom = {
"x": df.x,
"y": df.ymin,
"row": facet_row,
"col": facet_col,
"mode": "lines",
"showlegend": False,
self._add_aesthetics_to_trace_args(trace_args_bottom, df)
self._update_legend_trace_args(trace_args_bottom, legend_cache)
trace_args_top = {
"x": df.x,
"y": df.ymax,
"row": facet_row,
"col": facet_col,
"mode": "lines",
"fill": 'tonexty',
self._add_aesthetics_to_trace_args(trace_args_top, df)
self._update_legend_trace_args(trace_args_top, legend_cache)
for group_df in grouped_data:
def get_stat(self):
return StatIdentity()
[docs]def geom_ribbon(mapping=aes(), fill=None, color=None):
"""Creates filled in area between two lines specified by x, ymin, and ymax
Supported aesthetics: ``x``, ``ymin``, ``ymax``, ``color``, ``fill``, ``tooltip``
mapping: :class:`Aesthetic`
Any aesthetics specific to this geom.
Color of fill to draw, black by default. Overrides ``fill`` aesthetic.
Color of line to draw outlining both side, none by default. Overrides ``color`` aesthetic.
The geom to be applied.
return GeomRibbon(mapping, fill=fill, color=color)