Source code for hail.ggplot.facets

import abc
import math
from typing import ClassVar, Dict, Optional, Tuple

import hail as hl
from hail.expr import Expression, StructExpression

from .geoms import FigureAttribute
from .utils import n_partitions

[docs]def vars(*args: Expression) -> StructExpression: """ Parameters ---------- *args: :class:`hail.expr.Expression` Fields to facet by. Returns ------- :class:`hail.expr.StructExpression` A struct to pass to a faceter. """ return hl.struct(**{f"var_{i}": arg for i, arg in enumerate(args)})
[docs]def facet_wrap( facets: StructExpression, *, nrow: Optional[int] = None, ncol: Optional[int] = None, scales: str = "fixed" ) -> "FacetWrap": """Introduce a one dimensional faceting on specified fields. Parameters ---------- facets: :class:`hail.expr.StructExpression` created by `hl.ggplot.vars` function. The fields to facet on. nrow: :class:`int` The number of rows into which the facets will be spread. Will be ignored if `ncol` is set. ncol: :class:`int` The number of columns into which the facets will be spread. scales: :class:`str` Whether the scales are the same across facets. For more information and a list of supported options, see `the ggplot documentation <>`__. Returns ------- :class:`FigureAttribute` The faceter. """ return FacetWrap(facets, nrow, ncol, scales)
class Faceter(FigureAttribute): @abc.abstractmethod def get_expr_to_group_by(self) -> StructExpression: pass class FacetWrap(Faceter): _base_scale_mappings: ClassVar = { "shared_xaxes": "all", "shared_yaxes": "all", } _scale_mappings: ClassVar = { "fixed": _base_scale_mappings, "free_x": { **_base_scale_mappings, "shared_xaxes": False, }, "free_y": { **_base_scale_mappings, "shared_yaxes": False, }, "free": { "shared_xaxes": False, "shared_yaxes": False, }, } def __init__( self, facets: StructExpression, nrow: Optional[int] = None, ncol: Optional[int] = None, scales: str = "fixed" ): if nrow is not None and ncol is not None: raise ValueError("Both `nrow` and `ncol` were specified. " "Please specify only one of these values.") if scales not in self._scale_mappings: raise ValueError( f"An unsupported value ({scales}) was provided for `scales`. " f"Supported values are: {[k for k in self._scale_mappings.keys()]}." ) self.nrow = nrow self.ncol = ncol self.facets = facets self.scales = scales def get_expr_to_group_by(self) -> StructExpression: return self.facets def get_facet_nrows_and_ncols(self, num_facet_values: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: if self.ncol is not None: return (n_partitions(num_facet_values, self.ncol), self.ncol) elif self.nrow is not None: return (self.nrow, n_partitions(num_facet_values, self.nrow)) else: ncol = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(num_facet_values))) return (n_partitions(num_facet_values, ncol), ncol) def get_shared_axis_kwargs(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self._scale_mappings[self.scales]