Source code for hail.expr.expressions.expression_utils

from typing import Dict, Set

from hail.typecheck import setof, typecheck

from import MakeTuple
from ..expressions import Expression, ExpressionException, expr_any
from .indices import Aggregation, Indices

@typecheck(caller=str, expr=Expression, expected_indices=Indices, aggregation_axes=setof(str), broadcast=bool)
def analyze(caller: str, expr: Expression, expected_indices: Indices, aggregation_axes: Set = set(), broadcast=True):
    from hail.utils import error, warning

    indices = expr._indices
    source = indices.source
    axes = indices.axes
    aggregations = expr._aggregations

    warnings = []
    errors = []

    expected_source = expected_indices.source
    expected_axes = expected_indices.axes

    if source is not None and source is not expected_source:
        bad_refs = []
        for name, inds in get_refs(expr).items():
            if inds.source is not expected_source:
                "'{caller}': source mismatch\n"
                "  Expected an expression from source {expected}\n"
                "  Found expression derived from source {actual}\n"
                "  Problematic field(s): {bad_refs}\n\n"
                "  This error is commonly caused by chaining methods together:\n"
                "    >>> ht.distinct().select(ht.x)\n\n"
                "  Correct usage:\n"
                "    >>> ht = ht.distinct()\n"
                "    >>> ht =".format(
                    caller=caller, expected=expected_source, actual=source, bad_refs=list(bad_refs)

    # check for stray indices by subtracting expected axes from observed
    if broadcast:
        unexpected_axes = axes - expected_axes
        strictness = ''
        unexpected_axes = axes if axes != expected_axes else set()
        strictness = 'strictly '

    if unexpected_axes:
        # one or more out-of-scope fields
        refs = get_refs(expr)
        bad_refs = []
        for name, inds in refs.items():
            if broadcast:
                bad_axes = inds.axes.intersection(unexpected_axes)
                if bad_axes:
                    bad_refs.append((name, inds))
            elif inds.axes != expected_axes:
                bad_refs.append((name, inds))

        assert len(bad_refs) > 0
                "scope violation: '{caller}' expects an expression {strictness}indexed by {expected}"
                "\n    Found indices {axes}, with unexpected indices {stray}. Invalid fields:{fields}{agg}".format(
                        "\n        '{}' (indices {})".format(name, list(inds.axes)) for name, inds in bad_refs
                    if (unexpected_axes - aggregation_axes)
                    else "\n    '{}' supports aggregation over axes {}, "
                    "so these fields may appear inside an aggregator function.".format(caller, list(aggregation_axes)),

    if aggregations:
        if aggregation_axes:
            # the expected axes of aggregated expressions are the expected axes + axes aggregated over
            expected_agg_axes = expected_axes.union(aggregation_axes)

            for agg in aggregations:
                assert isinstance(agg, Aggregation)
                refs = get_refs(*agg.exprs)
                agg_axes = agg.agg_axes()

                # check for stray indices
                unexpected_agg_axes = agg_axes - expected_agg_axes
                if unexpected_agg_axes:
                    # one or more out-of-scope fields
                    bad_refs = []
                    for name, inds in refs.items():
                        bad_axes = inds.axes.intersection(unexpected_agg_axes)
                        if bad_axes:
                            bad_refs.append((name, inds))

                    assert len(bad_refs) > 0

                            "scope violation: '{caller}' supports aggregation over indices {expected}"
                            "\n    Found indices {axes}, with unexpected indices {stray}. Invalid fields:{fields}".format(
                                    "\n        '{}' (indices {})".format(name, list(inds.axes))
                                    for name, inds in bad_refs
            errors.append(ExpressionException("'{}' does not support aggregation".format(caller)))

    for w in warnings:
    if errors:
        for e in errors:
        raise errors[0]

def eval_timed(expression):
    """Evaluate a Hail expression, returning the result and the times taken for
    each stage in the evaluation process.

    expression : :class:`.Expression`
        Any expression, or a Python value that can be implicitly interpreted as an expression.

    (Any, dict)
        Result of evaluating `expression` and a dictionary of the timings

    from import Env

    analyze('eval', expression, Indices(expression._indices.source))
    if expression._indices.source is None:
        ir_type = expression._ir.typ
        expression_type = expression.dtype
        if ir_type != expression.dtype:
            raise ExpressionException(f'Expression type and IR type differed: \n{ir_type}\n vs \n{expression_type}')
        ir = expression._ir
        uid = Env.get_uid()
        ir = expression._indices.source.select_globals(**{uid: expression}).index_globals()[uid]._ir

    (value, timings) = Env.backend().execute(MakeTuple([ir]), timed=True)
    return value[0], timings

[docs]@typecheck(expression=expr_any) def eval(expression): """Evaluate a Hail expression, returning the result. This method is extremely useful for learning about Hail expressions and understanding how to compose them. The expression must have no indices, but can refer to the globals of a :class:`.Table` or :class:`.MatrixTable`. Examples -------- Evaluate a conditional: >>> x = 6 >>> hl.eval(hl.if_else(x % 2 == 0, 'Even', 'Odd')) 'Even' Parameters ---------- expression : :class:`.Expression` Any expression, or a Python value that can be implicitly interpreted as an expression. Returns ------- Any """ return eval_timed(expression)[0]
@typecheck(expression=expr_any) def eval_typed(expression): """Evaluate a Hail expression, returning the result and the type of the result. This method is extremely useful for learning about Hail expressions and understanding how to compose them. The expression must have no indices, but can refer to the globals of a :class:`.hail.Table` or :class:`.hail.MatrixTable`. Examples -------- Evaluate a conditional: >>> x = 6 >>> hl.eval_typed(hl.if_else(x % 2 == 0, 'Even', 'Odd')) ('Even', dtype('str')) Parameters ---------- expression : :class:`.Expression` Any expression, or a Python value that can be implicitly interpreted as an expression. Returns ------- (any, :class:`.HailType`) Result of evaluating `expression`, and its type. """ return eval(expression), expression.dtype def _get_refs(expr: Expression, builder: Dict[str, Indices]) -> None: from import GetField, TopLevelReference for ir in lambda a: (isinstance(a, GetField) and not'__uid') and isinstance(a.o, TopLevelReference)) ): src = expr._indices.source builder[] = src._indices_from_ref[] def extract_refs_by_indices(exprs, indices): """Returns a set of references in `exprs` with indices `indices`. Parameters ---------- expr : Expression indices : Indices Returns ------- Set[str] """ s = set() for e in exprs: for name, inds in get_refs(e).items(): if inds == indices: s.add(name) return s def get_refs(*exprs: Expression) -> Dict[str, Indices]: builder = {} for e in exprs: _get_refs(e, builder) return builder @typecheck(caller=str, expr=Expression) def matrix_table_source(caller, expr): from hail import MatrixTable source = expr._indices.source if not isinstance(source, MatrixTable): raise ValueError( "{}: Expect an expression of 'MatrixTable', found {}".format( caller, "expression of '{}'".format(source.__class__) if source is not None else 'scalar expression' ) ) return source @typecheck(caller=str, expr=Expression) def table_source(caller, expr): from hail import Table source = expr._indices.source if not isinstance(source, Table): raise ValueError( "{}: Expect an expression of 'Table', found {}".format( caller, "expression of '{}'".format(source.__class__) if source is not None else 'scalar expression' ) ) return source @typecheck(caller=str, expr=Expression) def raise_unless_entry_indexed(caller, expr): if expr._indices.source is None: raise ExpressionException(f"{caller}: expression must be entry-indexed" f", found no indices (no source)") if expr._indices != expr._indices.source._entry_indices: raise ExpressionException( f"{caller}: expression must be entry-indexed" f", found indices {list(expr._indices.axes)}." ) @typecheck(caller=str, expr=Expression) def raise_unless_row_indexed(caller, expr): if expr._indices.source is None: raise ExpressionException(f"{caller}: expression must be row-indexed" f", found no indices (no source).") if expr._indices != expr._indices.source._row_indices: raise ExpressionException( f"{caller}: expression must be row-indexed" f", found indices {list(expr._indices.axes)}." ) @typecheck(caller=str, expr=Expression) def raise_unless_column_indexed(caller, expr): if expr._indices.source is None: raise ExpressionException(f"{caller}: expression must be column-indexed" f", found no indices (no source).") if expr._indices != expr._indices.source._col_indices: raise ExpressionException( f"{caller}: expression must be column-indexed" f", found indices ({list(expr._indices.axes)})." )