.. _sec-getting_started: =============== Getting Started =============== Installation ------------ Batch is a Python module available inside the Hail Python package located at `hailtop.batch`. The Batch Service additionally depends on the Google Cloud SDK. Installing Batch on Mac OS X or GNU/Linux with pip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a `conda enviroment `__ named ``hail`` and install the Hail python library in that environment. If ``conda activate`` doesn't work, `please read these instructions `_ .. code-block:: sh conda create -n hail python'>=3.9' conda activate hail pip install hail Installing the Google Cloud SDK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you plan to use the Batch Service (as opposed to the local-only mode), then you must additionally `install the Google Cloud SDK `__. Try it out! ~~~~~~~~~~~ To try `batch` out, open iPython or a Jupyter notebook and run: .. code-block:: python >>> import hailtop.batch as hb >>> b = hb.Batch() >>> j = b.new_job(name='hello') >>> j.command('echo "hello world"') >>> b.run() You're now all set to run the :ref:`tutorial `!