=================== Hail Query-on-Batch =================== .. warning:: Hail Query-on-Batch (the Batch backend) is currently in beta. This means some functionality is not yet working. Please `contact us `__ if you would like to use missing functionality on Query-on-Batch! Hail Query-on-Batch uses Hail Batch instead of Apache Spark to execute jobs. Instead of a Dataproc cluster, you will need a Hail Batch cluster. For more information on using Hail Batch, see the `Hail Batch docs `__. For more information on deploying a Hail Batch cluster, please contact the Hail Team at our `discussion forum `__. Getting Started --------------- 1. Install Hail version 0.2.93 or later: .. code-block:: text pip install 'hail>=0.2.93' 2. `Sign up for a Hail Batch account `__ (currently only available to Broad affiliates). 3. Authenticate with Hail Batch. .. code-block:: text hailctl auth login 3. Specify a bucket for Hail to use for temporary intermediate files. In Google Cloud, we recommend using a bucket with `automatic deletion after a set period of time `__. .. code-block:: text hailctl config set batch/remote_tmpdir gs://my-auto-delete-bucket/hail-query-temporaries 4. Specify a Hail Batch billing project (these are different from Google Cloud projects). Every new user has a trial billing project loaded with 10 USD. The name is available on the `Hail User account page `__. .. code-block:: text hailctl config set batch/billing_project my-billing-project 5. Set the default Hail Query backend to ``batch``: .. code-block:: text hailctl config set query/backend batch 6. Now you are ready to `try Hail <../install/try.rst>`__! If you want to switch back to Query-on-Spark, run the previous command again with "spark" in place of "batch". .. _vep_query_on_batch: Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) ------------------------------ More information coming very soon. If you want to use VEP with Hail Query-on-Batch, please contact the Hail Team at our `discussion forum `__.