Source code for hail.representation.genotype

from import *
from hail.typecheck import *

[docs]class Genotype(object): """ An object that represents an individual's genotype at a genomic locus. .. testsetup:: g = Genotype(0, ad=[9,1], dp=11, gq=20, pl=[0,100,1000]) :param gt: Genotype hard call :type gt: int or None :param ad: allelic depth (1 element per allele including reference) :type ad: list of int or None :param dp: total depth :type dp: int or None :param gq: genotype quality :type gq: int or None :param pl: phred-scaled posterior genotype likelihoods (1 element per possible genotype) :type pl: list of int or None """ @handle_py4j def __init__(self, gt, ad=None, dp=None, gq=None, pl=None): """Initialize a Genotype object.""" jvm = Env.jvm() jgt = joption(gt) if ad: jad = jsome(jarray(, ad)) else: jad = jnone() jdp = joption(dp) jgq = joption(gq) if pl: jpl = jsome(jarray(, pl)) else: jpl = jnone() jrep = scala_object(Env.hail().variant, 'Genotype').apply( jgt, jad, jdp, jgq, jpl, False, False) self._gt = gt self._ad = ad self._dp = dp self._gq = gq self._pl = pl self._init_from_java(jrep) def __str__(self): return self._jrep.toString() def __repr__(self): fake_ref = 'FakeRef=True' if self._jrep.fakeRef() else '' if self._jrep.isLinearScale(): return 'Genotype(GT=%s, AD=%s, DP=%s, GQ=%s, GP=%s%s)' %\ (,, self.dp,,, fake_ref) else: return 'Genotype(GT=%s, AD=%s, DP=%s, GQ=%s, PL=%s%s)' % \ (,, self.dp,,, fake_ref) def __eq__(self, other): return self._jrep.equals(other._jrep) def __hash__(self): return self._jrep.hashCode() def _init_from_java(self, jrep): self._jrep = jrep @classmethod def _from_java(cls, jrep): g = Genotype.__new__(cls) g._init_from_java(jrep) g._gt = from_option( g._ad = jarray_to_list(from_option( g._dp = from_option(jrep.dp()) g._gq = from_option( g._pl = jarray_to_list(from_option( return g @property def gt(self): """Returns the hard genotype call. :rtype: int or None """ return self._gt @property def ad(self): """Returns the allelic depth. :rtype: list of int or None """ return self._ad @property def dp(self): """Returns the total depth. :rtype: int or None """ return self._dp @property def gq(self): """Returns the phred-scaled genotype quality. :return: int or None """ return self._gq @property def pl(self): """Returns the phred-scaled genotype posterior likelihoods. :rtype: list of int or None """ return self._pl
[docs] def od(self): """Returns the difference between the total depth and the allelic depth sum. Equivalent to: .. testcode:: g.dp - sum( :rtype: int or None """ return from_option(self._jrep.od())
@property def gp(self): """Returns the linear-scaled genotype probabilities. :rtype: list of float of None """ return jarray_to_list(from_option(
[docs] def dosage(self): """Returns the expected value of the genotype based on genotype probabilities, :math:`\\mathrm{P}(\\mathrm{Het}) + 2 \\mathrm{P}(\\mathrm{HomVar})`. Genotype must be bi-allelic. :rtype: float """ return from_option(self._jrep.dosage())
[docs] def is_hom_ref(self): """True if the genotype call is 0/0 :rtype: bool """ return self._jrep.isHomRef()
[docs] def is_het(self): """True if the genotype call contains two different alleles. :rtype: bool """ return self._jrep.isHet()
[docs] def is_hom_var(self): """True if the genotype call contains two identical alternate alleles. :rtype: bool """ return self._jrep.isHomVar()
[docs] def is_called_non_ref(self): """True if the genotype call contains any non-reference alleles. :rtype: bool """ return self._jrep.isCalledNonRef()
[docs] def is_het_non_ref(self): """True if the genotype call contains two different alternate alleles. :rtype: bool """ return self._jrep.isHetNonRef()
[docs] def is_het_ref(self): """True if the genotype call contains one reference and one alternate allele. :rtype: bool """ return self._jrep.isHetRef()
[docs] def is_not_called(self): """True if the genotype call is missing. :rtype: bool """ return self._jrep.isNotCalled()
[docs] def is_called(self): """True if the genotype call is non-missing. :rtype: bool """ return self._jrep.isCalled()
[docs] def num_alt_alleles(self): """Returns the count of non-reference alleles. This function returns None if the genotype call is missing. :rtype: int or None """ return from_option(self._jrep.nNonRefAlleles())
[docs] @handle_py4j @typecheck_method(num_alleles=integral) def one_hot_alleles(self, num_alleles): """Returns a list containing the one-hot encoded representation of the called alleles. This one-hot representation is the positional sum of the one-hot encoding for each called allele. For a biallelic variant, the one-hot encoding for a reference allele is [1, 0] and the one-hot encoding for an alternate allele is [0, 1]. Thus, with the following variables: .. testcode:: num_alleles = 2 hom_ref = Genotype(0) het = Genotype(1) hom_var = Genotype(2) All the below statements are true: .. testcode:: hom_ref.one_hot_alleles(num_alleles) == [2, 0] het.one_hot_alleles(num_alleles) == [1, 1] hom_var.one_hot_alleles(num_alleles) == [0, 2] This function returns None if the genotype call is missing. :param int num_alleles: number of possible alternate alleles :rtype: list of int or None """ return jiterable_to_list(from_option(self._jrep.oneHotAlleles(num_alleles)))
[docs] @handle_py4j @typecheck_method(num_genotypes=integral) def one_hot_genotype(self, num_genotypes): """Returns a list containing the one-hot encoded representation of the genotype call. A one-hot encoding is a vector with one '1' and many '0' values, like [0, 0, 1, 0] or [1, 0, 0, 0]. This function is useful for transforming the genotype call (gt) into a one-hot encoded array. With the following variables: .. testcode:: num_genotypes = 3 hom_ref = Genotype(0) het = Genotype(1) hom_var = Genotype(2) All the below statements are true: .. testcode:: hom_ref.one_hot_genotype(num_genotypes) == [1, 0, 0] het.one_hot_genotype(num_genotypes) == [0, 1, 0] hom_var.one_hot_genotype(num_genotypes) == [0, 0, 1] This function returns None if the genotype call is missing. :param int num_genotypes: number of possible genotypes :rtype: list of int or None """ return jiterable_to_list(from_option(self._jrep.oneHotGenotype(num_genotypes)))
[docs] @handle_py4j @typecheck_method(theta=numeric) def p_ab(self, theta=0.5): """Returns the p-value associated with finding the given allele depth ratio. This function uses a one-tailed binomial test. This function returns None if the allelic depth (ad) is missing. :param float theta: null reference probability for binomial model :rtype: float """ return from_option(self._jrep.pAB(theta))
[docs] def fraction_reads_ref(self): """Returns the fraction of reads that are reference reads. Equivalent to: >>>[0] / sum( :rtype: float or None """ return from_option(self._jrep.fractionReadsRef())
[docs]class Call(object): """ An object that represents an individual's call at a genomic locus. :param call: Genotype hard call :type call: int or None """ _call_jobject = None @handle_py4j def __init__(self, call): """Initialize a Call object.""" if not Call._call_jobject: Call._call_jobject = scala_object(Env.hail().variant, 'Call') jrep = Call._call_jobject.apply(call) self._init_from_java(jrep) def __str__(self): return self._jrep.toString() def __repr__(self): return 'Call(gt=%s)' % self._jrep def __eq__(self, other): return self._jrep.equals(other._jrep) def __hash__(self): return self._jrep.hashCode() def _init_from_java(self, jrep): self._jcall = Call._call_jobject self._jrep = jrep @classmethod def _from_java(cls, jrep): c = Call.__new__(cls) c._init_from_java(jrep) return c @property def gt(self): """Returns the hard call. :rtype: int or None """ return self._jrep
[docs] def is_hom_ref(self): """True if the call is 0/0 :rtype: bool """ return self._jcall.isHomRef(self._jrep)
[docs] def is_het(self): """True if the call contains two different alleles. :rtype: bool """ return self._jcall.isHet(self._jrep)
[docs] def is_hom_var(self): """True if the call contains two identical alternate alleles. :rtype: bool """ return self._jcall.isHomVar(self._jrep)
[docs] def is_called_non_ref(self): """True if the call contains any non-reference alleles. :rtype: bool """ return self._jcall.isCalledNonRef(self._jrep)
[docs] def is_het_non_ref(self): """True if the call contains two different alternate alleles. :rtype: bool """ return self._jcall.isHetNonRef(self._jrep)
[docs] def is_het_ref(self): """True if the call contains one reference and one alternate allele. :rtype: bool """ return self._jcall.isHetRef(self._jrep)
[docs] def is_not_called(self): """True if the call is missing. :rtype: bool """ return self._jcall.isNotCalled(self._jrep)
[docs] def is_called(self): """True if the call is non-missing. :rtype: bool """ return self._jcall.isCalled(self._jrep)
[docs] def num_alt_alleles(self): """Returns the count of non-reference alleles. This function returns None if the genotype call is missing. :rtype: int or None """ return self._jcall.nNonRefAlleles(self._jrep)
[docs] @handle_py4j @typecheck_method(num_alleles=integral) def one_hot_alleles(self, num_alleles): """Returns a list containing the one-hot encoded representation of the called alleles. This one-hot representation is the positional sum of the one-hot encoding for each called allele. For a biallelic variant, the one-hot encoding for a reference allele is [1, 0] and the one-hot encoding for an alternate allele is [0, 1]. Thus, with the following variables: .. testcode:: num_alleles = 2 hom_ref = Call(0) het = Call(1) hom_var = Call(2) All the below statements are true: .. testcode:: hom_ref.one_hot_alleles(num_alleles) == [2, 0] het.one_hot_alleles(num_alleles) == [1, 1] hom_var.one_hot_alleles(num_alleles) == [0, 2] This function returns None if the call is missing. :param int num_alleles: number of possible alternate alleles :rtype: list of int or None """ return jiterable_to_list(self._jcall.oneHotAlleles(self._jrep, num_alleles))
[docs] @handle_py4j @typecheck_method(num_genotypes=integral) def one_hot_genotype(self, num_genotypes): """Returns a list containing the one-hot encoded representation of the genotype call. A one-hot encoding is a vector with one '1' and many '0' values, like [0, 0, 1, 0] or [1, 0, 0, 0]. This function is useful for transforming the genotype call (gt) into a one-hot encoded array. With the following variables: .. testcode:: num_genotypes = 3 hom_ref = Call(0) het = Call(1) hom_var = Call(2) All the below statements are true: .. testcode:: hom_ref.one_hot_genotype(num_genotypes) == [1, 0, 0] het.one_hot_genotype(num_genotypes) == [0, 1, 0] hom_var.one_hot_genotype(num_genotypes) == [0, 0, 1] This function returns None if the call is missing. :param int num_genotypes: number of possible genotypes :rtype: list of int or None """ return jiterable_to_list(self._jcall.oneHotGenotype(self._jrep, num_genotypes))