Source code for hail.expr

import abc
from import scala_object, Env, jset
from hail.representation import Variant, AltAllele, Genotype, Locus, Interval, Struct, Call

class TypeCheckError(Exception):
    Error thrown at mismatch between expected and supplied python types.

    :param str message: Error message

    def __init__(self, message):
        self.msg = message

    def __str__(self):
        return self.msg

[docs]class Type(object): """ Hail type superclass used for annotations and expression language. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, jtype): self._jtype = jtype def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return self._jtype.toPrettyString(0, True, False) def __eq__(self, other): return self._jtype.equals(other._jtype) def __hash__(self): return self._jtype.hashCode()
[docs] def pretty(self, indent=0, attrs=False): """Returns a prettily formatted string representation of the type. :param int indent: Number of spaces to indent. :param bool attrs: Print struct field attributes. :rtype: str """ return self._jtype.toPrettyString(indent, False, attrs)
@classmethod def _from_java(cls, jtype): # FIXME string matching is pretty hacky class_name = jtype.getClass().getCanonicalName() if class_name in __singletons__: return __singletons__[class_name]() elif class_name == 'is.hail.expr.TArray': return TArray._from_java(jtype) elif class_name == 'is.hail.expr.TSet': return TSet._from_java(jtype) elif class_name == 'is.hail.expr.TDict': return TDict._from_java(jtype) elif class_name == 'is.hail.expr.TStruct': return TStruct._from_java(jtype) else: raise TypeError("unknown type class: '%s'" % class_name) @abc.abstractmethod def _typecheck(self, annotation): """ Raise an exception if the given annotation is not the appropriate type. :param annotation: value to check """ return
class Singleton(type): _instances = {} def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instances[cls] class SingletonType(Singleton, abc.ABCMeta): pass
[docs]class TInt(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to 32-bit integers .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#int>`__ - in Python, these are represented natively as Python integers """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TInt, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TInt')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation: return Env.jutils().makeInt(annotation) else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not isinstance(annotation, int): raise TypeCheckError("TInt expected type 'int', but found type '%s'" % type(annotation))
[docs]class TLong(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to 64-bit integers .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#long>`__ - in Python, these are represented natively as Python integers """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TLong, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TLong')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation: return Env.jutils().makeLong(annotation) else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not (isinstance(annotation, long) or isinstance(annotation, int)): raise TypeCheckError("TLong expected type 'int' or 'long', but found type '%s'" % type(annotation))
[docs]class TFloat(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to 32-bit floating point numbers .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#float>`__ - in Python, these are represented natively as Python floats """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TFloat, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TFloat')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): # if annotation: # return Env.jutils().makeFloat(annotation) # else: # return annotation # FIXME: This function is unsupported until py4j-0.10.4: raise NotImplementedError('TFloat is currently unsupported in certain operations, use TDouble instead') def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not isinstance(annotation, float): raise TypeCheckError("TDouble expected type 'float', but found type '%s'" % type(annotation))
[docs]class TDouble(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to 64-bit floating point numbers (python default) .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#double>`__ - in Python, these are represented natively as Python floats """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TDouble, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TDouble')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation: return Env.jutils().makeDouble(annotation) else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not isinstance(annotation, float): raise TypeCheckError("TDouble expected type 'float', but found type '%s'" % type(annotation))
[docs]class TString(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to str .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#string>`__ - in Python, these are represented natively as Python unicode strings """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TString, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TString')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not (isinstance(annotation, str) or isinstance(annotation, unicode)): raise TypeCheckError("TString expected type 'str', but found type '%s'" % type(annotation))
[docs]class TBoolean(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to bool .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#boolean>`__ - in Python, these are represented natively as Python booleans (i.e. ``True`` and ``False``) """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TBoolean, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TBoolean')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not isinstance(annotation, bool): raise TypeCheckError("TBoolean expected type 'bool', but found type '%s'" % type(annotation))
[docs]class TArray(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to list .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#array>`__ - in Python, these are represented natively as Python sequences :param element_type: type of array elements :type element_type: :class:`.Type` :ivar element_type: type of array elements :vartype element_type: :class:`.Type` """ def __init__(self, element_type): """ :param :class:`.Type` element_type: Hail type of array element """ jtype = scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TArray').apply(element_type._jtype) self.element_type = element_type super(TArray, self).__init__(jtype) @classmethod def _from_java(cls, jtype): t = TArray.__new__(cls) t.element_type = Type._from_java(jtype.elementType()) t._jtype = jtype return t def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): if annotation: lst = Env.jutils().iterableToArrayList(annotation) return [self.element_type._convert_to_py(x) for x in lst] else: return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation is not None: return Env.jutils().arrayListToISeq( [self.element_type._convert_to_j(elt) for elt in annotation] ) else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation: if not isinstance(annotation, list): raise TypeCheckError("TArray expected type 'list', but found type '%s'" % type(annotation)) for elt in annotation: self.element_type._typecheck(elt)
[docs]class TSet(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to set .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#set>`__ - in Python, these are represented natively as Python mutable sets :param element_type: type of set elements :type element_type: :class:`.Type` :ivar element_type: type of set elements :vartype element_type: :class:`.Type` """ def __init__(self, element_type): """ :param :class:`.Type` element_type: Hail type of set element """ jtype = scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TSet').apply(element_type._jtype) self.element_type = element_type super(TSet, self).__init__(jtype) @classmethod def _from_java(cls, jtype): t = TSet.__new__(cls) t.element_type = Type._from_java(jtype.elementType()) t._jtype = jtype return t def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): if annotation: lst = Env.jutils().iterableToArrayList(annotation) return set([self.element_type._convert_to_py(x) for x in lst]) else: return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation is not None: return jset( [self.element_type._convert_to_j(elt) for elt in annotation] ) else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation: if not isinstance(annotation, set): raise TypeCheckError("TSet expected type 'set', but found type '%s'" % type(annotation)) for elt in annotation: self.element_type._typecheck(elt)
[docs]class TDict(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to dict .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#dict>`__ - in Python, these are represented natively as Python dict :param key_type: type of dict keys :type key_type: :class:`.Type` :param value_type: type of dict values :type value_type: :class:`.Type` :ivar key_type: type of dict keys :vartype key_type: :class:`.Type` :ivar value_type: type of dict values :vartype value_type: :class:`.Type` """ def __init__(self, key_type, value_type): jtype = scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TDict').apply(key_type._jtype, value_type._jtype) self.key_type = key_type self.value_type = value_type super(TDict, self).__init__(jtype) @classmethod def _from_java(cls, jtype): t = TDict.__new__(cls) t.key_type = Type._from_java(jtype.keyType()) t.value_type = Type._from_java(jtype.valueType()) t._jtype = jtype return t def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): if annotation: lst = Env.jutils().iterableToArrayList(annotation) d = dict() for x in lst: d[self.key_type._convert_to_py(x._1())] = self.value_type._convert_to_py(x._2()) return d else: return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation is not None: return Env.jutils().javaMapToMap( {self.key_type._convert_to_j(k): self.value_type._convert_to_j(v) for k, v in annotation.iteritems()} ) else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation: if not isinstance(annotation, dict): raise TypeCheckError("TDict expected type 'dict', but found type '%s'" % type(annotation)) for k, v in annotation.iteritems(): self.key_type._typecheck(k) self.value_type._typecheck(v)
[docs]class Field(object): """ Helper class for :class:`.TStruct`: contains attribute names and types. :param str name: name of field :param typ: type of field :type typ: :class:`.Type` :param dict attributes: key/value attributes of field :ivar str name: name of field :ivar typ: type of field :vartype typ: :class:`.Type` """ def __init__(self, name, typ, attributes={}): = name self.typ = typ self.attributes = attributes
[docs]class TStruct(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to :class:`hail.representation.Struct` .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#struct>`__ - in Python, values are instances of :class:`hail.representation.Struct` :param names: names of fields :type names: list of str :param types: types of fields :type types: list of :class:`.Type` :ivar fields: struct fields :vartype fields: list of :class:`.Field` """ def __init__(self, names, types): """ """ if len(names) != len(types): raise ValueError('length of names and types not equal: %d and %d' % (len(names), len(types))) jtype = scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TStruct').apply(names, map(lambda t: t._jtype, types)) self.fields = [Field(names[i], types[i]) for i in xrange(len(names))] super(TStruct, self).__init__(jtype) @classmethod def _from_java(cls, jtype): struct = TStruct.__new__(cls) struct._init_from_java(jtype) struct._jtype = jtype return struct def _init_from_java(self, jtype): jfields = Env.jutils().iterableToArrayList(jtype.fields()) self.fields = [Field(, Type._from_java(f.typ()), dict(f.attrsJava())) for f in jfields] def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): if annotation: d = dict() for i, f in enumerate(self.fields): d[] = f.typ._convert_to_py(annotation.get(i)) return Struct(d) else: return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation is not None: return scala_object(Env.hail().annotations, 'Annotation').fromSeq( Env.jutils().arrayListToISeq( [f.typ._convert_to_j(annotation.get( for f in self.fields] ) ) else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation: if not isinstance(annotation, Struct): raise TypeCheckError("TStruct expected type hail.representation.Struct, but found '%s'" % type(annotation)) for f in self.fields: if not ( in annotation): raise TypeCheckError("TStruct expected fields '%s', but found fields '%s'" % ([ for f in self.fields], annotation._attrs)) f.typ._typecheck((annotation[]))
[docs] def transitive_fields(self): return ["`{}`".format(x) for x in self._transitive_fields("", [])]
def _transitive_fields(self, prefix, identifiers): for f in self.fields: if (isinstance(f.typ, TStruct)): f.typ._transitive_fields(".", identifiers) else: identifiers.append( return identifiers
[docs]class TVariant(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to :class:`hail.representation.Variant` .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#variant>`__ - in Python, values are instances of :class:`hail.representation.Variant` """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TVariant, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TVariant')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): if annotation: return Variant._from_java(annotation) else: return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation is not None: return annotation._jrep else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not isinstance(annotation, Variant): raise TypeCheckError('TVariant expected type hail.representation.Variant, but found %s' % type(annotation))
[docs]class TAltAllele(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to :class:`hail.representation.AltAllele` .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#altallele>`__ - in Python, values are instances of :class:`hail.representation.AltAllele` """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TAltAllele, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TAltAllele')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): if annotation: return AltAllele._from_java(annotation) else: return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation is not None: return annotation._jrep else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not isinstance(annotation, AltAllele): raise TypeCheckError('TAltAllele expected type hail.representation.AltAllele, but found %s' % type(annotation))
[docs]class TGenotype(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to :class:`hail.representation.Genotype` .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#genotype>`__ - in Python, values are instances of :class:`hail.representation.Genotype` """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TGenotype, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TGenotype')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): if annotation: return Genotype._from_java(annotation) else: return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation is not None: return annotation._jrep else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not isinstance(annotation, Genotype): raise TypeCheckError('TGenotype expected type hail.representation.Genotype, but found %s' % type(annotation))
[docs]class TCall(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to :class:`hail.representation.Call` .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#call>`__ - in Python, values are instances of :class:`hail.representation.Call` """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TCall, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TCall')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): if annotation: return Call._from_java(annotation) else: return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation is not None: return annotation._jrep else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not isinstance(annotation, Call): raise TypeCheckError('TCall expected type hail.representation.Call, but found %s' % type(annotation))
[docs]class TLocus(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to :class:`hail.representation.Locus` .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#locus>`__ - in Python, values are instances of :class:`hail.representation.Locus` """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TLocus, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TLocus')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): if annotation: return Locus._from_java(annotation) else: return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation is not None: return annotation._jrep else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not isinstance(annotation, Locus): raise TypeCheckError('TLocus expected type hail.representation.Locus, but found %s' % type(annotation))
[docs]class TInterval(Type): """ Hail type corresponding to :class:`hail.representation.Interval` .. include:: hailType.rst - `expression language documentation <types.html#interval>`__ - in Python, values are instances of :class:`hail.representation.Interval` """ __metaclass__ = SingletonType def __init__(self): super(TInterval, self).__init__(scala_object(Env.hail().expr, 'TInterval')) def _convert_to_py(self, annotation): if annotation: return Interval._from_java(annotation) else: return annotation def _convert_to_j(self, annotation): if annotation is not None: return annotation._jrep else: return annotation def _typecheck(self, annotation): if annotation and not isinstance(annotation, Interval): raise TypeCheckError('TInterval expected type hail.representation.Interval, but found %s' % type(annotation))
__singletons__ = {'is.hail.expr.TInt$': TInt, 'is.hail.expr.TLong$': TLong, 'is.hail.expr.TFloat$': TFloat, 'is.hail.expr.TDouble$': TDouble, 'is.hail.expr.TBoolean$': TBoolean, 'is.hail.expr.TString$': TString, 'is.hail.expr.TVariant$': TVariant, 'is.hail.expr.TAltAllele$': TAltAllele, 'is.hail.expr.TLocus$': TLocus, 'is.hail.expr.TGenotype$': TGenotype, 'is.hail.expr.TCall$': TCall, 'is.hail.expr.TInterval$': TInterval} import pprint _old_printer = pprint.PrettyPrinter class TypePrettyPrinter(pprint.PrettyPrinter): def _format(self, object, stream, indent, allowance, context, level): if isinstance(object, Type): stream.write(object.pretty(self._indent_per_level)) else: return _old_printer._format(self, object, stream, indent, allowance, context, level) pprint.PrettyPrinter = TypePrettyPrinter # monkey-patch pprint